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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Hayu... hayu.... gw stress bgt d kampus... perlu banyak pelampiasan :P
Eh pada ikut gath semua khan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ayo2... masa cuman gw ama si frans yg ikut... yg lain jg dunks.
Anak ITTelkom kan harus solid!
btw, lam knall....
tar klo dah pada kosong jalan2 bareng lagi yak :roll: :roll:
Ikut gath kaga Syl???
Mulai flirting neh... sesama penyuka Mariah :roll: :roll:
gada unsur suka sukaan yaa disinih!!
Kecuali satuu, suka mariah....
inii himbauan beb kasii sama kalian semua penghuni IT TELKOM....
please, tolong kalo agy chat pke mirc di room #gim, entah chatsex laah, ato just lookingfor BF, PLEASE, HINDARI PEMAKAIAN KATAA IT TELKOM di nick loe...!!!
Inisiatif dikit c knapah??! Jangan blak2an pake nama tempat kuliah kita kek gituu....
jaga image kampus kitaa doong....
Jangan bikin nama kampus kita "buruk+murahan" dimata orang lain,
atoo, kasarannya gini ajj deh, "cukup binus aj yg terkenal dgn istilah kampus binan!"
kampus kita jgn kek gituu deh....
bete, risih mata gw, liat nick "bdg_itTelkom" nangkring di rum #gim....
malu maluin nama kampus ajj....
inii himbauan beb kasii sama kalian semua penghuni IT TELKOM....
please, tolong kalo agy chat pke mirc di room #gim, entah chatsex laah, ato just lookingfor BF, PLEASE, HINDARI PEMAKAIAN KATAA IT TELKOM di nick loe...!!!
Inisiatif dikit c knapah??! Jangan blak2an pake nama tempat kuliah kita kek gituu....
jaga image kampus kitaa doong....
Jangan bikin nama kampus kita "buruk+murahan" dimata orang lain,
atoo, kasarannya gini ajj deh, "cukup binus aj yg terkenal dgn istilah kampus binan!"
kampus kita jgn kek gituu deh....
bete, risih mata gw, liat nick "bdg_itTelkom" nangkring di rum #gim....
malu maluin nama kampus ajj....
sabar ya kang!!!...kalo liat ID itu tegur ajah...
hah...ada gath??
kapan...duh gw ketinggalan bgt ya...
eh...guys kapan nih kita kmpl2 lagi nak telkom??
jak yang nak2 baru d forum...
I'm sorry.
I personally have to disagree with this.
please note before that I have never used such nick!
I think that I'm on a stage where I don't really care about how ppl view our campus. Our campus is an academic facility used for academic purposes. any sexual orientation issue related to our campus is just a way on how people are bounded to certain close geographical region, just that. Just the way we identify ourself, without any reason to create any kinds of declaration. It's just that so many ppl think on the same ridiculous way that it became the acceptable way to do. And I personally think you shouldn't.
It didn't reflect anything about what is really going on inside our campus. I have met some ppl who were openly gay during academic conventions, and lots of educated ppl there didn't really took much care about sexual orientation issue, since it was not related. I've met a pinoy gay guy on one academic convention, he was so gay, so smart, and so popular. But we never associated his sexual orientation to his association, cause his brain was the only proof of how excellent they thought him there.
The point is, we shouldn't judge anything before seeing the larger picture. Our campus is an academic facility, the only judgment that ppl should make is only that related academically, nothing else.
Peace, it is just my personal view but I do respect yours.
wah,,,,, :P :P
toeflnya dolo brp mas??
iya neh yang lain mana|?
masih cmn kita ber2...
jeunk ntr sebelum gath kita ke salon dolo yah... LOL