Just want to share something I have up in my mind since a long time n' which is hard to erase from it.
I had a Boy friend a long time ago. He was the man next door. He was the first for who I have opened my heart's gate. We were so happy together like any other lovers who start a new relationship n' fall in love with each other. It was the best time in my life. He was cheering me up all the time I was down n' I done the same for him. But, like any other love stories, good things went to the end. He went away with another man, but I was the first for him too, so she came back 4 months after, n' I told her not to give the same pain I have felt when he has gone. But 2 months after, he decided to go back with him n' gave the same feeling of pain to me. Since then, I saw his one or two times, n' we stayed friends. But I still love him. I have never met another man like him, also I have never fell in love with someone else. I have tried several times to get his come back to me, but it looks like he doesn't want to come back. But the problem is that I still think about her everytime, everyday of this life. Last night I also dreamt about his, while 2 years since he gone away, I was dreaming about him every nights, in the morning when I woke up, I was thinking about her. It's like I can't get him out of my head, that's so crazy, I mean, our story is about million years away so why do I still think about her ? Even if I met a lot n' a lot of girls after her, I still think about her. I thought going with a lot of other man would help me to forget her, but it doesn't work at all. I'm still in love with his, damn. I guess there's nothing to do, right !? It's so stressful for my mind n' I bear it for about 3 years now, it's so exhausted. So, I just posted this to have some advice from you all
+62 857 521 24 924
Cinta boleh buta, tapi pilihan hidup harus realistis. Mencintai dia wajar2 saja, tapi realistis gak mengharapkan dia? Coba deh ditimbang lagi. Kalau realistis, perjuangkan. Kalau tidak, tinggalkan dan bangun harapan baru!!! GBU
ini a "she" or a "he"? why changing the pronoun all the time, btw?
comment,cari yg laen ajah,relain...mangny yg maw ma u cm dy..klo ud tulus nglepasin pasti ga ad masalah...yg jd masalah adl u sndiri..
gw betulin deh:
oh no no no....
besok2 pake bahasa indo ajah,...
trus kalo copy paste,.... at least jangan lupa di edit dengan bener dunk
Nah lho nah lho.... :roll:
besok2 sblum di post, copy ke MS Word dulu, jangan lupa centang check grammar pada submenu languange, dari situ bisa ketauan grammatical error nya
biar kagak malu2in kek gini
ya sudahlah, gak usah dibesar besarkan...
khan emang udah kenyataan dia salah ketik zzzz
masih juga dibahas -_-"
kasian la, topicnya jadi melenceng... ^^