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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Parfum atow Minyak Wangi yg Enak...?



  • kalo aku seh cuma pake 2 brand aja..

    kalo buat hangout aku pake 212 sexy man.. baunya enak bgt jd ngerasa sexy trs kalo pake itu.. :lol:

    kalo mo acara agak resmian aku pake bvlgari extreme

    mending kalo pake gk usah ganti2 brand biar jd khas kamu baunya..
  • oBbye wrote:
    kalo aku seh cuma pake 2 brand aja..

    kalo buat hangout aku pake 212 sexy man.. baunya enak bgt jd ngerasa sexy trs kalo pake itu.. :lol:

    kalo mo acara agak resmian aku pake bvlgari extreme

    mending kalo pake gk usah ganti2 brand biar jd khas kamu baunya..

    Bnr bgt tuh,biar pny wangi khas.
    Stdakx pny 2 mcem lah.

    Kalo gwa msh blm bs gt,soalx blum menemukan yg cocok bwt gwa,jadix msh suka gonta ganti perfume dh.
    Bwt nyari wangi yg pas gt.
  • afkaristan wrote:
    RECTORY wrote:
    I always use Bvlgari Extreme for the day and Chanel Egoiste Platinum in the evening.

    But lately I'd been using L'Artisan Parfumeur Fou D'absinthe. I like this so..very much that I also bought the scented candles as well.
    The smell is truly mysterious and sexy..and whenever I lighted the Fou D'absinthe candles around the house...'s honeymoon all over again with me & my boyfriend!!

    :wink: :wink: :wink:
    uda kawin toh, rec?
    NIKAH sih BLOm, ntar LAGI,,,! hehehhehe....
    *bener gak MAS RECTORY? :mrgreen:

    tapi KLO KAWIN sering, kayaknya, LOL
    wakakakkakakkaka..... :mrgreen:
  • jadi kepengen YG Merk IMPORT2 itu deh.....
    kayaknya KEREN bget..
    makasih ya INFOnya...thanks :wink:
    GOD bless u ALL...... :P
  • Shank wrote:
    afkaristan wrote:
    RECTORY wrote:
    I always use Bvlgari Extreme for the day and Chanel Egoiste Platinum in the evening.

    But lately I'd been using L'Artisan Parfumeur Fou D'absinthe. I like this so..very much that I also bought the scented candles as well.
    The smell is truly mysterious and sexy..and whenever I lighted the Fou D'absinthe candles around the house...'s honeymoon all over again with me & my boyfriend!!

    :wink: :wink: :wink:
    uda kawin toh, rec?
    NIKAH sih BLOm, ntar LAGI,,,! hehehhehe....
    *bener gak MAS RECTORY? :mrgreen:

    tapi KLO KAWIN sering, kayaknya, LOL
    wakakakkakakkaka..... :mrgreen:
    hati-hati kalo ngomong
    ntar kesambet petir lu...
  • afkaristan wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    afkaristan wrote:
    RECTORY wrote:
    I always use Bvlgari Extreme for the day and Chanel Egoiste Platinum in the evening.

    But lately I'd been using L'Artisan Parfumeur Fou D'absinthe. I like this so..very much that I also bought the scented candles as well.
    The smell is truly mysterious and sexy..and whenever I lighted the Fou D'absinthe candles around the house...'s honeymoon all over again with me & my boyfriend!!

    :wink: :wink: :wink:
    uda kawin toh, rec?
    NIKAH sih BLOm, ntar LAGI,,,! hehehhehe....
    *bener gak MAS RECTORY? :mrgreen:

    tapi KLO KAWIN sering, kayaknya, LOL
    wakakakkakakkaka..... :mrgreen:
    hati-hati kalo ngomong
    ntar kesambet petir lu...

    AH MASA sih..........!

    TAKUT........... HIHIIIHII... :mrgreen:
  • personal scent gw..

    paris hilton for men.
    bau nya ringan tapi punya scent yg kuat.
  • Dimas des wrote:
    personal scent gw..

    paris hilton for men.
    bau nya ringan tapi punya scent yg kuat.

    Wew,makin byk gwa liat orang pada ngerekomen ph4men.
    Jd tmbh membulatkan tekad w bwt beli nich.
    Kalo yg heires ama just me pernh nyoba jg g brow?
  • DRACO wrote:
    Dimas des wrote:
    personal scent gw..

    paris hilton for men.
    bau nya ringan tapi punya scent yg kuat.

    Wew,makin byk gwa liat orang pada ngerekomen ph4men.
    Jd tmbh membulatkan tekad w bwt beli nich.
    Kalo yg heires ama just me pernh nyoba jg g brow?

    heiress,. buat cewe bukan??
    just me for men ga jadi beli pas nyoba tester nya kurang sip.
  • Dimas des wrote:
    DRACO wrote:
    Dimas des wrote:
    personal scent gw..

    paris hilton for men.
    bau nya ringan tapi punya scent yg kuat.

    Wew,makin byk gwa liat orang pada ngerekomen ph4men.
    Jd tmbh membulatkan tekad w bwt beli nich.
    Kalo yg heires ama just me pernh nyoba jg g brow?

    heiress,. buat cewe bukan??
    just me for men ga jadi beli pas nyoba tester nya kurang sip.

    Eh gt yah,heires bwt ce yah.
    Kali az ad yg 4 mennya jg.

    Bdw,lu kmaren beli phny brapa?
    Gw udh beli,tp blm dtng.
    Bruw pesen.
  • Gw suka parfum yang seger, gak terlalu menyengat.. Agak unisex
    Coba Lacoste Essential deh, atau Kenzo Leu Par. Kalo yang agak murah, benneton sport aja, yang abu2.. paling gak sampe 150rb. Waktu itu ada Adidas juga ke kantor, nyoba yang warna orange (lupa nama variant nya) lumayan, ngga kyk adidas lain, walaupun gak terlalu long lasting
  • Britney Spears baru merelease parfum buat para gay, 'Mo'. Belum jelas maksud dari nama Mo.

    Tagline nya :
    One spray, and the gays will run your way... ^.^

    Entah suatu saat nanti bakal masuk nusantara ato ga. Yg jelas, kalopun ada, moga2 di produknya ga dilabel "For gay...". Wah! Ribet dech kalo pas bayar dikasir, orang malah cekikikan... LOL
  • oh ya? baru tau...
    mang britney mau buka pabrik PARFUM? LOL :lol:
  • Shank wrote:
    oh ya? baru tau...
    mang britney mau buka pabrik PARFUM? LOL :lol:

    Engga, tadi gua sempet nge-check BH trus baca beritanya.

    Lebih jelasnya :
  • Shank wrote:
    oh ya? baru tau...
    mang britney mau buka pabrik PARFUM? LOL :lol:

    Engga, tadi gua sempet nge-check BH trus baca beritanya.

    Lebih jelasnya :
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