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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

the ONE and ONLY Madam * aku gadis manja * pg22



  • madam, salam kenal.. :)

    salam kenal juga :wink: :wink: :wink:
    gw ikutan yak... salam kenal... stat please... lol
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D

    di perth ya? ai ai si alex masih di situ kah??

    aku mah di indonesia bagian tengah sekarang,amat sangat tidak metropolitan kekekkekekk
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D

    di perth ya? ai ai si alex masih di situ kah??

    aku mah di indonesia bagian tengah sekarang,amat sangat tidak metropolitan kekekkekekk

    waahh kurang tau aku ming, nda pernah denger kabar dr dia lg soalnya ! :D :D
    hows life treatin you there ? dah dapet suami barukah? :P :P
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D

    di perth ya? ai ai si alex masih di situ kah??

    aku mah di indonesia bagian tengah sekarang,amat sangat tidak metropolitan kekekkekekk

    waahh kurang tau aku ming, nda pernah denger kabar dr dia lg soalnya ! :D :D
    hows life treatin you there ? dah dapet suami barukah? :P :P
    Dapat suami dan dapat istri jg! Hahaha
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D

    di perth ya? ai ai si alex masih di situ kah??

    aku mah di indonesia bagian tengah sekarang,amat sangat tidak metropolitan kekekkekekk

    waahh kurang tau aku ming, nda pernah denger kabar dr dia lg soalnya ! :D :D
    hows life treatin you there ? dah dapet suami barukah? :P :P
    Dapat suami dan dapat istri jg! Hahaha

    hmmm...sudah berubah haluan jadi omnivora kah kmu ?? LMFAO
  • Bukan omnivora sayank,aq masi suka ma daging kok,apalagi y kenyal2 gt hahaha
  • oi madam!
    loe lagi di mana siy?

    aku skrg dah pindah ke perth say ! hehehe...
    klo kmu dimana skrg ??
    :D :D :D

    di perth ya? ai ai si alex masih di situ kah??

    aku mah di indonesia bagian tengah sekarang,amat sangat tidak metropolitan kekekkekekk

    dia ga di perth ding, tapi di kampungnya (maksud gw bagian kampung di astrali sono,) sebuah tempat yg bunyinya seperti mandurah, gitu. hihihihihi( gw heran, napa si org2 ga pede nyebut klo mereka tinggal di kampungya, bkan di kotanya. ckikikikkikikik)

    ps. ma'am, gw ag 3 hurup. tapi 4 hurup (penjara, ingg -red) LOL

  • BOhonggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    dia ga di perth ding, tapi di kampungnya (maksud gw bagian kampung di astrali sono,) sebuah tempat yg bunyinya seperti mandurah, gitu. hihihihihi( gw heran, napa si org2 ga pede nyebut klo mereka tinggal di kampungya, bkan di kotanya. ckikikikkikikik)

    ps. ma'am, gw ag 3 hurup. tapi 4 hurup (penjara, ingg -red) LOL

    Terserah aku doonkk mo bilang di perth kek ! mandurah kek ! mana kek !
    :roll: :roll: :roll:
  • SIRIK KOG DIPELIHARA !!!:roll: :roll: :roll:

    nejosh dech
    (dg gaya vincent di Cuplikan Lucu)

  • BOhonggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    dia ga di perth ding, tapi di kampungnya (maksud gw bagian kampung di astrali sono,) sebuah tempat yg bunyinya seperti mandurah, gitu. hihihihihi( gw heran, napa si org2 ga pede nyebut klo mereka tinggal di kampungya, bkan di kotanya. ckikikikkikikik)

    ps. ma'am, gw ag 3 hurup. tapi 4 hurup (penjara, ingg -red) LOL

    Terserah aku doonkk mo bilang di perth kek ! mandurah kek ! mana kek !
    :roll: :roll: :roll:

    ketimbang nafsu yang dipiara?? hahhahaa

    The mementos are puzzling inside my head,
    I try to piece them together and I come up with you, the memory of you, as a result…
    Hundred years, thousand days, billion miles will never be enough to repress you from my heart.
    You left a mark, a wound that would never be healed..

    I still can feel the warmth of your breath and smell your scent when u were lying beside me,
    Whispering “I love you,” while your hands encircle me..
    I have this strong feeling that we’ve had the connection thousand and thousand years before.
    You were Adam, I were Eve. You were Sartre, I were De Beauvoir.
    Then we died, and we reincarnated, again..

    This time we have two daughters, a son, and a dog named Nazi.
    I write poems and you turn them into songs..
    We dance.. we laugh.. we cry.. we’re strangled by love..
    Then, I wake up in another morning, you’re not here..
    Maybe we got divorce.. maybe..
    I love you.. I do!
    Tears rolled down from those words just like the rain that washed away the pain..
    No drugs will cure me, because you are the only antidote..
    I cry myself to sleep..

    Then, I wake up in another morning, you’re here..
    The first thing I see when I open up my eyes..
    Now we’re in New York, no kids, no dogs..
    You.. me.. perfect!
    We go to Central Park at days, Snuggle in a refrigerator box at nights, we fill crosswords at dusks, we hug and we kiss at dawns.
    You fetch me up to the dinner, Tobiko and Unagi for today.
    Picking the cigarette away from your lips by my chopsticks.
    And, we’re lying on the car cap.. counting stars in the sky above..
    “see, that’s the cassiopeia and the other is ophiucus,” you said.
    You hold my hands, you hold my heart.. we’re holding on embrace.. breathing the kisses..
    We’re dancing in the music of laughter..

    la.. la.. la.. la vie en rose..

    Hold me close and hold me fast
    The magic spell you cast
    This is La vie en rose..
    When you kiss me heaven sighs
    And tho I close my eyes
    I see La vie en rose..
    When you press me to your heart
    I’m in a world apart
    A world where roses bloom..
    And when you speak…angels sing from above
    Everyday words seem…to turn into love songs
    Give your heart and soul to me
    And life will always be
    La vie
    en rose..


    all the spotlights are turned off.
    Too dark to see, too cold to breathe…
    I feel suffocate, I lost my breath..
    I hear your murmuring voice, but I couldn’t see your face..
    I tried to call your name, but I can’t even hear my voice..
    The rainbow has faded..
    The dream has come to an end..

    All I have is the shattering pieces of memory, of you..
    I’m trying to piece them together, all over again..

    Then, I wake up in another morning.. you’re not here..
    This time I already knew that you’re not gonna be here, you will never be here..
    I will just find another you…

    Ever thine,

    Madam Helga (in a quest of finding another you...)

    May 4, 2009

    I like it....

    pengalaman kamu ya??

  • vinderto wrote:

    I like it....

    pengalaman kamu ya??

    hehehe.. iya mas !!
    Sedih rasanya hidup di masa lalu... :( :( :(

    One minute, he was telling me how much he loved me and wanted us to move in together. :(

    The next , his feelings had changed: he wasn't happy and couldn't see where we were going. :(

    @ didi -->> Puas kmu sekarang ??
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