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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • U dont think many singer can do that llike mimi's singing?
    Well.. bisa jadi.
    Tapi kl dibilang suara dia dahsyat? hhmm...sorry to say, kayaknya udah ga lagi deh. She cant sing no more. Nafasnya jadi pendek banget. Sering kepayahan kl ngambil nada2 panjang. Even her high notes getting lower.
    Saat live, dia sering merombak abis aransement vokal original song nya dengan menurunkan tone nya menjadi at least setengah oktaf (bahkan satu oktaf) ebih rendah.
    Coba dengerin live concert "Emancipation of Mimi" (i got it at Ratu plaza... bajakan :D )
    Than u'll be disapointed..
    At her recent live performance kayak di Amidol top 7 kmaren... shes not totally live singing. Bebrapa part setelah reff (di bagian high notes) dia lipsinc. No doubt bout it. :oops:

    Jadi tau kan kenapa skarang2 ini dia ga pernah lagi nyanyiin lagu dia yang super duper susah kayak EMOTIONS ato lainnya..

    errrr..hello....ask any other artis to sing bye bye and i bet most, if not all, will choke,hehe...
    the thing with her recent songs are many of those songs have verses that are sung very fast, like bye bye or touch my body....
    singing is not just about power..
    but speaking of power, go watch idol gives back (banyak review yang mengatakan that is the best performance of the night) ketika nyanyi fly like a bird...

    masalahnya adalah kebanyakan orang expect mariah to BELT every note in every song, sehingga ketika mariah menyanyi dengan style yang berbeda, mereka beranggapan bahwa mariah can't sing anymore...

    walaupun vokalnya ga seprima yang dulu, but she is still a great her or hate her, u can't deny her talent!

    Nah ini dia yang bener, gua setuju abis 1000%,
    ini lah seharusnya sebagai fans sejati...

    "masalahnya adalah kebanyakan orang expect mariah to BELT every note in every song, sehingga ketika mariah menyanyi dengan style yang berbeda, mereka beranggapan bahwa mariah can't sing anymore..." ==> kalimat ini penting untuk semua fans mariah, cheers

  • U dont think many singer can do that llike mimi's singing?
    Well.. bisa jadi.
    Tapi kl dibilang suara dia dahsyat? hhmm...sorry to say, kayaknya udah ga lagi deh. She cant sing no more. Nafasnya jadi pendek banget. Sering kepayahan kl ngambil nada2 panjang. Even her high notes getting lower.
    Saat live, dia sering merombak abis aransement vokal original song nya dengan menurunkan tone nya menjadi at least setengah oktaf (bahkan satu oktaf) ebih rendah.
    Coba dengerin live concert "Emancipation of Mimi" (i got it at Ratu plaza... bajakan :D )
    Than u'll be disapointed..
    At her recent live performance kayak di Amidol top 7 kmaren... shes not totally live singing. Bebrapa part setelah reff (di bagian high notes) dia lipsinc. No doubt bout it. :oops:

    Jadi tau kan kenapa skarang2 ini dia ga pernah lagi nyanyiin lagu dia yang super duper susah kayak EMOTIONS ato lainnya..

    errrr..hello....ask any other artis to sing bye bye and i bet most, if not all, will choke,hehe...
    the thing with her recent songs are many of those songs have verses that are sung very fast, like bye bye or touch my body....
    singing is not just about power..
    but speaking of power, go watch idol gives back (banyak review yang mengatakan that is the best performance of the night) ketika nyanyi fly like a bird...

    masalahnya adalah kebanyakan orang expect mariah to BELT every note in every song, sehingga ketika mariah menyanyi dengan style yang berbeda, mereka beranggapan bahwa mariah can't sing anymore...

    walaupun vokalnya ga seprima yang dulu, but she is still a great her or hate her, u can't deny her talent!

    i absolutely agree with u...
  • errrr..hello....ask any other artis to sing bye bye and i bet most, if not all, will choke,hehe...
    the thing with her recent songs are many of those songs have verses that are sung very fast, like bye bye or touch my body....
    singing is not just about power..
    but speaking of power, go watch idol gives back (banyak review yang mengatakan that is the best performance of the night) ketika nyanyi fly like a bird...

    masalahnya adalah kebanyakan orang expect mariah to BELT every note in every song, sehingga ketika mariah menyanyi dengan style yang berbeda, mereka beranggapan bahwa mariah can't sing anymore...

    walaupun vokalnya ga seprima yang dulu, but she is still a great her or hate her, u can't deny her talent!

    duh gw jadi maluu...soalnya dalam hati n akhir2 ini suka bilang n berpikir kalo mariah udh mulai pudar keahlian bernyanyinya....tapi kata2 di atas...emng gak bia di pungkiri n i like it so much...n gw gak bisa menolak, walopun dia bagus n jelek....gak ada yg bisa menyangkal talenta yg dia miliki...

    duuhhh jadi terharuuu...mariah u are so damn good to us....GBU always honey
  • What a great opinion about MIMI, it's true that we can't deny her talent. Noone can sing Fly Like A Bird like her with her beautiful whistle note at her age. Don't forget that she's a great songwriter too. Meski albumnya sempat drop sebelumnya, dia tetap masih bisa terus berkarya sampai skarang. Buktinya The Emancipation of MIMI nya laku keras dan dapat 3 Grammy kan? Terus prestasinya bisa dipertahankan lagi dgn album sekarang E=MC2, yang sudah menembus rekor Elvis 18 #1 hits dan Billboard #1 album. So like her theme, “They can say anything they want to say but they can’t take that away from her”, right?
  • shendy82k wrote:
    What a great opinion about MIMI, it's true that we can't deny her talent. Noone can sing Fly Like A Bird like her with her beautiful whistle note at her age. Don't forget that she's a great songwriter too. Meski albumnya sempat drop sebelumnya, dia tetap masih bisa terus berkarya sampai skarang. Buktinya The Emancipation of MIMI nya laku keras dan dapat 3 Grammy kan? Terus prestasinya bisa dipertahankan lagi dgn album sekarang E=MC2, yang sudah menembus rekor Elvis 18 #1 hits dan Billboard #1 album. So like her theme, “They can say anything they want to say but they can’t take that away from her”, right?

    absolutely right!

  • romire wrote:
    Empire State Building in Mariah Colors

    From Friday, April 25th through Sunday, April 27th, the Empire State Building lit up in pink, lavender and white to celebrate the color motif of Mariah's new album E=MC² which entered at #1 on the Billboard chart with the biggest first week Soundscan total of her career, 463,000 units.



    gila benerrrr... empire state building dibuat warna pink keunguan (yang mariah sebut pink yet lavender) di towernya sebagai penghargaan buat miss Carey....!!!!!!

    Dengan bukti ini, yang jelas mariah masih sangat disegani dan di hormati :)


    :D :lol: 8)
  • heiii...guys gossip...gossipp...katanya mariah udh nikah si nick cannon...masa sih???? duhhh cowoknya agak jelek gitu...tapi bener apa gak sihhh....bingung...katanya mereka punya cincin yang sama di jari manis...nah looo

    :( :(
  • heiii...guys gossip...gossipp...katanya mariah udh nikah si nick cannon...masa sih???? duhhh cowoknya agak jelek gitu...tapi bener apa gak sihhh....bingung...katanya mereka punya cincin yang sama di jari manis...nah looo

    :( :(

    gosipnya ga bener banget deh kayaknya
  • heyyy...bye bye turun dri 23 ke 32...trus kalian udh liat previewnya gak...duh kok kayak gitu mengharapin dia gak centil2 gitu tapi lebih fokus ke cerita dari lagu itu...

    jadi banyak yg kasih komen jelek dehh...
  • Mariah Carey
    By Stevie Wonder

    I could never describe or measure the level of respect and love I have for Mariah Carey in just 300 words, but you know, I'll do my best. I've met only three people who had a truly wonderful voice and spirit to match: my first wife Syreeta, Minnie Riperton and Mariah. Obviously she is talented and has a great voice, but when a person has the opportunity to be heard and seen, at the end of the day she will also be felt. I think Mariah has enjoyed such success at 38 because she's a good person; her heart is good. I love her spirit. When I lost my mother, she was one of the first people to reach out to me. She was away, but she still found a way to call me up and say a prayer with me. It's easy to be friends when the lights are bright, but how is your love when there's none of that? I know how Mariah's is.

    She has the ability to be sexy, but not so much that you think it's getting too crazy. It's a sexy classiness. The whole thing with her song Touch My Body is that she keeps it acceptable and has fun with it. And Mariah didn't break all those sales records just because she's beautiful. She has perseverance and consistency. You need the two: the ability to keep going and the ability to keep doing the right thing. She once said that every time she makes a new record, she feels as if she's brand-new again, like a young person looking at a computer for the first time. By doing it and not thinking about it, she lets the magic come.

    When people talk about the great influential singers, they talk about Aretha, Whitney and Mariah. That's a testament to her talent. Her range is that amazing.

    I look forward to the time the two of us can do a song together. I'm rewriting a song for her. It's going to be a tribute to my mother.

    Cant hardly wait 4 the song!!! It must be a great song like One Sweet Day with 16 weeks in Billboard #1 chart.
  • Mariah Makes TIME's World's Most Influential People
    In this week's issue, TIME reveals its list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

    Mariah Carey, profiled by Stevie Wonder, is honored as one of the most influential Artists & Entertainers.

    Wonder writes of Mariah:

    "When people talk about the great influential singers, they talk about Aretha, Whitney and Mariah. That's a testament to her talent. Her range is that amazing."

    Full story here or below:

    Mariah Carey
    By Stevie Wonder

    I could never describe or measure the level of respect and love I have for Mariah Carey in just 300 words, but you know, I'll do my best. I've met only three people who had a truly wonderful voice and spirit to match: my first wife Syreeta, Minnie Riperton and Mariah. Obviously she is talented and has a great voice, but when a person has the opportunity to be heard and seen, at the end of the day she will also be felt. I think Mariah has enjoyed such success at 38 because she's a good person; her heart is good. I love her spirit. When I lost my mother, she was one of the first people to reach out to me. She was away, but she still found a way to call me up and say a prayer with me. It's easy to be friends when the lights are bright, but how is your love when there's none of that? I know how Mariah's is.

    She has the ability to be sexy, but not so much that you think it's getting too crazy. It's a sexy classiness. The whole thing with her song Touch My Body is that she keeps it acceptable and has fun with it. And Mariah didn't break all those sales records just because she's beautiful. She has perseverance and consistency. You need the two: the ability to keep going and the ability to keep doing the right thing. She once said that every time she makes a new record, she feels as if she's brand-new again, like a young person looking at a computer for the first time. By doing it and not thinking about it, she lets the magic come.

    When people talk about the great influential singers, they talk about Aretha, Whitney and Mariah. That's a testament to her talent. Her range is that amazing.

    I look forward to the time the two of us can do a song together. I'm rewriting a song for her. It's going to be a tribute to my mother.

    Legendary singer-songwriter Wonder's most recent album is A Time 2 Love

    I Can't hardly wait either for the song....!!!
  • edited May 2008


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