First of all, maaf klo salah room.
Second of all, it's more like a question i've been figuring out myself.
I just kinda need to find out is it true or false that the person who are more likely sitting on the Passengers sit on a motor bike is a bottom.
third of all, i'm a virgin. never had sex. Tiap naek motor senengnya dibonceng. Klo pun bawa motor sendiri, klo ada yg mau nebeng, gw suruh dia yg di depan. kecuali cewe ya. mau ga mau, gw mesti tetep didepan.
I don't know why, tapi klo dibonceng ama orang yg kita suka rasanya tuh feeling safe aja. ngerasa dijaga'in, di'lindungin. Just like in sex, i wanna be dominated in a good way. I want my boyfriend to hold me tight.. closely.. fucking me nice and slow... his chest on mine, so I can feel his heart beat. warm, hot and i lil' bit hurt at the same time. But i know he loves me. he never meant to hurt me.
anyway, so what do ya' think guys? is it true or false?
Apakah yang megang setir selalu top?
Kalau menurut yang lainnya yo mbuh..
Naik matic aja, masak kalah sama emak2 yang dipasar
Aku suka duduk di tengah bonceng bertiga naik motor. Apakah aku lebih tepat dibilang versatile atau cabe-cabean?
mas @hiddenpark lebih tepatnya burger kalau dihimpit gitu....uhhh apakah yang menghimpit lelaki straight? ane juga mau ummm