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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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New Age Songs



  • woow pakarnya new age sudah datang

    sudah denger lagunya lebo m- he lives in you versi panjang belom? nih yang di youtube

    yang celtic woman belom punya, cuma punya yang kamu kasih itu.. kesanku tentang mereka, kok jadi tambah montok2 ya mereka sejak album pertama

    Deep Forest. Genius lahhhh.... Sweet Lullaby adalah lagu yang harus didengar oleh pengemar musik New Age. Lagu tradisional dari Pulau Solomon yang diracik jadi lagu yang sangat menyentuh. aku baca lyric dan terjemahanya, very2 touching...
    kutip di sini doong

    nie aku lagi download torrent lagu2 celtic
  • Hoh? You Raise Me Up itu aslinya dari Secret Garden ya? Gw suka ma secret garden, tapi malah belon tau You Raise Me Up. Kalo dari mereka, aku paling suka Nocturne sama Dreamcatcher.

    Ada yang tahu donlod album mereka yang komplit dimana??? Sekalian ma albumnya Adiemus deh... Hehehehehe!
  • Geshpento wrote:
    Hoh? You Raise Me Up itu aslinya dari Secret Garden ya? Gw suka ma secret garden, tapi malah belon tau You Raise Me Up. Kalo dari mereka, aku paling suka Nocturne sama Dreamcatcher.

    Ada yang tahu donlod album mereka yang komplit dimana??? Sekalian ma albumnya Adiemus deh... Hehehehehe!

    dah nyoba torrent?
  • Ak gag sengaja donlot swwt lullaby kira2 1 thn yg lalu.. :lol:
    Dan ak gag tau ntu aliran musik apa. Wakakaka.
    Trnyt new age.. :lol:

    Sweet lullaby.. enak. :oops:
  • B3t3ngboy wrote:
    ada lagi, sebenarnya lagu klasik, tapi pernah di bawa in enya, trus celtic woman, judulnya marble hall
    yg aku suka dr celtic woman, walking in the air, jesu joy of man's desiring

    Marble Halls bagian dari opera The Bohemian Girl (The Dreams), karya Michael William Balfe, yang mana merupakan favorit dari Enya dan ibunya Baba Brennan. Marble Halls sendiri ada di album Shepherd Moons
  • B3t3ngboy wrote:
    ada lagi, sebenarnya lagu klasik, tapi pernah di bawa in enya, trus celtic woman, judulnya marble hall
    yg aku suka dr celtic woman, walking in the air, jesu joy of man's desiring

    Marble Halls bagian dari opera The Bohemian Girl (The Dreams), karya Michael William Balfe, yang mana merupakan favorit dari Enya dan ibunya Baba Brennan. Marble Halls sendiri ada di album Shepherd Moons
  • B3t3ngboy wrote:
    ada lagi, sebenarnya lagu klasik, tapi pernah di bawa in enya, trus celtic woman, judulnya marble hall
    yg aku suka dr celtic woman, walking in the air, jesu joy of man's desiring

    Marble Halls bagian dari opera The Bohemian Girl (The Dreams), karya Michael William Balfe, yang mana merupakan favorit dari Enya dan ibunya Baba Brennan. Marble Halls sendiri ada di album Shepherd Moons
  • sweet lullaby

    lyric and meaning

    [Sasi sasi ae ko taro taro amu
    Ko agi agi boroi tika oli oe lau
    Tika gwao oe lau koro inomaena
    I dai tabesau I tebetai nau mouri
    Tabe ta wane initoa te ai rofia

    Sasi sasi ae kwa dao mata ole
    Rowelae e lea kwa dao mata biru
    I dai tabesau I tebetai nau mouri

    Sasi sasi ae ko taro taro amu
    Ko agi agi boroi tika oli oe lau
    Tika gwao oe lau koro inomaena
    I dai tabesau I tebetai nau mouri
    (repeat x 3)

    Little brother, little brother, stop crying, stop crying
    Though you are crying and crying, who else will carry you
    Who else will groom you, both of us are now orphans
    From the island of the dead, their spirit will continue to look after us
    Just like royalty, taken care of with all the wisdom of such a place

    Little brother, little brother even in the gardens
    This lullaby continues to the different divisions of the garden,
    From the island of the dead, their spirit will continue to look after us

    Little brother, little brother, stop crying, stop crying
    Though you are crying and crying, who else will carry you
    Who else will groom you, both of us are now orphans
    From the island of the dead, their spirit will continue to look after us

    Interpreting the Song:

    The Baegu lullaby heard in Sweet Lullaby is from Northern Malaita (Solomon Islands) recorded by ethnomusicologist Hugo Zemp. The song is called Rorogwela and is sung by Afunakwa.

    The lullaby is about a young child crying because his parents are not around. In response his older brother sings this song to comfort, as well as tell him the reality, with an appeal for his deceased parents to protect this child in the land of the living (local ancient belief is that the dead care for loved ones they left behind).

    A great thanks goes to Celsus Eloga Talifilu, and his relatives, who helped to transcribe and translate the lyrics of this lullaby. Celsus is son of Saverio Talifilu who was the Baegu headsman that organized the recording session with Hugo Zemp which took place in 1969 in their village called Fulinui.

    Below are the lyrics to the entire Rorogwela lullaby, with the portions used in Sweet Lullaby highlighted in blue:

    Sasi sasi ae taro taro amu
    Ko agi agi boroi tika oli oe lau
    Tika gwao oe lau koro inomaena

    Sasi sasi ae na ga koro ma koro
    mada maena mada ni ada I dai
    I dai tabesau I tebetai nau mouri
    Tabe ta wane initoa te ai rofia

    Sasi sasi ae kwa dao mata ole
    Rowelae e lea kwa dao mata biru

    Na rowelae e lea kwa dao mata luma
    Rowelae e lea sasi sasi ae
    Angi angi boro ti ka oli oe lau

    Iaia rofia ro aro aro
    Nau ne na wela wane ku adedite amu

    Sasi sasi ae ko taro taro amu
    Ga koro ma koro da maena fasi koro
    Koro inomae na ka sasi sasi ae

    ahre aro a teai roro roroa
    tea roa roa roai roa Little brother, little brother, stop crying, stop crying
    Though you are crying and crying, who else will carry you
    Who else will groom you, both of us are now orphans

    Little brother, little brother our mother and father
    They have died and now live in on the island of the dead
    From the island of the dead, their spirit will continue to look after us
    Just like royalty, taken care of with all the wisdom of such a place

    Little brother, little brother even in the gardens
    This lullaby continues to the different divisions of the garden,
    And even to each house visited, this lullaby seems endless
    Little brother, little brother
    though you are crying and crying, who else will carry you

    oh oh…my heavens.. be quiet, be quiet
    I am just a boy what have I done to you

    Little brother, little brother you stop crying
    Our mother and our father have died
    Both of us are now orphans, little brother, little brother.
  • Geshpento wrote:
    Hoh? You Raise Me Up itu aslinya dari Secret Garden ya? Gw suka ma secret garden, tapi malah belon tau You Raise Me Up. Kalo dari mereka, aku paling suka Nocturne sama Dreamcatcher.

    Ada yang tahu donlod album mereka yang komplit dimana??? Sekalian ma albumnya Adiemus deh... Hehehehehe!

    You Raise Me Up dikomposisi oleh Rolf Lovland (komposer Secret Garden) dengan lirik yg ditulis oleh Brendan Graham (penyair yang sering menulis lirik utk lagu2 Secret Garden).

    You Raise Me Up pertama kali muncul di album Secret Garden: Once In A Red Moon (2002) dengan menampilkan duet penyanyi Celtic Brian Kennedy dan penyanyi Gospel Tracy Champbel Nation.

    Dari semua versi yang pernah aku dengar (mulai Josh Groban, Sissel, Celtic Woman, Westlife sampe versi2 worship), You Raise Me Up versi Secret Garden tetep yang terbaik dan paling emotional.
  • Geshpento wrote:
    Hoh? You Raise Me Up itu aslinya dari Secret Garden ya? Gw suka ma secret garden, tapi malah belon tau You Raise Me Up. Kalo dari mereka, aku paling suka Nocturne sama Dreamcatcher.

    Ada yang tahu donlod album mereka yang komplit dimana??? Sekalian ma albumnya Adiemus deh... Hehehehehe!

    You Raise Me Up dikomposisi oleh Rolf Lovland (komposer Secret Garden) dengan lirik yg ditulis oleh Brendan Graham (penyair yang sering menulis lirik utk lagu2 Secret Garden).

    You Raise Me Up pertama kali muncul di album Secret Garden: Once In A Red Moon (2002) dengan menampilkan duet penyanyi Celtic Brian Kennedy dan penyanyi Gospel Tracy Champbel Nation.

    Dari semua versi yang pernah aku dengar (mulai Josh Groban, Sissel, Celtic Woman, Westlife sampe versi2 worship), You Raise Me Up versi Secret Garden tetep yang terbaik dan paling emotional.
  • New age yang gw suka sih so far secret garden..

    Selain itu ada beberapa.. kevin kern untuk beberapa lagu....

    Btw, klo ada link untuk download dong
  • Enya aku demen dari album greatest hits nya sampe skrg.Single "If Only" langsung bikin gue jd fans dia :wink:

    Celtic Women aku suka lagu yg dinyanyikan awal2 di konser di dublin.Lupa judul nya. :P tapi aku suka kok konser mrk pas aku liat dvd nya :wink:
  • Future_Boy wrote:
    Enya aku demen dari album greatest hits nya sampe skrg.Single "If Only" langsung bikin gue jd fans dia :wink:
    Only If bukan If Only :)
  • oh iya,khilaf saya :lol: :lol:
  • Only If... by Enya

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