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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Hari ini crazy abish...temen2 lamaku dri singapore dateng. Orang2 Indonesia perantau itu....sekarang Fei sendiri masih dalam keadaan yang sangat sangat mabuk....jadi klo ada slah2 tulis maklum :oops: :oops: :oops: (Guys..Vodka and Chivas Regal is a Nasty combination...especially if there 4 over cash persons who really liked to get drunk....:P)
Tadi sore Fei nonton
N honestly, it's more than Fei expected...It's not just good, but also beautiful, artistik and Glamour. Fei inget pertama kali nonton Play ini di Opera house sydney dan pemeran Raoul dan Xtine sangatlah tua.
Dalam movienya yg terbaru ini Fei sangat suka dengan cast untuk xtine(bahkan terangsang....lihat adegan dimana Xtine & Phantom berpain "Don Juan", Xtine benar2 sensual), dan juga Raoul yang masih muda (N He really sings those songs...I wish I can Sing like that) dan tentunya juga Phantom yang terlihat Karismatik dan Misteryous.
Over all Fei jatuh cinta dg Movie ini dan pasti akan mengejar DVD limited editionnya.
Aku inget sekali lagu2 di film ini...semuanya pernah Fei nyanyikan baik secara resital solo maupun chorus. Fei sampai emosional...n neteskan air mata waktu nonton (Thank's heaven I watch it alone). N it's just gave me an idea...what if I sing one of the song for the Idol's audition???
So waddya think guys...??? Kira2 kalu Fei menyayikan lagu dari Phantom Of The Opera bagus tidak?? Lagu yg mana ya?? Music Of The Night, Phantom Of The Opera or All I ask Of You???
They divorce because another woman....n now another BITCH is hang around my father's DICK n PURSE. I had enough, call me crazy but I'll never ever see my father anymore, And promised never take his money. I don't need his money to pay my school n can earn it by myself....My mom n the others can take it, but not me I rather eat dirt n living in the street.
Gw harus ceritain ini...bener2 menyakitkan you know. Some1 you adore so much is do things that you never imagine even in your nughtmare. And these feeling is come because I love my father so much.....I don't know guys...Sometimes I just wish Ican just vanished away.
But I have to go on...I have audition yo catcht, a class to attend,a future wife to be married.....and a future before me. I just a wish, I don't get through this alone.....everybody so busy theirmind, their problem...and it's just up to me to wlak this life..just me n myself...
Kristan Adinda Putri.......I miss you, I miss you so much, Why you leave ini this sorrow times o'mine. When I need some1 to love, the one I love is gone....left in another man's arms.
I'm tired being floping between arms....another night, another guy, another days, another gals........Top, Botton..Top then Bottom, No matter how good they are......but still the trace of her face is linger. Can I really forget her??? Or it's just me who won't forget???
That's why I agree to get crazy with these guys today.....I need something i can get too. Sometimes I think one of these days I'll be crackin up........
yang menurut fei punya tingkat kesulitan yg tinggi .. dr pengambilan nada .. trus over tone nya kale yak .. biar lebih sangar ..
I would react the same way if the same thing were to happen to me. Kalau t1m mengambil pelajaran dari ayah t1m, dan berjanji untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal buruk yang ayah t1m lakukan bila t1m nanti sudah berkeluarga.
Kapan audisinya untuk di Bandoeng?
Moks........kita ngomongin lagu dari "Phantom Of The Opera" semuanya susahhhhhhh......kalo dah denger pasti ngerti.
Kadang2 dari rendah langsung loncat ketinggi....atau pindah2 oktaf yang gila-gilaan.......yg Fei pikirin cocok ga untuk lagu audisi.
I dunno but that,friend..........It's like something is going to explode inside of me. But you know me, I always keep my chin up and faces it.
Audisi itu tagl 22-24 Februari......Hei T1M waddya think???
Classic songs or Modern songs???
Well..he always call me, and I don't know since when but know I'm waiting his call every night.........I never meet him, but honestly I already like him. He had this big brother style over me.....mybe this valentine I'm gonna meet him. I dunno, I have to leave Bandung this Valentine...too much sweet memory is killing me slowly.
Fei lagi prihatin dengak keadaan yang dialami R1C tapi Fei rasa semua akan baik2 aja...eventually.........emang things will be complicated for a while....but I think everything's wiil b fine.
Fei masih belum bisa menghilangkan rasa marah di hati Fei terhadap ayah Fei,Tampaknya beliau selalu melakukan hal yang sama yang jelas2 dibenci oleh anak2nya....well, buruknya ini akan membuat Fei lari ke alkohol, Fei tau itu tidak membantu (T1M is right).......tapi setidaknya membuat Fei lebih mudah untuk tidur.
You know what I need n these freakin Hell of time?? A bottle of Vodka and a good sex.......too bad I can't get enything I want, kemarin fei hampir berniat untuk menggunakan jasa seorang pria panggilan...tapi I change my mind, although He really damn cute. Entah jik ayang menawarkan kemarin seorang wanita, mungkin akan lain ceritanya......
Salah satu solusi Fei untuk menghilangkan keBTan ini adalah pergi ke Gym dan excercise segila mungkin, lalu pulang dan tidur.
Atau bermain OnLine game berhari-hari (Mengejar job Super Novice....), atau mencurahkan semuanya di Boyzforum......walau kadang Fei berpikir, bbrpa pasti terganggu dengan kisah2 Fei, yang terkesan liar dan bahkan slah satu pernah dg keras pv Fei dan mengatakan kalo Fei sinting.....apa rekan2 tidak menjadi takut dengan kisah2 Fei??
Tapi anyway....who cares, this is me....bad or good this is me...
I miss those feelings of love again, the sweet feeling when you miss some1....I wonder what she's doin' now, or how's her feels if he knows that his ex bf is active hunting for guys. Sometimes I thought maybe I'm doin' all this crazy things because I know that it'll hurt her.........although she'll never know.....But then again not really, I have relationship with a guy (or a few :oops: :oops: :oops: ) because I do like him. And we not talkinabout one night stand,even str8 guys did it.....
Double-u tee eff??? He has no right to do that. Who the fuçk does he think he is to judge you like that? He's the one who is "sinting".
You say you always keep your chin up, but these kinda things worry me. You gotta preoccupy your mind so you don't think about her anymore. But then again, it's easier said than done. It took me a year to realize I let go of someone I loved over someone else only based on their physical appearance. I tried really hard not to think about her, but despite all my activities that filled my days, there would always be time when I think about her. I guess, only time will heal your wounds, but in the meantime, you gotta fight it.
I hope this is just one of those moments when you're feeling down and that you feel fine again instantly afterwards. Keep yourself busy (again, in positive ways, not by going around looking for "pria panggilan")
Or... instead of looking for "pria panggilan", how about "t1m panggilan"... but it's free of charge, hanya dengan memberi tempat untuk menginap di Bandoeng (the couch or the floor would be just fine), LOL.
YAH, betul sekarang gw fine fine ajah fei........ let it flow...
mmmhhh, terkadang jika disuruh memilih, ric akan memilih mempunyai ayah walaupun cerai, fei. tapi jika membaca post fei, ric jadi berpikir dua kali untuk memilih, semua ada buruk dan ada baiknya... LOL
fei , beer sometimes makes you fell better, and turn on your desire,
tapi bukankah lebih enak having sex without a beer???? jadi lebih kerasa gitu ... huehuehue LOL.....
WAKAKAKAKAKK, *laughing*, kalo gitu ke tempat ric ajah, free kan?????
fei juga boleh kalo mau kita threesome bro *LOL*
lagi keluar devilnya neh...
Waaaa 3some...mmmmm undangan yang sangat menggoda, hanya satu masalahnya...bukankah kita ber-3 TOP??? :oops: :oops: :oops:
@T1M: know I do love her so much, *sigh*
Hahahahah T1M, you don't have to sleep on the floor....why not beside me on my bed.....Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
Eh Ric...ujian selesei maen ke Bandung yuk, eh atau Fei saja yang ke Jakarta...well entahlah....
Atau bagaimana kalau kalian berdua support aku di Audisi tgl 22-24 nanti..hehheeh sebab aku bener2 sendiri...bukankah lebih enak jika ditemani.
mang audisinya dimana? jkt or bdg?????
tenang... diusahakan datang, tar gw ajak t1m dulu dong.....
gw gak ada mobil kalo berhari-hari,semuanya keluar tiap hari
(padahal cuma 2 hahahah)
ajak2 dong klo jalan2 ke bandung
pupus harapanku bisa ke bandung T_T
Kenapa kok pupus harapan ke Bandung....????
Di Bandung say....Klo jakarta kan Maret hehehehehe.......
Kenapa Waks?? apa T1M ga boleh tidur disebelah Fei...
padahal khan pengen ...