BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

suka suka



  • co_woq wrote:
    Gus Bagus wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    imul wrote:
    hehhehehe iya dunk :lol: multiguna n multifungsi :oops:
    wah bisa di duit-in donk yah ... hehehe
    yeah... enaknya multy talented people yak

    kalo gue nyang multi-talented chuman nyang bawah depan doank .... hehehe

    Kenapa Sat bawahnya...??? udah invalid yah....ato udah kendor...??? hi..hi..hi...

    Hua......ha...ha...... satriaaaaa dahhhhh kendorrrrrrrrrr .......... :lol: :lol:

    and bukannya semua yang ada pada dirimu MULTI TULANTED Sattttttt
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....

    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
  • satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....

    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
    is it?
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....
    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
    is it?

    WANNA know ?
  • satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....
    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
    is it?

    WANNA know ?
    hey thank you... but no thanks... i m just affraid that one of us would be dissapointed... (and who would it be?)
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....
    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
    is it?
    WANNA know ?
    hey thank you... but no thanks... i m just affraid that one of us would be dissapointed... (and who would it be?)

    ... we will see ...
  • satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    HAH... satria MULTI TULALIT.... yang bener nih... c'mon c'mon tell me more about it....
    ...... hm ... it will be so much BETTER if you see him in person .... :wink: :wink:
    is it?
    WANNA know ?
    hey thank you... but no thanks... i m just affraid that one of us would be dissapointed... (and who would it be?)

    ... we will see ...
    waiting forward to it... hauahuauhauhua udah ah, udah saya kagak bisa inggris... pasti tadi ngaco ngaco... hauhauhua nyerah aja dah.. pusing mikirnya.. huahuahuhaua
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    nyerah aja dah..

    .... ya udah de, nungging sono ..... ( awas kalo bebunyi alias kluar angin harum ntu bokong yak )
  • satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    nyerah aja dah..

    .... ya udah de, nungging sono ..... ( awas kalo bebunyi alias kluar angin harum ntu bokong yak )
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    nyerah aja dah..

    .... ya udah de, nungging sono ..... ( awas kalo bebunyi alias kluar angin harum ntu bokong yak )

    Satt.............NUNGGINGNYA GIMANA ???????[/b] kasih contoh dong Sayyyyy
  • co_woq wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    nyerah aja dah..
    .... ya udah de, nungging sono ..... ( awas kalo bebunyi alias kluar angin harum ntu bokong yak )
    Satt.............NUNGGINGNYA GIMANA ???????[/b] kasih contoh dong Sayyyyy

    ntar yak ... kalo lo punya nomer dah di panggil, antrean masih panjang neh ... heheheh
  • KAYAK praktek mak EROT aja antri.
  • is....kok mak erot mulu sih omongnye? *curiga* temen deket kamu yah? ahuhauhuahuahuah
  • fertigo28 wrote:
    is....kok mak erot mulu sih omongnye? *curiga* temen deket kamu yah? ahuhauhuahuahuah

    tante-nye ...
  • satria wrote:
    fertigo28 wrote:
    is....kok mak erot mulu sih omongnye? *curiga* temen deket kamu yah? ahuhauhuahuahuah

    tante-nye ...

    hehehe...bukan juga rais tuh salah satu korbannya MAK EROT...katanya hasilnya gak sesuai yg diharapkan.....hahahahahahahahaha.... :lol: :lol:
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