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Ngakalin waiting time rapidshare
Rapidshare menerapkan waiting time berdasarkan IP address, nah kalau IP address bisa diganti, maka 1 jam waiting time juga hilang (kecuali waiting time yang 2.4 menit).
Ada dua jenis IP address yang diberikan oleh ISP.
Dynamic IP address: setiap kali kita disconnect trus reconect, otomatis ISP memberikan IP address baru.
Static IP address: IP address tetap walaupun disconect reconect. Static IP address ini biasalnya buat layanan cable seperti Fastnet dll.
Nah berikut tricknya:
IP Dynamic
1. Cek Ip kamu (catet no IP, gunanya cuma buat ngecek apakah nanti IPnya sudah ganti atau belum)
Here's how to do it in windows:
2. Click Start
3. Click run
4. In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
5. When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
6. Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.
7. Cek lagi IP kamu apakah udah ganti atau belum
8. Kalau udah ganti, Try the rapidshare download again.
IP Static
To start off, you need a direct connection to your modem and computer. If you have a router, disconnect it and directly hook up your modem to your computer.
1. Open up the command prompt by pressing Start->Run and typing in cmd
2. In the command prompt, type “Ipconfig/all”. This will tell you your current IP Address (atau pake IPchicken seperti di atas). After, type “ipconfig/release”. Keep the command prompt open for easy access.
3. Go to “Network Connections” (accessible through the control panel). Right click “Local Area Connection” and click “Properties”
4. With “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) selected, click the “Properties” button.
5. A new window will open. Under the “General” tab, select “Use the Following IP address”. Under Address”, put “". Press the “Tab” key on your keyboard.
6. Press Ok on both open windows.
7. Repeat steps 3-4. Under the “General” tab, press the radio button “Automatically Assign Me an Ip Address”. Press ok on both windows.
8. Go back to the command prompt and type in “Ipconfig/all”. You’ll now notice you have a new IP address.
So, this will be handy if you want to by-pass Rapidshare 1 hour download limit, provided that you have a static IP address.
Good idea...
buka notepad
ketik di notepad command berikut:
ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew exit [/list:u]trus disave ganti extention txt menjadi bat taruh shortcut di desktop. kalau mau ganti IP tinggal klik yang IP dynamic gak bisa dibuat otomatis, tapi kalau udah melakukan 3x dah biasa dan lancar
gila..........brilliant bangeet!!
tapi bener kata rasputin, paling ampuh ya beli premium account ... bisa mulitple download, bisa que/antre, kecepatan downloadnya tinggi banget, 700mb (rata-rata movie file) cuma 1.5-2 jam
saya pake dsl dan dah coba trik di atas, pertama kali coba berhasil. namun, untuk berikutnya kenapa selalu gagal? apa yang salah?
mohon pencerahannya... makasih
oh yah G mo nanya......ada yang tau alamat blogs yang ngasih download file movie,video yg udah di compress ampe kecil sekitar 30 ampe 75 MB gak..( biar gak lama download nya ) kalo bisa sich yang sean cody, corbin fisher,or randy blue...trus formatnya winamp or FLV...thanx yah.....
ps: tips yang diatas agak ngerepotin ( ada yg bisa jelasin)...bedanya static ama dynamic apaan yah....?
udah pernah nyoba ini belom?
Udah dicoba Om Hati, but it didn't work