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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Spongebob = gay???!!!



  • bd wrote:
    SasoDeism wrote:
    PErasaan ungu ntu warna janda. Trus yang nenteng2 purse ntu dipsi, bukan tinky winky. apa yang salah saia yah?!?!? :shock:


    wahahhahahaa.... :lol:
    waakakkakkakka.... :D
    GILA>....... :x

    pa lagi potonya..... :P

    Jadi inget PENGAMEN yg pke costum teletubbies...
    bayangin aj klo nenteng gituan...
    yg adamah nENTENg SALON...!
    sumpah GOKIL LOE......
  • Tinky Winky - the Gay Teletubby?

    By Carolyn Gargaro
    Rightgrrl Co-Founder
    February 11, 1999

    Teletubbies. Love 'em or hate 'em, they are currently in the news. Why? Because it was suggested in The National Liberty Journal that one of the Teletubbies named "Tinky Winky" could be gay.

    Let me first make it clear that this article is not about homosexuality itself. This is about obvious overreaction and biased reporting from the media.

    The February edition of The National Liberty Journal, edited and published by the Reverend Jerry Falwell, contained an article warning parents the Teletubby "Tinky Winky" may be a gay role model. The publication says Tinky Winky has the voice of a boy but carries a purse. It says: "He is purple the gay-pride color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle -- the gay-pride symbol."

    When I first heard this, my immediate reaction was, "Oh come on!! No one would think that! This is really reaching....just because Tinky Winky is purple...?"

    I then found out that the possible "gayness" of Tinky Winky was far from a new observation. The Reverend Falwell was not the first person to mention this. That's right. Other media outlets have previously reported, since 1997, that Tinky Winky is or could be gay. In fact, there were rumors that the character would be pulled because of the possible sexual orientation, but it obviously wasn't.

    Some Facts:
    On the 24th of December, 1997 CNN reported that Tinky Winky was gay.
    "The Teletubbies also have a following among the gay community. Tinky Winky, who carts around a red handbag but speaks with a male voice, has become something of a gay icon." CNN, 12/24/97
    On April 17, 1998, the Village Voice praised the Teletubbies series for their gay Tinky Winky character.

    On January 1, 1999, in its New Year's IN/OUT list, The Washington Post anointed "Tinky Winky, the gay Teletubby," as next year's Ellen DeGeneres.

    In 1997, when the BBC, which produces the show, wanted to fire the human who plays Tinky for dancing in the streets wearing only a balloon, gay groups protested. It has also been reported that some gay groups have "claimed Tinky Winky as their own". (Washington Post, February 11, 1999, Page C01)

    So why the sudden media frenzy? It's pretty simple. Publications such as the Village Voice praised the Teletubbies; Jerry Falwell criticized them. The former is obviously more politically correct. The reason the Teletubbies have become the latest hot topic is because a publication reported that the character could be gay and criticized it. It was the criticism that caused this to become a story - not the fact that someone suggested that Tinky Winky could be gay. But to hear the media reports, you'd think that The Liberty Journal was the first and only publication or media outlet to suggest such a thing.

    Perhaps the people at The Liberty Journal would not have published this new...wait, this OLD, information about Tinky Winky if it hadn't been reported here and there since 1997. Where was all this investigative reporting when the Washington Post carried the information in January 1999? Did all the news stations carry the statements made by the Village Voice back in 1998? This is a perfect example of how the media twists such a situation. The Teletubbies are ALL OVER the news, and all the news programs are acting as if this is the FIRST TIME anyone had suggested such a "ridiculous" thing. The impression people are left with is that the Reverend Falwell just thought up some outlandish thing and applied it to a children's show. No matter what one's view is on homosexuality, this should be seen as totally unfair. Somehow a "scandal" erupts when a publication which doesn't condone homosexuality reports what has already been published elsewhere. Is the media that hard up for newsworthy items?
  • bd wrote:
    from wikipedia:
    Today the color purple is also known as a "pride" color among the gay community.

    ya kaya warna pink sebagai warna cewek, dan warna biru sebagai warna cowok (parahnya, pengkategorian kaya gini udah dikenalkan semenjak bayi)

    tentang ungu itu warna janda, itu kayaknya cuma di indonesia aja deh. (menurut gue loh..)

    Gw suka warna ungu :oops:
  • Bang_Jo wrote:
    bd wrote:
    from wikipedia:
    Today the color purple is also known as a "pride" color among the gay community.

    ya kaya warna pink sebagai warna cewek, dan warna biru sebagai warna cowok (parahnya, pengkategorian kaya gini udah dikenalkan semenjak bayi)

    tentang ungu itu warna janda, itu kayaknya cuma di indonesia aja deh. (menurut gue loh..)

    Gw suka warna ungu :oops:

    BRARTi KLO LOE GaK GAY YA JANDE...wakakakkakkaka....
    piz.... :wink:
  • Bang_Jo wrote:
    bd wrote:
    from wikipedia:
    Today the color purple is also known as a "pride" color among the gay community.

    ya kaya warna pink sebagai warna cewek, dan warna biru sebagai warna cowok (parahnya, pengkategorian kaya gini udah dikenalkan semenjak bayi)

    tentang ungu itu warna janda, itu kayaknya cuma di indonesia aja deh. (menurut gue loh..)

    Gw suka warna ungu :oops:

    u'r so gay! :lol: 8)

    OMG! Gw baru ngeh kalo Tinky Winky ntu se-gay itu!! Untung ponakan gw yg nonton cewe smua! wakakaka!!

    Err, ada kartun yang mengandung subtle lesbian material ga? :)
  • bd wrote:
    malah ada kartun yang terang2an mengangkat isu homoseksual.
    kartun buat dewasa sih sebenernya.

    i love QUEER DUCK! humornya cerkas banget.. LOL


    TAPI gak di diSiarin di tipi INDO y? :lol:
  • eh iya nbgomong2 tinky weinky
    simbolnya segitiga
    katanya simbol gay?
    maksudny apa y?
  • bd wrote:
    kalo setahu gue tuh, simbol segitiga itu merujuk pada Pink Triangle.
    Jadi dulu, orang-orang yang diduga homosexual dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi Nazi, dan mereka dipakein lencana segitiga pink buat identifikasi. gitu..

    oh gitu ya bro...
    BTW Loe pinter nget, tau baget yg berhubungan degan DUNIA homo / gay...! :twisted:
  • bd wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    bd wrote:
    kalo setahu gue tuh, simbol segitiga itu merujuk pada Pink Triangle.
    Jadi dulu, orang-orang yang diduga homosexual dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi Nazi, dan mereka dipakein lencana segitiga pink buat identifikasi. gitu..

    oh gitu ya bro...
    BTW Loe pinter nget, tau baget yg berhubungan degan DUNIA homo / gay...! :twisted:

    kebetulan sih gue suka nonton film (gue tau pink triangle dari film nazi gitu), daaan.. hello??? googling kan bisa? haha..

    iya deh...dan HELLO JUGa....?
  • Shank wrote:
    bd wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    bd wrote:
    kalo setahu gue tuh, simbol segitiga itu merujuk pada Pink Triangle.
    Jadi dulu, orang-orang yang diduga homosexual dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi Nazi, dan mereka dipakein lencana segitiga pink buat identifikasi. gitu..

    oh gitu ya bro...
    BTW Loe pinter nget, tau baget yg berhubungan degan DUNIA homo / gay...! :twisted:

    kebetulan sih gue suka nonton film (gue tau pink triangle dari film nazi gitu), daaan.. hello??? googling kan bisa? haha..

    iya deh...dan HELLO JUGa....?

    kyanya ga gt...segitiga kebalik=gay,tu karena kita kan tahu klo lambangnya cowok tu kan lingkaan yg da sgitiga,kya gini 0-> trz orang2 nyimpulin klo lambang tinkywinky yang sgi3 kbalik tu artinya gay
  • bd wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    bd wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    bd wrote:
    kalo setahu gue tuh, simbol segitiga itu merujuk pada Pink Triangle.
    Jadi dulu, orang-orang yang diduga homosexual dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi Nazi, dan mereka dipakein lencana segitiga pink buat identifikasi. gitu..

    oh gitu ya bro...
    BTW Loe pinter nget, tau baget yg berhubungan degan DUNIA homo / gay...! :twisted:

    kebetulan sih gue suka nonton film (gue tau pink triangle dari film nazi gitu), daaan.. hello??? googling kan bisa? haha..

    iya deh...dan HELLO JUGa....?

    kyanya ga gt...segitiga kebalik=gay,tu karena kita kan tahu klo lambangnya cowok tu kan lingkaan yg da sgitiga,kya gini 0-> trz orang2 nyimpulin klo lambang tinkywinky yang sgi3 kbalik tu artinya gay

    helloooo.. lambang cowok itu pake panah, bukan segitiga. misalkan emang bener lambang cowok itu lambang segitiga, terus kenapa orang2 nyimpulin si tinky winky gay? karena dia cowok? padahal cowok belum tentu gay.

    karena dia suka jinjing tas ibu-ibu yang girly banget...kontras sama badannya yang paling gede dibanding tubbies yang lain...warna ungu pula!
  • kalo menurut gw sih emang spongebob ama patrick rada2 'mencurigakan' mereka digamabrin sahabat tapi kok rada2 nyerempet ke arah itu yaa.. ehehehe..
    trus kalo teletubuis sih mungkin sutradaranya pengen bikin film ttg sosok yg gak berkelamin. tapi jatohnya yaa kaya' gitu.. emang segala sesuatu harus punya kelamin yak :/
  • Waduh, trit lama bangkit kembali ya @Shank.
  • gila 2012 gw bru tau si kuning gay.. Makasih buat @Ryan_P udah ngebangkitin trit bermutu kayak gini (dan trit lainnya)
  • Hah? Segitiga simbol gay? Berarti Triforce-nya Zelda selama ini simbol gay dong? LOL!!!

    Spongebob ngga kepikir soal gay2an-nya ada di mana. Menurut saya inilah kebiasaan orang waktu nonton terus menghubung2kan. Warna pink diasosiasikan dengan gay dll.

    Gw lebih lihat kalo mr.Bob lebih ke arah jokes sosial, misalnya jokes2 yang sering terjadi di office dll. Very obvious jokes dan sindirannya hahaha.
    Above all, SPB is a very nice cartoon dan menurut gw emang ini ngga cocok buat anak kecil, bukan masalah mengajarkan gay atau preferensi seksual yg menyimpang, tapi karena anak kecil ngga akan mudeng jokes-nya.
    Paling2 nanti 20 tahun lagi waktu mereka nonton ulang baru bisa relate lagi.
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