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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Britney Spears...Grammy submission @p92



  • 27 years, being a queen of popular, queen of media drama, queen of anything-mainstreme, a mother, and most of all...being a figure that always be existing our days, sad or happy, there's always one Britney Spears... ;-)

    We know you're no perfect (but we either),

    People hates you, people loves you...
    I always stand on your back, be a loyal supporter...

    Britney, I wish start by now, there's no cry, no sad, no messy, no chaos, and start by now... YOU'RE GETTING STRONGER, BLESSING, SMILEFUL, LOVELY MOTHER, SHINY STAR, Always...

    Sup Asparagus always shakin' ass to your music,
    Still fight anyone who try to mess you up ;-)
    Ready to killing people who sh!ting your name (okay, I'm kidding),
    They say hates you, but actualy loves you...

  • I'm the second... Hehe Happy bday britney... Wish u all the best..
    This morning i wake up and playing my dvd britney greatest hits : my prerogative..
    I really really love britney.. Once again happy bday
  • 27 years, being a queen of popular, queen of media drama, queen of anything-mainstreme, a mother, and most of all...being a figure that always be existing our days, sad or happy, there's always one Britney Spears... ;-)

    We know you're no perfect (but we either),

    People hates you, people loves you...
    I always stand on your back, be a loyal supporter...

    Britney, I wish start by now, there's no cry, no sad, no messy, no chaos, and start by now... YOU'RE GETTING STRONGER, BLESSING, SMILEFUL, LOVELY MOTHER, SHINY STAR, Always...

    Sup Asparagus always shakin' ass to your music,
    Still fight anyone who try to mess you up ;-)
    Ready to killing people who sh!ting your name (okay, I'm kidding),
    They say hates you, but actualy loves you...


  • Happy b'day britney!
    Circus coming out today!
  • Happy B'Day Britney Spears...........

    Moga makin Sukses.....

    We Love You....
  • Top 10 Searches for 2008

    1.Britney Spears
    3.Barack Obama
    4.Miley Cyrus
    6.Jessica Alba
    8.Lindsay Lohan
    9.Angelina Jolie
    10.American Idol
  • Britney Spears tops Yahoo searches

    She did it again: Britney Spears was the most popular search term on Yahoo for the fourth year in a row — her seventh time topping the list.

    Spears bested World Wrestling Entertainment, Barack Obama, Miley Cyrus and the online game "RuneScape" as the five most-searched terms of 2008, the Web portal and search company announced Monday, a day before the singer released her new album "Circus."

    Jessica Alba, the anime series "Naruto," Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and "American Idol" rounded out the top 10 list. To compile their year-end review, Yahoo editors analyze search queries based on "absolute volume and growth versus previous periods, to see which themes and trends bubble to the surface." Users and their search queries remain anonymous.

    Spears also continues to be a ratings draw on television, too. The Saturday episode of the British talent show "The X Factor," which featured an appearance by Spears, attracted 12.6 million viewers, the show's biggest audience, The Guardian reported Monday. Ratings for the Sunday premiere of Spears' MTV special, "Britney: For the Record," weren't yet available.
  • Bete wrote:
    Britney Spears tops Yahoo searches

    She did it again: Britney Spears was the most popular search term on Yahoo for the fourth year in a row — her seventh time topping the list.

    Spears bested World Wrestling Entertainment, Barack Obama, Miley Cyrus and the online game "RuneScape" as the five most-searched terms of 2008, the Web portal and search company announced Monday, a day before the singer released her new album "Circus."

    Jessica Alba, the anime series "Naruto," Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and "American Idol" rounded out the top 10 list. To compile their year-end review, Yahoo editors analyze search queries based on "absolute volume and growth versus previous periods, to see which themes and trends bubble to the surface." Users and their search queries remain anonymous.

    Spears also continues to be a ratings draw on television, too. The Saturday episode of the British talent show "The X Factor," which featured an appearance by Spears, attracted 12.6 million viewers, the show's biggest audience, The Guardian reported Monday. Ratings for the Sunday premiere of Spears' MTV special, "Britney: For the Record," weren't yet available.

    britney emang top bgt dah... Makanya di top search on yahoo..
  • Anjrit! BritBrit emang SUPER!

    Beda hari, Beda lagi berita OH-MY-GOD nya!

    No wonder, why I'm so toxicated by this hot mommy ;-)
  • baru sempet ol..

    Happy Bday Brit!!

    Always wish the best for you..
    Always wait to hear the best for you..

    ==Your fans forever==
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Umm... I don't really agree with you guys. Her performance is great?? Raunchy? What the hell? It's her worst performance ever since vma 07. Yes, it was better since vma 07. By it's no match compared to her performance in In The Zone era. This one is great? Have you watch her performing I'm a slave 4 u on vma 2001? Or at least,


    And FYI, I'm not a hater. I'm a really big fans of her. I checked breatheheavy in every 6 hour. But she should get her act all together. Lifes a bitch, get it over with, britney, just like we're all doing here.

    I Just...
    Don't get it :-S

    Fan or Fan-hater!?

    We're not you...

    i think i made it really clear. im not a hater, or fan hater. im a fan. a let down fans. and what do u mean by "we're not you"? geez, get a life. im just having my own opinion

    and i just watch the good morning america performance just an hour ago. omfg! circus is soo amazing, even if she could do it better. and the intro of her performance reminds me of godfather theme. lol.
    i like the cage thing they put on the show. its amazing.

    and for the womanizer, its the same stuff she done in bambi award... minus that big ball-cage. but its good. ppl are gonna talk about this...

    damn! even after 2 hours, the good morning america show didnt load up yet on youtube... i wanna put it in my ipod. wkwkwkwkwk
  • Umm... I don't really agree with you guys. Her performance is great?? Raunchy? What the hell? It's her worst performance ever since vma 07. Yes, it was better since vma 07. By it's no match compared to her performance in In The Zone era. This one is great? Have you watch her performing I'm a slave 4 u on vma 2001? Or at least,


    And FYI, I'm not a hater. I'm a really big fans of her. I checked breatheheavy in every 6 hour. But she should get her act all together. Lifes a bitch, get it over with, britney, just like we're all doing here.

    I Just...
    Don't get it :-S

    Fan or Fan-hater!?

    We're not you...

    i think i made it really clear. im not a hater, or fan hater. im a fan. a let down fans. and what do u mean by "we're not you"? geez, get a life. im just having my own opinion

    and i just watch the good morning america performance just an hour ago. omfg! circus is soo amazing, even if she could do it better. and the intro of her performance reminds me of godfather theme. lol.
    i like the cage thing they put on the show. its amazing.

    and for the womanizer, its the same stuff she done in bambi award... minus that big ball-cage. but its good. ppl are gonna talk about this...

    damn! even after 2 hours, the good morning america show didnt load up yet on youtube... i wanna put it in my ipod. wkwkwkwkwk

    Yupz.. i've just watched it..
    the show was "AWESOME"!!! Yupz, like the cage,too!
    like the part when Brit freeing her dancer... lol.. and overall......
    "Circus" show on GMA is AMAZINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Eh, 'circus' dah #1 di iTunes loh!
    Saingan utamanya kanye west.
    Kandidat saingan utama lainnya gun n roses (chinese democracy) trus album2 natal (mariah carey, josh groban)

    Gw hari ini ngubek2 toko cd di bandung tapi belom nemu circus!
  • Gw liat ulg2.. it's funny at the intro..
    pas britny turun dr atas cage.. dancer yg dalam cageny kayak mo gapai2.. lol.. minta d kluarin.. wakakaka... kyk kebun binatang aja..
    tp, ini danceny circus is better a lot than dance on womanizer, pdhl dancer yg sama.. lbih rapi n plg suka pas bagian masuk "I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins" pas yg ad dancer cow nya yg pada kumpul & waktu masuk "Let's Go".. ckckck...
    The show really amazed me!!!
  • Here Guys!!

    "Circus" video on GMA..
    kualitasnya segh mase blum bagus.. tp, mmg yg bgs blum ad..

    "Womanizer" Video on GMA

    still searchin for the better one.. and if i find it.. i'll put it here..
    skalian vote d blog gw donk.. :wink: :wink:

    Enjoy =)
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