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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Lagu yg SOO GAY...-,-'



  • Oh...jadi ini account barunya???Hahaha...


    Kok pasang foto yang itu sih???Kenapa gak yang berdua saja Sayang???Atau yang sama Xander???


    setuju setuju .. Kenapa g yg bedua aja putunya ..??ato betiga ma xander..?? Hehe


    ohh gpp pi... Anggap aja thread sendiri ... :D Hehe
  • @alex1982

    munculnya musiman ya ..bebarengan gitu ... -,-a

  • @alex1982

    kalo ayah ma ngobrol ma yg dirumah aje...hehe
  • @alex1982

    kan ma mbak istri kalo d rmh... Jd ya gpp lah...hihihi
  • Mungkin sudah banyak yang denger di sini, d'sogan - meski kau lelaki
  • lagunya Daniel Bedingfield---If you're not the one

    kalo gak salah, suka dengerin sih...
    agak bingung dengan liriknya yang ngemis2 maksain cinta,.
    kalo cowok ke cewek gak mungkin kyaknya untuk pasangan gay ato lesbi....
  • If you’re not the one then why
    does my soul feel glad today?
    If you’re not the one then why
    does my hand fit yours this way?
    If you are not mine then why does
    your heart return my call
    If you are not mine would I have
    the strength to stand at all
    I'll never know what the future
    But I know you're here with me
    We’ll make it through
    And I hope you are the one I
    share my life with
    I don’t want to run away but I
    can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why
    does my heart tell me that I am?
    Is there any way that I can stay in
    your arms?
    If I don’t need you then why am I
    crying on my bed?
    If I don’t need you then why does
    your name resound in my head?
    If you’re not for me then why
    does this distance maim my life?
    If you’re not for me then why do I
    dream of you as my wife?
    I don’t know why you’re so far
    But I know that this much is true
    We’ll make it through
    And I hope you are the one I
    share my life with
    And I wish that you could be the
    one I die with
    And I pray in you’re the one I
    build my home with
    I hope I love you all my life
    I don’t want to run away but I
    can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why
    does my heart tell me that I am
    Is there any way that I can stay in
    your arms?
    ‘Cause I miss you, body and soul
    so strong that it takes my breath
    And I breathe you into my heart
    and pray for the strength to stand
    ‘Cause I love you, whether it’s
    wrong or right
    And though I can’t be with you
    You know my heart is by your side
    I don’t want to run away but I
    can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why
    does my heart tell me that I am
    Is there any way that I could stay
    in your arms

    (coba deh kalo ada yg mau bedah... )

  • diperjelas dengan lirik " ‘Cause I love you, whether it’s
    wrong or right"

    jelas2 so gay... :/
  • Run by Snow Patrol (lagu ditinggal bfnya kawin)

    "Light up light up,, as if you have a choice,, even if you can not hear my voice,, i'll be right beside you dear.."

    Happy by Leona Lewis (lagu gay galau yg ga dapet2 pacar)

    "Don't you take chances, you might feel the pain
    Don't you love in vain 'cause love won't set you free..
    So what if it hurts me? So what if I break down?
    So what if this world just throws me off the edge
    My feet run out of ground?
    I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound Don't care about all the pain in front of me 'Cause I'm just trying to be happy.."

    Can't Stop Love by Darin Zanyar (Lagu married..)

    "We stand here today, together as one You brighten my days, just like the sun When everything around, is like stormy weather, We always survive, cause were in this together..
    I can't stop, can't stop this love No matter what they say,
    I love you I can't stop, can't stop, I love you no matter what they say, I love you They said this love was the impossible kind But we were strong enough to fight for this life I can't stop, can't stop this love No matter what they say,
    I love you.."

    Reflection by Christina Aguilera (lagu para transgender waktu masih bocah.. my theme song all time,, tp gw laki tulen lo ciiiiinnnn :D)

    "i am now in the world that i have to hide my heart and what i believe in, but somehow i will sho the world what inside my heart and beloved who i am..
    who is the girls i see,, staring straight back at me,, why is my reflection show someone i don't know.. must i pretend that i'm someone else for all time,, when will my reflection show who i am inside"

    banyak juga lagu2 kalo dihubung2in ke gay,, kaya sil's suit d aimer (if loving was enough) by celine dion ato already gone by kelly clarkson.. atu emang diciptakan karena penciptanya gay seperti your song by elton john (highly recomended buat yang lagi fall in love!!) ato theme songnya love of siam :))))
  • #Mahadewi-Mengapa Oh Mengapa(cerita homoseks yg helpless d Indonesia)
    #Michael George-Freedom(cerita gay coming out)
  • @nip_eel

    eh ada si om ..hehe

    mo ng-update ini thread lupa mulu ...
  • @nip_eel

    bisa aja nih si om....hahaha

    emg gw uda update apaan aja..?bukan konten porno kan?? Hihihi
  • @nip_eel

    hohh yukk... #siapin tali ama sapu tangan >:)

    mau pake paksaan ato menyerahlan diri ..? Wkwkwk
  • @ferlyadiyatamanew

    asikk di update... Hehehe


    eh curang...nyolong start...

    #buka borgol pake kunci serep

    #borgol balik

    #iket tangan ma kaki trus tutup matanya

    lalau selanjutnya emmm *smirk :D
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