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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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SNSD-Girls Generation



  • atas gw nulis apa sih itu? tagline snsd ya? ah lupakan

    iya pv yang kali ini bagus banget
  • edited October 2014
    jessica hits her high note in this song.. anyone can covered it? with same note and emotional? absolutely NO! TTS have great voice.. jessica's voice can't be replace with anyone included taeyeon, tiffany, seohyun or sunny.. it's so hard for Gorjezz
  • 141209 SNSD The Best Live at Tokyo Dome by SMTOWN Now





  • maomao datang juga ke konser as a special guest :smiley:
  • setlist semalem
    Flower Power
    Mr. Taxi

    Galaxy Supernova

    Karma Butterfly
    The Great Escape
    Animal - Hoot (remix gitu, macam The Great Escape - Can't Take My Eyes Off You)

    VTR (Black Swan)
    Run Devil Run
    TOP - The Boys - Reflection (remix lagi)

    Genie (konsep kyk tour 2011, fany rap, TOKYO DOME PUT IT BACK ON!!!)
    Bad Girl

    VTR (video jaman debut - skg, pake lagu complete)
    Divine (ppany nangis)

    Show Girls
    Chain Reaction

    My Oh My (pake naik kereta gitu)
    Kissing You
    Love & Girls
    Blue Jeans
    Not Alone
    Into The New World (Ballad Version)

    === ENCORE ===
    I Got a Boy
    Do The Catwalk
    All My Love is For You
  • Halo Sone, dsini sya cuma mo bilang "Saya Akan berhenti menyukai musik K-POP kalo SNSD udah gak aktif lagi(hiatus)"

    Itu saja Cukup.
    #Cliing #menghilang
  • @sunnyhoney‌ JSone ga terlalu terpengaruh sama keluarnya Sica. As i know, JSone tu fans yg loyal bgt sama GG. Todome aja sampe penuh gt, 55rb penonton bro :smile:
  • useless member kicked out from t-ara, knetz langsung backlash t-ara, support hwayoung.
    important member kicked out from snsd, knetz backlash jessica, support snsd. lolololol
  • iya lah , keliatan waktu di variety show si hwayoung agak di bully gimanaaaaaaa gitu sm member t-ara yg lain .
    nah kalo Jessi jg keluar gara gara di anggap selfish , lebih mentingin si Tyler Kwontol sama bisnis Blanc nya daripada SNSD , wkwk
  • yups , Jepang emang kayaknya loyal bgt sama idol mereka ,
    well , yg penting acara konser kemarin sukses
    kamu nonton gak ? @Autumn2309
  • the best live todome emang emosional parah. pas denger lagu divine, sama into the new world remix! aduh kacauuuu...!!!!!

    salut banget sama JSone yang sukses buat pink ocean.
    btw, seats kalo di jepang emang selalu duduk semua yah??
  • yupp @teknikteknik‌
    karena mereka mungkin lebih mudah diatur , jadi disediain kursi, eh JSone jg dapet perlakuan spesial ding dari SM, mungkin karena mereka royal , jd SM bisa mengeruk duit mereka , wkwk
  • @sunnhoney iya!! masa beli tiket dapet glow stick free. kan enak paraaah. tapi mereka apa2 dibeli. super loyal
  • @sunnyhoney‌ ga nonton cz konsernya hari selasa. Mgkin kalo weekend bisa ntn
  • After singing Into The New World and the end of the concert, only 8 members childhood picture was displayed. what a pity. lol
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