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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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SNSD-Girls Generation



  • Jessica be like... idgaf

  • Ya nyatanya kan emg Sicaudah bukan member SNSD lg :smile:
  • yeah since soshi bond is fake
  • Tiffany sekarang pakenya kostum jessica yaw? lololol

  • Ya mgkin buat kamu fake tp buat saya Soshi bond is real :smile:
  • ya iyalah 8 pict doang yg dipajang , yg perform kan ber 8 . lol
    se enggaknya sica nongol pas video latihan , pas award award juga nongol .
    oiya , di Sone Note vol. 4 , foto Jessica juga di edit pake photoshop biar ga nongol , terus video pas fan meet juga bagian jessica di crop . lol

    itu udah kendali SM lah yaw
  • Sica bias ane tp ane kecewa sama dia knp dia lebih milih si tyler daripada 8 sisternya.
  • sure.
    their bond is as real as lowtier bully-ara. lol
  • G21G21
    edited December 2014
    bow down to the queen of lipsync

  • edited December 2014
    lol YoungJiiiiii ...
    hahaha , udah pernah keluar di Star King episode berapa lupa , guestnya si Sica =)) jamanya dia pentas Legally Blonde
  • G21G21
    edited December 2014
    like seriously why do those ajummas still exist in kpop. They cant even get along with each other after being together for years

    ikr! after spending 16 years or more in the kpop industry she's getting kicked out and forgetten by fans that easily. lolololol
  • dulu waktu simbok masih muda banyak yang bilang simbok mirip hyuna snsd loh den.
  • Yg ngelupain Sica siapa?? KSone,JSone msh support Sica. Yg gw tau gt :)
    Ya terserah kalo lo mau ngebenci OT8, haters gonna hate :)
  • support sica? suuuurrreee. just keep deluding yourself. lolololol

    "Good night Wan an jal jaa"

    1. [+307, -12] Hello, moshi moshi, yeoboseyo. I'm a global netizen too.

    2. [+183, -24] bye bye, jai jien, kkuh jyuh (screw off)

    3. [+147, -6] Guten tag, moshi moshi, hi, annyunghaseyo, bonjour, ni hao. I can do six.

    4. [+104, -18] Even I can do that

    5. [+49, -9] Thank you so much Jessica for allowing the other 8 members to focus on their work

    6. [+7, -4] A global star puhahahaha ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    7. [+7, -8] Maybe she wants hate in languages all over the globe too


    cr: Source
    40 fans gathered, 100 in total including reporters and passerbys. 

    1. [+237, -35] If 40 fans first showed up and there were 100 total in the crowd, wouldn't you call that an utter failure ㅋㅋㅋ

    2. [+201, -17] Are journalists joking or are they intentionally trying to give her a fuck you with the article title ㅋㅋㅋ The Jamshil Lotte Mall is such a busy place and only 40 fans showed up??? If there were 100 in total including reporters, then barely anyone came at all ㅋㅋㅋ

    3. [+133, -16] Too bad no one's on her side in Korea anymore. She's already known for being late and having bad attitude problems in the media and broadcast industry so she's screwed in Korea.

    4. [+22, -13] 40 fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    5. [+17, -3] 40 fans, 100 in total ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This article sounds like it was intentionally written by the journalist to screw her over

    6. [+15, -3] I thought the 100 number was for journalists only but that's including fans + reporters + passerbys? That's so bad...


    Source: Naver

    1. [+206, -74] Only 100? That's quite a lot, sure..

    2. [+190, -71] She's so selfish if you think about it. Can't imagine all that she's done to drive the other members against her.

    3. [+171, -70] They were all probably passerbys

    4. [+103, -20] I always thought that she'd maintain her popularity even after leaving SNSD but... seeing her gather only 100 today proves that isn't the case. 

    5. [+90, -30] People probably weren't watching for her popularity but out of interest of how things'll turn out.. probably a lot of antis there too.


    cr: Netizen Buzz
    Article: Jessica's new post directed at SNSD? "Honesty will always get you farther... than lies"
    Source: Mydaily via Naver 

    "Honesty will always get you farther in life than lies ever could"

    Tyler Kwon also wrote, "The truth will soon be revealed."

    1. [+1,659, -252] How about you start by living honestly... are you happy communicating with your Chinese fans on Weibo like this? For a chief designer, you sure have a lot of time to be attending so many events like this... promoting your own products on your Weibo and all. When do you have time to actually learn design? Too busy networking instead of actually studying design when you call yourself a chief designer who started a business overnight with no experience of her own other than her boyfriend..

    2. [+1,140, -181] She sure talks a lot for a designer. No different from Kris or Luhan.. she's just not filing a lawsuit because her sister's still in the company. 

    3. [+1,027, -149] What's wrong with her ㅠㅠ What's more important than honesty is her attitude. If she left SNSD to run her business, then she should be focusing on her business instead of going to all these events to keep herself relevant in the media. 

    4. [+898, -139] Sigh, she should realize being quiet is the best thing in this situation

    5. [+234, -26] Meanwhile Sunny's holding on to old memories and saying she can come back but Jessica's too immersed in herself to care

    6. [+209, -12] What's even worse about her is that she's holding a design contest for Blanc where the winner gets their design released as a product ㅋㅋㅋ Shouldn't she be preoccupied with getting her name out there with her own self made projects? What kind of chief designer gets their brand known through the works of others? ㅋㅋㅋ


    Source: Nate

  • i'm not hating tho.
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