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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Hot Guys in Game



  • Yeah, I'm not that fond either seeing him in samurai armor, tapi dengan keliatan mukanya aja dah kerasa pesonanya dya

    what a handsome guy!! :D
  • StupidWiz wrote:
    yeah he's quiet handsome too, Thx for sharing :wink:


    Harusnya Final Fantasy series do the same nih! Gila, kalo karakternya dimodel berdasarkan Takeshi Kaneshiro dan attitudenya kyak Squall ato Cloud. Klepek2 gw. Yang the best tu kalo ada Shounen Ai twistnya...wah meleleh gw maininnya.
  • forgive my lack of knowledge, but what's a shounen ai actually..? :?:
  • StupidWiz wrote:
    For your request Sandy


    Looks noble he is


    What's with the whip..? :P Regardless, I think they're all sexy in their own way, I don really like long haired guy though :wink:
    I noticed the three (or maybe Alucard too?) of them have the same last name, are they siblings? :?:

    Btw, I'm not going to post any new pics soon cause there's some virus that forces my PC to shut down whenever I start to play Lineage 2, this really pisses me off, so guys, wish me luck in getting rid of it :evil:

    the whip is the Belmont's clan heirloom. it's the legendary weapon from the Belmont's clan that has been used for ages to fight Count Vlad Tepes Dracula and his minions. he3... 8)

    yes, the three are from Belmont's clan. Simon Belmont, Trevor Belmont, Richter Belmont. :wink: :P

    no, Alucard is definitely not from the Belmont's clan. Alucard is the son of Dracula, from his marriage with a woman, Lisa. this made him half-breed. he promises to stand up against his father's tyranny upon humanity as long as the cursed blood of vampire still flows in his veins (which means forever in his life), because he loves his mother so much, and Lisa's last words (before she was stoned to death because of her forbidden love with Dracula) were to live along with humans, & even if Alucard couldn't live with them then at least he should do them no harm. He's the main protagonist of the so-called best series in Castlevania ever, Symphony of the Night. :) :D
  • StupidWiz wrote:
    forgive my lack of knowledge, but what's a shounen ai actually..? :?:

    shounen = boy

    ai = love

    shounen ai = boy's love :wink: :P

    a genre in manga/anime that is build on love between boys... gay-themed story gtu deh... 8)

    contoh, hubungannya Tasuya Suou dan Jun Kurosu di game Persona 2: Innocent Sin... he3... :) :D
  • sandy_kam wrote:
    StupidWiz wrote:
    forgive my lack of knowledge, but what's a shounen ai actually..? :?:

    shounen = boy

    ai = love

    shounen ai = boy's love :wink: :P

    a genre in manga/anime that is build on love between boys... gay-themed story gtu deh... 8)

    contoh, hubungannya Tasuya Suou dan Jun Kurosu di game Persona 2: Innocent Sin... he3... :) :D
    I should google this, thanks for your info! ^^

    Wow, Alucard's kinda like us huh? despised by most of humanity :(
  • For those who likes action game, he may not be a stranger for you anymore :wink:


    For those who don't know him, he's Jason Bourne from PS3 game called Bourne Conspiracy


    which one who looks more handsome in your opinion? this guy or Matt Damon who played as Jason Bourne in the movie? :P


    I want to play him so bad, but he's not coming to PC at any time soon, or maybe never, sucks :x
  • I'm thinking bout creating another cute character based on Human Fighter template, which one should I pick..? :oops:


    This one? or maybe this... :?:


    I like the haircut of this though ^^


    The point is, the three of them are so damn cute, my question is, why do fighter class in almost all RPG are designed to be cute and handsome while the Wizard class are designed to be old and ugly..? That's so~ unfa~ir :roll:
  • Hi guys, new pics


    I safely bet there are only few (maybe no one at all ) here knows him, meet George Stobbart, the main hero in Broken Sword series, one of most wonderful point and click adventure games in history 8)


    Actually, the Broken Sword itself began in 2D world, but starting with Broken Sword 3 : The Sleeping Dragon, we can enjoy handsome and sexy George in 3D ^^


    I chose the pics of him in the third series because he's at his best there, he even had to slay the dragon to save the world, and just look at his appearance, aw, I miss him already, sadly the series currently stops at fourth installment Broken Sword IV : Angel of Death with a disappointing and unimpressive ending :?
  • StupidWiz wrote:
    sandy_kam wrote:
    StupidWiz wrote:
    forgive my lack of knowledge, but what's a shounen ai actually..? :?:

    shounen = boy

    ai = love

    shounen ai = boy's love :wink: :P

    a genre in manga/anime that is build on love between boys... gay-themed story gtu deh... 8)

    contoh, hubungannya Tasuya Suou dan Jun Kurosu di game Persona 2: Innocent Sin... he3... :) :D
    I should google this, thanks for your info! ^^

    Wow, Alucard's kinda like us huh? despised by most of humanity :(

    I'm sorry, the name is actually Tatsuya Suou, I mistyped a little...he3... :wink: :P

    yep, and after all that, he still can live with noble, kind, & gentle he is..and all that is for the sake of his love towards his mother... :) :D
  • edited September 2009
    Finally.... RE 5 is out on PC!!! yay~


    Now I can get to enjoy the lovely Chris Redfield... yummy :P :lol:


    Oh Chris why do u have to be so cool, handsome and cute at the same time (which is a rare combination =P ), sexy, brave and tough..? I guess the ideal of a man has been mixed well in this hunk :oops:


    And what made it more fun, I can play together with my brother through LAN connection! which is cool, in fact, I never enjoy playing survival horror ( I don't even like that genre ) like this before.. :D :oops:


    Anyway, I'd like to thank some ppl in CAPCOM that had made my aspiration come true by converting RE 5 to PC, I hope that CAPCOM will be more successful and make more great games like this in the future..

    Thank You CAPCOM!! muach2 :oops: :lol: :D
  • cowok arab di Assasin's Creed yang namanya Altair Ibn Al Ahad. he's hot!!!



  • edited September 2009
    yeah gw juga "ngincer" dya sih buat kolekdi dvd game gw, cuma gw kurang suka ma cowo yg pake hood gitu, rambutny ga keliatan, mnurut gw rambut salah satu faktor yg bikin seseorang tuh attractive hehehe, tapi diliat dri mulutnya aja dah kliatan ganteng ya wakaka :lol: :lol:

    like this guy :wink:


    with that outfit, he's kinda sexy, coba hoodnya dya buka, mungkin lbh ganteng lagi dya, kecuali kalo emang palanya botak, i don't really like bald guy :?


    Ada yang taw ini sapa..? he he he :wink:
    Gosh.. he is HOT!!
    n even hotter with all those magical abilities ;)

    *baru tau ada thread ini*
  • ramirez wrote:
    Gosh.. he is HOT!!
    n even hotter with all those magical abilities ;)

    *baru tau ada thread ini*
    well hello there mr writer.. didn't know you're into games too :oops:

    Luc...? the wind master? yeah he's kinda cute too.. care to upload his hot pics here..? :wink:

    how bout this one...?


    His name is Howard Wright, I heard he's one of those foreign exchange students placed in Japan, CMIIW, since I've no PS3 :( I've no chance to play as him..


    Lots of controversy regarding why the casts have to be mainly western ppl (originally, in its prequel, these series has Japanese ppl as the heroes in its story) which ruined the originality of Siren Blood Curse series, but I think western cast is totally cool, especially with him as the main protagonist XD~
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