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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

My 1st year in gay world experience in Jakarta.



  • @Ambigu hei sama donk kita dapet temen YM dari sini. xD Tapi kalo gua si bukan curhat lebi ke banyakan nanya. Hah? Lucky apanya ? --"

    i see. Thank you thank you. kontra? Kita hajar aja xD kan kita berdua. Masa kalah xD
  • @loveblue
    curhatnya gw sekalian minta saran dari senior...;> maklum masalah umum nya para gay...-,-"
    iya lucky..katanya dia baik trus ganteng?mo direpotin jg lg...lucky kan...hehe
    oke kita hadapi pengatur strategi, elu eksekutornya y.....hihihi

    loh elu kok malah ngedukung bang @captenastro d kick out?wah jalur kiri nih...
    Masalah gitu kalo dia bukan gay?;>

  • @Ambigu and @loveblue

    Kalian tuh memang hobby becandain orang yah? ha ha ha.
    Tapi baguslah, dunia jadi boring tanpa canda tawa bocah2 kaya kalian, he he he...

  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
  • @loveblue

    I'm sorry, I didn't know that that question needed an answer. I thought it was clear that the whole time we were talking, I couldn't stop myself from having images of his peepee :-)
  • @captenastro
    so at the first sight...ampe kebayang terus kan itunya...???hehe
    btw masa bocah???kita udah cukup umur nee...;>
    @loveblue pssstt boleh tuh kita jadiin bang captenastro korban pertama kita...
    belum tau dia kemampuan para bocah2 ini...sigh...kita buat dia sampe kewalahan...muehehe eh...@loveblue sebenernya kita mo ngapain si??? -,-a hehe
  • edited January 2012
  • @loveblue
    lu gimana si....dia udah ngomong panjang lebar juga...wkwkwk

    eh apa yg gila?gw ta?

    Nope...g ada post an lu yg jam 01.09 PM...
    Gw cuma liat yg 02.09 PM komen lu blng yg "ngakak to the max bla bla bla" tp dibawahnya ada yg kosong tuh komen lu...kalo di atas 02.09 PM lgsg k komen gw...
    Mang napa?ada komen yg ilang???
  • edited January 2012
  • @loveblue
    sial lu! ;>
    asem....enak ae salah akui mata gw rabun(cylinder) tapi gw tuh type org yg sgt sgt teliti...selama ini hampir g ada kok yg terlewatkan sama gw...grrr
    muhaahaa (nyombong dulu hehe)
    n satu lg saya mah g kenal y sama yg namanya blush on...apa tuuhhh???
    gw taunya foundation, bedak BB, maskara, pensil alis etc etc...gyakakakak(nyari bocoran dari nyokap muehehe)
  • @capenastro Hmm, first mungkin karena gw terlalu takut menyatakan bahwa gw punya sisi lain, gw juga suka cowok.. I don't know when I started liking boy, maybe while I was in high school.. Di satu sisi gw sedang pacaran dengan seorang perempuan, tp di sisi lain I feel I have a crush with a man. At this point, I can't stand it anymore.. Bingung banget harus memilih yang mana.. Jujur I love my girlfriend, but I like that boy.. Dan ketika mau melangkah lebih jauh sama cowo itu, gw bener2 takut dan merasa nggak siap aja.. How do u think?
  • @greenlite92

    I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, I've been there before and I know how difficult it can be. I'm no expert by all means, but if anything, I hope you know that you have a friend that will genuinely listen to your story and may have a bit of understanding of what you're going through.

    Mungkin kalau lu cerita lebih jauh, akan bisa membantu kita semua untuk bisa kasih pendapat yang moga2 bisa dipertimbangkan. Kaya misalnya, sudah sejauh mana hubungan lu dengan your gf, sudah berapa lama, Lu umur berapa, cowok ini siapanya elu, how well do you know him? apa yang lu suka dari dia? do you think he like guys too? Do you think he likes you?

    Kalo lu ngak nyaman cerita disini, bisa pm gue, tapi kalo enggak bisa cerita lebih lanjut juga ngak apa2, gue ngerti kita semua punya privasi yang harus dijaga.

    But from what i've gathered, you feel confused about which one to choose. Well if I could say anything, that would be, in my humble opinion, I think you shouldn't choose your gf nor the boy. Don't leave your girlfriend because of the boy, and don't throw the boy out because of your gf. You should choose YOU! Your problem may suggest that it's between your gf and the boy, a girl and a boy, but I think you are forgetting the most important person in this case, which is yourself.

    I think it is crucial for you to find who you are and what you want out of life, and maybe to do that, you need to be on your own for awhile. I understand that by doing so, you might end up losing both your gf and the boy, but it is better than losing yourself.

    You mentioned that you loved your gf, but what kind of love you have for her? Don't forget, loving somebody doesn't mean that you have to be with them. I learnt in life, sometimes if you love somebody you have to learn to let them go. I think you would do her a big favour if you are not hold her back while you're figuring out yourself. But don't let her go just because of the boy. Don't break her heart just because you think you have a crush on him. I don't think that's the right thing to do.

    I don't know how well you know the boy, I also don't know whether you know for sure the boy likes you back, but most importantly, none of us know whether you'd be happier than now if you did go out with the boy, and that you wouldn't regret your decisions.

    So in short, I think it's not a situation where you have to choose between your gf or the boy. If you're still young, the chances are, there will more girls and boys coming in and out of your live. I think what you may have here is a wake up call and an opportunity to rediscover yourself, whoever that person is.

    Lots of hugs,

  • @Loveblue

    I'm really sorry, but I really can't see your comment/question that you're referring to. What's the question again?
  • Hah? Ga ada? Masa sih? Ah uda d lupain aja. Ga penting juga keknya.
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