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bentuk2 penis
asia: - warna nya lebih gelap dari kulitnya: kuning, ungu, sawo mateng
- cenderung pendek
- ketebalan medium-tebal
- kepalanya seperti jamur (lebih tebal dari badannya)
- jembut tebal, panjang bergelombang
bule: - warnanya cenderung sama dengan kulitnya: merah, ungu
- ukuran medium
- ketebalan medium-tebal
- kepalanya seperti piramid (lebih kecil dari pangkalnya)
- jembut halus, keriting
item: - warnanya lebih gelap dari kulitnya: coklat, hitam
- ukuran PANJANG
- ketebalan tipis-medium
- kepalanya rata2 sama tebalnya dengan pangkal
- jembut tebal, keriting
coba liat Asia Barat(Irak, arab dll) cenderung besar and panjang termasuk asia selatan(India, Pakistan dll).........nah untuk bangsa kita Asia tenggara dikategorikan ukurannya standar bukan kecil(rata-rata).......ya begitulah sorry kalau salah..............
gue lupa baca di buku apa tentang antropology kali ya...anyways ras2 yang gue sebut di atas itu adalah (berdasarkan buku itu) ras pokok. Ras2 lain di dunia merupakan persilangan antara 2 atau lebih dari ras2 tsb.
middle eastern: kulit putih x Kulit hitam (makanya hidungnya mancung2)
russia: Asia (oriental spt chinese, jepang dan korea) x Kulit putih
asia tenggara: Asia x kulit hitam
mungkin karena itu asia tenggara bisa besar2(gen orang hitamnya hehe),atau org middle eastern juga besar(hitam+putih, wau!)
Alas, the evidence for natural selection of skin color dissolves under scrutiny. Among tropical peoples, anthropologists love to stress the dark skins of African blacks, people of the southern Indian peninsula, and New Guineans and love to forget the pale skins of Amazonian Indians and Southeast Asians living at the same latitudes. To wriggle out of those paradoxes, anthropologists then plead the excuse that Amazonian Indians and Southeast Asians may not have been living in their present locations long enough to evolve dark skins. However, the ancestors of fair-skinned Swedes arrived even more recently in Scandinavia, and aboriginal Tasmanians were black-skinned despite their ancestors' having lived for at least the last 10,000 years at the latitude of Vladivostok.
Besides, when one takes into account cloud cover, peoples of equatorial West Africa and the New Guinea mountains actually receive no more ultraviolet radiation or hours of sunshine each year than do the Swiss. Compared with infectious diseases and other selective agents, skin cancer has been utterly trivial as a cause of death in human history, even for modern white settlers in the tropics. This objection is so obvious to believers in natural selection of skin color that they have proposed at least seven other supposed survival functions of skin color, without reaching agreement. Those other supposed functions include protection against rickets, frostbite, folic acid deficiency, beryllium poisoning, overheating, and overcooling. The diversity of these contradictory theories makes clear how far we are from understanding the survival value (if any) of skin color.
It wouldn't surprise me if dark skins do eventually prove to offer some advantage in tropical climates, but I expect the advantage to turn out to be a slight one that is easily overridden. But there's an overwhelming importance to skin, eye, and hair color that is obvious to all of us—sexual selection. Before we can reach a condition of intimacy permitting us to assess the beauty of a prospective sex partner's hidden physical attractions, we first have to pass muster for skin, eyes, and hair.
We all know how those highly visible "beauty traits" guide our choice of sex partners. Even the briefest personal ad in a newspaper mentions the advertiser's skin color, and the color of skin that he or she seeks in a partner. Skin color, of course, is also of overwhelming importance in our social prejudices. If you're a black African American trying to raise your children in white U.S. society, rickets and overheating are the least of the problems that might be solved by your skin color. Eye color and hair form and color, while not so overwhelmingly important as skin color, also play an obvious role in our sexual and social preferences. Just ask yourself why hair dyes, hair curlers, and hair straighteners enjoy such wide sales. You can bet that it's not to improve our chances of surviving grizzly bear attacks and other risks endemic to the North American continent.
As regards the function of all those traits that are useful for classifying human races, some serve to enhance survival, some to enhance sexual selection, while some serve no function at all. The traits we traditionally use are ones subject to sexual selection, which is not really surprising. These traits are not only visible at a distance but also highly variable; that's why they became the ones used throughout recorded history to make quick judgments about people. Racial classification didn't come from science but from the body's signals for differentiating attractive from unattractive sex partners, and for differentiating friend from foe.
Such snap judgments didn't threaten our existence back when people were armed only with spears and surrounded by others who looked mostly like themselves. In the modern world, though, we are armed with guns and plutonium, and we live our lives surrounded by people who are much more varied in appearance. The last thing we need now is to continue codifying all those different appearances into an arbitrary system of racial classification.
Diamond, Jared. “Race Without Color.” Discover Magazine, November 1994.
4 to 5.5 inches in length and 1.25 inches in diameter
(panjang 10 - 13.75 cm, diameter 3.125 cm)
whites (Caucasians):
5.5 to 6 inches in length and 1.5 inches in diameter
(panjang 13.75 - 15 cm, diameter 3.75 cm)
6.25 to 8 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter.
(panjang 15.625 - 20 cm, diameter 5 cm)
In the Dr. Jacobus survey definite penis size differences on a basis of race were detected. The largest Arab penises were found to be between eight and ten inches; but it was among the Muslim Sudanese that Jacobus found "the most developed phallus" - notably "one of the maximum dimensions, being nearly 12 in (30 cm). in length, by a diameter of 2- in (5 cm)." The hardy researcher remarked that this was "a terrific machine" - "more likely the penis of a donkey than of a man." He concluded that the "Sudanese Negro possesses the largest genital organ of all the races of mankind".
ada 4173 sample terdaftar di boyzforum yang cukup mencerminkan keragaman suku.
ada yang mau ikut? :):)
thank you atas infonya, tapi kitakan ngomongin penis...mana penisnya? Sepertinya artikel diatas itu menyentuh hal2 soal diskriminiasi dan perang...memangnya karena temen gue orng hitam penisnya lebih besar, gue jadi benci ama dia...kayanya ngga relevan dech