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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Fly Away



  • @Ambigu,

    Thanks for the feedback.
    I'm curious though, can you tell me which part of the story that you think described the dilemma of a gay that you mentioned? Bisa kasih contoh? Maybe then I can understand better what you are asking.
  • chris such a romantic guy.... is there a guy like him really exist ? lol...

    i wonder what chris reaction if he find out what happened to john in indonesia.... hmm.....
  • @captenastro

    itu om pas proses mereka bisa nerima perasaan sendiri kalo mereka punya perasaan lebih dari temen .... pas itu kan mayan dilema ... apalagi kalo saling gengsi ... *curcol wkwkwkwk
  • I haven't had enough romance between chris & john <3
    well, your story's real enough for me (I find that your story's quite amusing so, I don't really care whether it's real or not)
  • Way to go b
    Chapter 1

    “The name is John. John Stevenson. It's a pleasure to meet you all”.

    Aku melirik ke sekeliling ruangan meeting itu, yang nampak hanyalah beberapa wanita berbisik2 dan pria pria dengan wajah tanpa senyum.
    "Well THAT went well" kataku dalam hati.
    Mr.Gunawan dengan cepat berdiri disampingku dan merangkul pundakku, "John ini lahir di Jakarta, tapi dia kuliah di London dan tinggal disana. Itu salah satu alasan mengapa dia dikirim dari kantor pusat London kesini. Dengan pengalaman kerja di sana dan background Indonesia nya, dia adalah orang yang tepat untuk project ini."

    Nothing but silence across the room.

    "Setelah sekian lama tinggal di London, tentunya kalian bisa mengerti keterbatasan John dalam bahasa Indonesia dan pengetahuannya tentang Jakarta. Untuk itu saya minta kesediaan kalian untuk membantu John beradaptasi disini."

    I know what he's trying to do, but it's not really working.

    "Kalian akan mendapatkan waktu untuk mengenal John lebih jauh, tapi untuk sekarang mari kita beri sambutan yang meriah untuk rekan baru kita, John Stevenson."

    Tepuk tangan Mr.Gunawan seakan memaksa yang lain untuk ikut serta memberikan sambutan yang hangat.

    "Thank you Mr.Gunawan." I smiled as I whispered to him.
    "Call me Hardi. And don't you worry, they'll warm up once they get to know you." bisiknya.

    "Selanjutnya" Dia kembali melanjutkan briefing pagi.
    "Ada beberapa update dari project di Pertamina. Seperti yang kita ketahui, minggu lalu...." His voice faded away into the background as my mind wandered back to the conversation that I had with my boss last week.

    "That's a bit racist actually!" I said accusingly. "You are sending me to Jakarta office just because I look asian!"

    "Oh com'on John, you know there's more to that. You're half Indonesian for goodness sake." said Chris Fountain as he got up from his big black leather chair. Chris was my boss, and I loved and respected him dearly because he never put himself as the boss. He treated me more like his work partner and also as a friend instead of just an employee. He was just a couple years older than me and we got on really well, in and outside the office.

    But this time, I didn't agree with him. Well, I could see his point and I knew that it was not his decision only, but still, I wanted him to know that I wasn't happy with the decision.

    "You think I like sending my best man to a country miles away from here? I'm not so thrilled about the idea too John, but you can see why the board thinks it's a good idea." now sitting on the edge of his desk in front of me.

    "But still, I know nothing about Indonesia, all my family is here, I practically grew up here, and I barely speak the language." I lied. I did speak Indonesian, a bit rusty maybe, but good enough to sustain casual conversation.

    "John, like I said, I'm not actually enjoying this. I'm going to miss you mate, even just for a couple of weeks."

    Oh he's good!
    Now he's playing the 'friend' card?
    He is good.

    "And hey, even though they've asked for two weeks visit, you can actually come back after a week. In fact everyone else before you did that."
    He walked toward the door but stopped just next to me and gave me a stern look. "And no, I am not using the 'friend' card!"

    What? He can read my mind too?

    He put his right hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. "I mean it."

    Darn it! Why do I have to be so close with my boss, he knows me too well.

    He tapped my shoulders a couple of times before walking out to the corridor.

    I guess that means this conversation is over.

    "Now com'on, if you stop your whining, we can still make it to the sushi bar for lunch and see if the girls we met yesterday are still around. That'll take our minds of this."

    I hate him.
    Why does he get to be right all the time?

    "Who knows, you may even get 'lucky' before your flight next week." His voice was still clear even though he was getting further away into the corridor.

    But I was in my own world, battling with my rants inside my head.
    Why am I the one who has to go?
    Why not him?
    Why does he get to have everything?
    The brain, the money, the power, the look, the body.
    I mean look at him walking.
    Even from behind he looks amazing.

    Wait, what did I just say?!

    "Ok, sekian briefing hari ini, terima kasih semuanya. Oh, jangan lupa hari ini kita ada makan siang bersama untuk menyambut kedatangan John."

    Aku tersentak ketika mendengar namaku disebut. Satu persatu mereka melangkah keluar dari ruangan sambil mengangguk kepadaku seakan menyapa ku tanpa suara. Berusaha terlihat ramah, Aku melempar senyum kecil, tapi aku menyesalkan mengapa lamunanku harus buyar dan aku harus kembali ke sini.
    Back to reality.
    Back to Jakarta...

    Way to go brad! Like the language and the story so much!
  • Gw juga koq enjoy bgt baca cerita ini, secara gw juga 12 tahun tinggal jauh dari indonesia dan tiba2 harus balik, mulai dari nol, adaptasi lagi...the rest i love the story!
  • musti kepisah dulu buat ngerasain cinta yg sebenrnya :)
  • Guys, thanks for the comments so far. Gue rencana mo nulis satu cerita lagi nih, again, loosely based on my life :-). tapi kayanya kali ini bakal bener2 pure english nulisnya, kapok nih coba pake bahasa indo, semua bilang kaku and kurang pas :-).
    Let me just start with some chapters first to see if it's worth writing.
  • edited June 2013
    @captenastro i've just read this story, and i think when you used the bahasa, it was good enough, but people has their own comfortable way to make something, hasn't their? and sorry if my english is bad, i'm still learning it. waiting your next story..
  • Glad that I found this story. :)
  • Amazing story. I'm totally speechless right now as I write this.
  • the most romantic scenes everrrrr...

    thankyou author for this masterpiece
  • the most romantic scenes everrrrr...

    thankyou author for this masterpiece
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