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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
haaaaaa ada benernya juga, tapi gak harus selalu begitu huehuheuheuheuhe let's look at the big picture :-)
being happy for the other person
when they are happy
being sad for the other person when they are sad
being together in good times
and being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength
Love is
being honest with yourself at all times
being honest with the other person at all times
telling, listening, respecting the truth
and never pretending
Love is the source of reality
Love is
an understanding that is so complete that
you feel as if you are a part of the other person
accepting the other person just the way they are
and not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity
Love is
the freedom to pursue your own desires
while sharing your experiences with the other person
the growth of one individual alongside of
and together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success
Love is
the excitement of planning things together
the excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future
Love is
the fury of the storm
the calm of the rainbow
Love is the source of passion
Love is
giving and taking in a daily situation
being patient with each other's needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing
Love is
knowing that the other person
will always be with you regardless of what happens
missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security
Love is the
source of life
and nobody said it would be easy for everyone. You run, you race, you fall, you hurt, you rise, you run, you fall, you hurt, you run, you finish the race.
hingga membentuk pengalaman yg beharga
and practice is a good way
Pembelajaran adalah tahapan.... Mulai level 1, 2, 3, dst
lalu bagaimana jika ketika seseorang yang statusnya pada level 1 langsung d tempatkan pada level 10?
Berat? Pasti, tapi mungkin dapat dilalui dengan lebih mudah jika d diprotect oleh sekitarnya, bukan hanya dari satu sisi... Tapi dari mereka semua yang disayangi.... Klo hanya d topang oleh satu sisi saja... Maka bagai koma... Hidup tapi tak dapat berbuat apa2 , lalu jika satu sisi itu menganggap enteng dan tanpa support yang melindungi maka bukan bagai koma lagi tapi.....
kapan kalo ke bandung bilang2 yah biar bisa ketemu dan ngobrol
domisili tabi di bandung kok
So after all's said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun
If you really want to
Sometimes living out your dreams
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world
In a beautiful balloon
most of the times we can not choose what life throws at us and when life throws 5hits at us, we either make it or break it. Gak selalu kita bisa milih masalah apa yg kita akan hadapi, tapi begitu masalah muncul, kita punya pilihan antara berbuat atau diam saja. Gak ada yg salah antara berbuat atau diam, yang penting kita melakukan apa yg kita bisa.