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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Lagu yg SOO GAY...-,-'



  • xanken wrote: »
    Eh iya... PENGUMUMAN! :D

    Selamat pagi buat Nak @Ambigu, Dek @shinshin, Dek @sascha, Mas @shank, Mas @alexxx... :D

    Mohon doanya buat Alex, Ezra, Xavi & Janu yg siang ini mo balik ke Jakarta! Semoga tiba tanpa kekurangan apa2... Amin! :)

    amin.... semoga selamat sampai tujuan
    suruh mas alex sms mas @xanken kalo udah nyampek hihihi
  • Hihihi om @xanken lupakan saja masalah barbienya om ben :))
    Semoga om alex dkk sampai jakarta dengan aman dan selamat yaw :)

    Om @shank aku kan sascha =))
  • Hahahaaha
    Om @xanken inget masih sore om ben masih hak milik 2 pria tampan lainnya :)
    *ajak maen xander n kenneth*
  • When I was in the third
    grade I thought that I
    was gay,
    'Cause I could draw, my
    uncle was, and I kept my
    room straight.
    I told my mom, tears
    rushing down my face
    She's like "Ben you've
    loved girls since before
    pre-k, trippin'."
    Yeah, I guess she had a
    point, didn't she?
    Bunch of stereotypes all
    in my head.
    I remember doing the
    math like, "Yeah, I'm
    good at little league."
    A preconceived idea of
    what it all meant
    For those that liked the
    same sex
    Had the characteristics
    The right wing
    conservatives think it's a
    And you can be cured
    with some treatment and
    Man-made rewiring of a
    Playing God, aw nah here
    we go
    America the brave still
    fears what we don't
    And God loves all his
    children, is somehow
    But we paraphrase a
    book written thirty-five-
    hundred years ago
    I don't know
    And I can't change
    Even if I tried
    Even if I wanted to
    And I can't change
    Even if I tried
    Even if I wanted to
    My love
    My love
    My love
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    If I was gay, I would think
    hip-hop hates me
    Have you read the
    YouTube comments
    "Man, that's gay" gets
    dropped on the daily
    We become so numb to
    what we're saying
    A culture founded from
    Yet we don't have
    acceptance for 'em
    Call each other faggots
    behind the keys of a
    message board
    A word rooted in hate,
    yet our genre still
    ignores it
    Gay is synonymous with
    the lesser
    It's the same hate that's
    caused wars from
    Gender to skin color, the
    complexion of your
    The same fight that led
    people to walk outs and
    sit ins
    It's human rights for
    everybody, there is no
    Live on and be yourself
    When I was at church
    they taught me
    something else
    If you preach hate at the
    service those words
    aren't anointed
    That holy water that you
    soak in has been
    When everyone else is
    more comfortable
    remaining voiceless
    Rather than fighting for
    humans that have had
    their rights stolen
    I might not be the same,
    but that's not important
    No freedom 'til we're
    equal, damn right I
    support it
    (I don't know)
    And I can't change
    Even if I tried
    Even if I wanted to
    My love
    My love
    My love
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    She keeps me warm
    We press play, don't
    press pause
    Progress, march on
    With the veil over our
    We turn our back on the
    'Til the day that my
    uncles can be united by
    When kids are walking
    'round the hallway
    plagued by pain in their
    A world so hateful some
    would rather die than be
    who they are
    And a certificate on
    paper isn't gonna solve it
    But it's a damn good
    place to start
    No law is gonna change
    We have to change us
    Whatever God you
    believe in
    We come from the same
    Strip away the fear
    Underneath it's all the
    same love
    About time that we
    raised up... sex
  • iya mirror nya miranti suram dan kelam gitu.... perlu dicrot gosok bilas mas @xanken haha

    dan bener kan ubay mengecewakan!
    daaaan... seperti saran saya. ubay harusnya Nyanyi mashup! dan Alhamdulillah tadi kesampean nyanyi mashup... ok lah daripada minggu kemaren
  • iya mirror nya miranti suram dan kelam gitu.... perlu dicrot gosok bilas mas @xanken haha

    dan bener kan ubay mengecewakan!
    daaaan... seperti saran saya. ubay harusnya Nyanyi mashup! dan Alhamdulillah tadi kesampean nyanyi mashup... ok lah daripada minggu kemaren
  • @sascha wrote: »
    Hihihi om @xanken lupakan saja masalah barbienya om ben :))
    Semoga om alex dkk sampai jakarta dengan aman dan selamat yaw :)

    Om @shank aku kan sascha =))

    mas @tjah-ja itu kah? hehe
  • mas @xanken jgn lupa nonton bareng sama mas ben yah.... sapa tau mas ben terinspirasi dengan kreatipitasnya video waria ntu....
    dan jadi teman sarapan tiap pagi wkwkkwwkwkwkw
  • oh tadi ga ada siaran ulang yah... mas @xanken ya untung deh

    mas ghani saya kayaknya jagoin virzha di idol2014 ini. si ubay jadi bangku cadangan aja...
    atau mungkin ntar finalnya virzha sama ubay ? hehehe
  • mas @xanken skrang jagoin yuka yah? sampe dibawa mimpi gitu qiqiqiqi
  • @xanken‌

    hahaha... geli ya sama rambutnya ubay.....
    kalo ubay dibotakin kayak husein gimana ya ?????
  • iya lucu ... ada dua kucing yg suka nonton tv lagi hahaha. suka dicurhatin lagi. emang temen yg setia hahaha
    emang mas @xanken suka kucing? iya kalau ada anaka bayi kurang bagus ntar. nunggu agak besaran aja. notabene anak kecil kebanyakan suka kucing.

    jiah... karna rambutnya ubay ajaa nih mas ghani berlain hati ?
    secara penampilan emang ubay belom wow... perlu wow factor lagi lah
    kalo nowela saya kurang suka attitude nya mas. saya jadi pengen si nowela nyanyi teamnya lorde deh
    soalnua dia nyanyi lagu2 yg saya ga tau. jadi kurang menikmati.
    kalo si virzha ini nyanyi lagu fav saya mulu.... daaaannnnnnnn. krman saya merinding lho mas pas si vierzha Nyanyi lagu daylight ♡
  • iya sama... mas @xanken
    baru kemaren bisa nikmati virzha. makanya baru putusin buat jagoin virzha. sblumnya koq saya bilang indonesian idol terboring hehe
  • boleh gabung ? :)
    sy mah jagoin Nowela aja , suaranya nendang bgt , tinggal attitudenya aja sih .. :)
    kalo yg buat cuci mata Husein , sexy bgt plontos gitu , bikin merinding selangkangan sih .. :D
  • kayak nya mas @xanken lagi demen kucing yah....
    belom pernah sama sekali piara kucing?
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