BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Saipul Jamil d tangkap polisi, mencabuli bocah 17taon



  • Idk. I think many issues appear about LGBT this time. recently, people talk about Jessica case, issue says Jessica is a lesbian, and Idk whether it's alright or not, then right now, the trending topic is about SJ, it's confusing and it makes people think LGBT is something to be demolish. As a gay I'm not comfort with this condition, it seems like people are judging LGBT all over then people will generalize PLU.

    I guess the best thing we can do is doing our best to contribute to our society in our respective field so we can't be defined by our sexual orientation alone. I think these people can inspire us .
  • Idk. I think many issues appear about LGBT this time. recently, people talk about Jessica case, issue says Jessica is a lesbian, and Idk whether it's alright or not, then right now, the trending topic is about SJ, it's confusing and it makes people think LGBT is something to be demolish. As a gay I'm not comfort with this condition, it seems like people are judging LGBT all over then people will generalize PLU.

    I see brighter side,actually straight people shouldn:t respond about any lgbt issue. Lgbt issue will be sank by itself no need to worry it will blow up and lead to the legalisation of gay marriage.

    No… they are overeactive. However… this overreactive responds is a good thing. By this strict respond, lgbt people start showing up themselves voicing their voices and right.

    So,we are actually bargaining about our right, that oneday we need to be accepted as "does exist" and no need to worry of it.

    It just a matter of time. Not only time change, people does culture does. We just need to be brave voicing our existanc and vies. We keep silent or stop arguing with them they will not realize that the one they sshould be afraid of is about moral degradation which refers to the way the girls dress themselves with super shot shorts. Also about free sex and molesting.

    Either by hetero or lgbt, that is the one they should be afraid of.

  • Ada yg punya foto DS gk sih?
  • Kalo kalian dilaporin maho ngaku normal gimana
  • edited February 2016
    Kenapa ya yg suka sok2 ng-Inggeris itu biasanya dari daerah pinggiran. Ada yg dari Tangerang, ada yg jebolan Inderalaya.

    Pengen dapet pengakuan keren gitu? Karena sering diremehkan dlm keseharian?

    Kaya udah ga bisa berbahasa Indonesia lagi.

    Tentunya gw nulis ini BUKAN KARENA GAK NGERTI ya.
    Tapi merasa geli aja. Karena nyaris tidak ada orang asing di forum ini. Jadi itu nulis buat siapa?

  • rheyzaldi wrote: »
    Kenapa ya yg suka sok2 ng-Inggeris itu biasanya dari daerah pinggiran. Ada yg dari Tangerang, ada yg jebolan Inderalaya.

    Pengen dapet pengakuan keren gitu? Karena sering diremehkan dlm keseharian?

    Kaya udah ga bisa berbahasa Indonesia lagi.

    Tentunya gw nulis ini BUKAN KARENA GAK NGERTI ya.
    Tapi merasa geli aja. Karena nyaris tidak ada orang asing di forum ini. Jadi itu nulis buat siapa?

    Jangan mempermalukan diri sendiri.
    Gak usah diambil hati itu… gk ada yg maksud nyerang kamu…

    Peace kang…

    Dedek reyzhaldi cakep… kliatan dari namanya :)
  • Disitu dia mengakui "menghap…" titip korban…
  • Idk. I think many issues appear about LGBT this time. recently, people talk about Jessica case, issue says Jessica is a lesbian, and Idk whether it's alright or not, then right now, the trending topic is about SJ, it's confusing and it makes people think LGBT is something to be demolish. As a gay I'm not comfort with this condition, it seems like people are judging LGBT all over then people will generalize PLU.

    I see brighter side,actually straight people shouldn:t respond about any lgbt issue. Lgbt issue will be sank by itself no need to worry it will blow up and lead to the legalisation of gay marriage.

    No… they are overeactive. However… this overreactive responds is a good thing. By this strict respond, lgbt people start showing up themselves voicing their voices and right.

    So,we are actually bargaining about our right, that oneday we need to be accepted as "does exist" and no need to worry of it.

    It just a matter of time. Not only time change, people does culture does. We just need to be brave voicing our existanc and vies. We keep silent or stop arguing with them they will not realize that the one they sshould be afraid of is about moral degradation which refers to the way the girls dress themselves with super shot shorts. Also about free sex and molesting.

    Either by hetero or lgbt, that is the one they should be afraid of.

    This is such a positive view of things, i really hope that it would come true. But if we have to be brave to voice our existence then we might still need more time to do that.

  • Kalo lg jual tahu di pasar pake bhs Inggris juga koh?
  • rheyzaldi wrote: »
    Kenapa ya yg suka sok2 ng-Inggeris itu biasanya dari daerah pinggiran. Ada yg dari Tangerang, ada yg jebolan Inderalaya.

    Pengen dapet pengakuan keren gitu? Karena sering diremehkan dlm keseharian?

    Kaya udah ga bisa berbahasa Indonesia lagi.

    Tentunya gw nulis ini BUKAN KARENA GAK NGERTI ya.
    Tapi merasa geli aja. Karena nyaris tidak ada orang asing di forum ini. Jadi itu nulis buat siapa?

    Jangan mempermalukan diri sendiri.
    Gak usah diambil hati itu… gk ada yg maksud nyerang kamu…

    Peace kang…

    Dedek reyzhaldi cakep… kliatan dari namanya :)

    Nah gitu pak, biasa aja

    Secara bukan mengajar di International School ya...

  • Paling berita gini bakal nguap 2-3 bulan. Kl rejeki gak kemana. Ariel luna ja y terang2an ada video bokep nya skrg eksis lg di dunia hiburan. Msh banyak y memuja memuji nya sbg artis idola
  • jadi penasaran deh dulu SJ sama DP hemeh2 gak ya?? apa mereka divorce gegara SJ belok+botty??
  • rheyzaldi wrote: »
    Kalo lg jual tahu di pasar pake bhs Inggris juga koh?

    Klo pembelinya berbahasa inggris ya pake bahasa inggris.

    Idealnya, "gunakanlah bahasa yg dipahami lawan bicara"

    Gak pantas sebenarnya pake bhs inggris dalam percakapan yg jelas2 berbahasa indonesia. Dengan orang indonesia pula.

    Jaman kan skarbg sudah berubah, maka pola pikir juga harus berubah. Ketika orang memulai memaai bahasa lain (katakanlah b. Inggris) berarti (mungkin) dia sedang berusaha membuka ruang baru, tahap percakapan yg lwbih dalam dan kritis.

    Idealnya kita pun terbuka, klo lawan bicara pakai bahasa inggris (dan kita mampu mengerti) ya diladeni saja pakai bhs inggris. Hal ini bukan sesuatu yg perlu diributkan.

    Reaksi kamu seolah2 kamu itu pria sensitif yg mudah tersinggung. Seperti orang yg mudah tersulut api. Itupun gk bagus, akan mengaburkan citra kamu sbg laki2 cerdas

  • Punten kang rryzhaldi…

    Itu tadi di post2 sebelumnya, nyebut "jebolan indralaya"
    Maksudnya siapa kang??

    Bukan aku kan??
    Kita temenan kan ya??

    Aku suka namamu… namamu itu cakep bgt…

    Hehe…salam kenal…

    Dari koko glodok
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