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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Gay Movies

edited September 2010 in BoyzStyle

Ada yang punya link download buat beberapa film yang ada di web itu??

Pengen banget liat Summer Storm, East Side Story dll...

Googling belum nemu nih...

Baru keasikan liat Eating Out 1 dan 2, basi ya baru nonton..



  • Sommersturm






    East Side Story





    Dua-duanya dah gue tonton, rating gue:
    Sommersturm :D :D :D :D :D
    East Side Story :D :D :D

    Mau Link Film apa lagi? :wink:
  • waw makasi ya,,, THANKZ LOT,,


    mesti satu2 ni di rapidshare, wkwk.. tungguin2...

    ada saran film apalagi yang bagus??

    saia kurang tahu..

    kayak soulmaid, eleven boys out, dll itu juga bagus kah?
  • op wrote:
    waw makasi ya,,, THANKZ LOT,,


    mesti satu2 ni di rapidshare, wkwk.. tungguin2...
    ntar kalau udah selesai donlot dan udah ditonton kasih resensi ya di sini, biar gue semangat ngasih link lainnya.
    op wrote:
    ada saran film apalagi yang bagus??

    saia kurang tahu..

    kayak soulmaid, eleven boys out, dll itu juga bagus kah?
    seleranya genre film apaan? drama, comedy, thriller. terus seneng film amrik, eropa, amerika latin, apa asia?
  • saia si suka semuanya,, hehe,, asal ada teksnya kalo bukan bahasa inggris,,,

    cuman biasanya asia lebih gimana gitu,, hehe,,

    iya ni baru rampung downlod SS PART 1~~!! wkwkwk,,
    masih nunggu 90 menit baru bisa downlod lagi di rapidshare, wkwkwkwk,,,

    mesti sabar,, besok2 beli account rapid ah,, hehe,,,

    thankz ya..!
  • akhirnya donlod soomer sturm kelar,,,

    udah nonton juga,,,

    pertama2 "ih kok tokoh utamanya ga hot ya, cakepan temennya, wkkw"

    BUT CERITANYA KEREN BANGET!! Pantes aja dapet penghargaan2... Salut d..

    Yang blum nonton perlu nonton d, ga jauh ama kehidupan sehari2...

    Cuman, endingnya aga ngegantung jg ya.. Ho..

    Selanjutnya dl east side...

    Kk de hati ada saran film ga?? Sapa tau ada yang perlu lebih ditonton dulu sebelum east side.. Hehe..
  • de Hati wrote:

    Mau Link Film apa lagi? :wink:

    Phutuna keren
  • baru liat east side story...


    seandainya saia bisa bertemu orang seperti diego dan bfnya,,,,,,,
    so romantic,,,,,

    sepi ya topiknya,, ada yang punya saran film lg yg bagus??
  • biasanya de Hati tuh byk referensi film..
    klo ada lagi yg bagus, bagi yah.. thanks...
  • Ok ... ini ada link film gay yang bagus banget. Drama coming-of-age.


    Beautiful Thing


    Plot Synopsis by Mark Deming

    In this alternately somber and witty coming-of-age drama, a pair of teenage boys growing up in a working-class neighborhood become aware of their homosexuality. Introspective Jamie (Glen Berry) is the son of Sandra (Linda Henry), a tough but warm-hearted barmaid who lives in a public housing block in a rough-and-tumble section of South London. Living a few doors away is Jamie's classmate Ste (Scott Neal), an athletic type who often has to take a beating from his hard-drinking father and hard-headed brother. One night, Jamie and Sandra discover that Ste has been kicked out of the apartment and has nowhere to spend the night; Jamie lets him stay at his place, and a casual closeness eventually stirs sexual feelings. While both were vaguely aware they might be gay, neither had ever acted on their impulses, and once Jamie and Ste decide that they're attracted to each other, neither is sure just what to do. Tony (Ben Daniels), Sandra's boyfriend, doesn't know what to think about Jamie's new lifestyle. Meanwhile, Jamie and Ste are themselves a bit puzzled by their neighbor Leah (Tameka Empson), a teenager obsessed with the life and music of Mama Cass Elliott.[/list:u]


    Koleksi Film Gay Gue:
  • Satu lagi film comedy yang dibintangin Robin Williams, dijamin ngakak


    Birdcage (1996)


    Mike Nichols' hilarious reworking of the classic French farce La Cage aux Folles is a treat, spiced up with additional moments of contemporary political satire. Nathan Lane and Robin Williams are marvelous as two gay lovers who run a South Beach nightclub featuring Lane's female impersonations. Williams has a grown son from a previous marriage, who is engaged to the daughter of a stodgy right-wing politician (Gene Hackman). When it comes time for the two families to meet, the fur flies in an uproariously funny dinner scene which is the film's highlight. Also featuring a wonderful turn by Hank Azaria as Williams' flamboyant chef, whose attempts at "butching it up" for the dinner go scandalously awry, The Birdcage is a delightfully engaging comedy.[/list:u]


    Koleksi Film Gay Gue:
  • waaa thx,,

    DL beautiful things dulu, hehehe,,

    oh ya yang list movienya ga bisa langsung donlod ya?
  • wuehe baru aja rampung nonton beautiful thing, bisa cepet dlnya pake torrent seednya banyak, hahaha..
    bagussss, tapi kalo aq lbh suka east side ama ss, walaupun pemainnya ini cakep bgt wkwkwk...

    ada saran apalagi kah??

    lg pengen yang romantiss atau yang hot, huehehe...
    yang robin william kurang berminat saya, ho...

    coba dl 24th day ni, ho..
  • Udah posting Drama, Komedi ... sekarang Musical



    Les Chansons D'amour


    Review: I wish I could see this film at least another 3 or 4 times, before making this comment, but I can't wait telling the world (ah ah) how much I loved it! This film is a huge and wonderful homage to a great deal of things. 'Great things' such as love, life, death... and more 'minor things' (?) such as youth, friendship, music, Paris, actors and actresses, directors such as Stanley Donen, Jacques Demy, etc. And still, this film manages to stay incredibly fresh, new, full of veiled references (I couldn't help smiling with delight, when seeing Chiara Mastroianni under her transparent umbrella, a reference to her mother, Catherine Deneuve, in The Umbrellas of Cherbourg). And the film goes on like that, like on a tight rope, with actors perched on their frail voices, never ridiculous, always moving and/or witty. It keeps moving (never a dull moment) and it keeps moving you. Never vulgar, never cheap, never shocking. A marvel of lightness. Could it be the unbearable lightness of what we call life?

  • Sejauh yang kutonton, ini ni yang paling bagus :


    keren ceritanya, apalagi pemainnya yang ini :


    storynya :

    Aaron Davis (Steve Sandvoss) and Christian Markelli (Wes Ramsey) are the two most opposite people in the world. Aaron is a young Elder (or a Mormon missionary) who wants to do his family proud and is quite passionate about his religion and film. Christian is a shallow WeHo waiter/party boy who only looks forward to bedding a new guy every night. After Aaron and three other missionaries move into the apartment across from Christian, his friends bet him $50 that he can't get one of them to jump into the sack, so he instantly latches onto Aaron. There are two problems, though - Christian is falling in love with Aaron and the Mormons are not the biggest fans of the homosexual community. Once Aaron is discovered, the two have to go through trials of regret, loss, perseverance, and forgiveness if they both want to get to the thing that matters to them most: each other.

    detailnya :

    kapan ya gua bakal jalanin cerita kayak di film2, hahaha...
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