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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Singing a Song



  • BabyCurse wrote: »
    Don't Stop。。。


    ...hold on to that feelin ... streetlight ...

  • "She's Gone" by : Darryl Hall

    Everybody's high on consolation
    Everybody's trying to tell me what is right for me, yeah
    My daddy tried to bore me with a sermon
    But it's plain to see that they can't comfort me

    Sorry, Charlie, for the imposition
    I think I got (it got it), I got the strength to carry on, yeah
    I need a drink and a quick decision
    Now it's up to me, ooh, what will be

    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I better learn how to face it
    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I'd pay the devil to replace her
    She's gone, and she's gone
    Oh why, what went wrong?

    Get up in the morning, look in the mirror
    I'm worn as a toothbrush hanging in the stand, yeah
    My face ain't looking any younger
    Now I can see love's taken a toll on me

    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I better learn how to face it
    She's gone, and she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I'd pay the devil to replace her
    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh why, what went wrong?

    Think I'll spend eternity in the city
    Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away, yeah
    And pretty bodies help dissolve the memories
    They can never be what she was (was) to me

    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I better learn how to face it
    She's gone, she's gone
    Oh I, oh I
    I'd pay the devil to replace her
    She's gone, and she's gone
    Oh I, what went wrong?

    She's gone
    Oh I, I better learn how to face that
    She's gone, she's gone
    I can't believe that she's gone
    Oh I, I'd pay the devil to replace her
    She's gone
    Oh I, I I better learn how to face that
    She's gone, she's gone
    I can't believe that she's gone
    Oh I, I pay the devil to replace her
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
    She's gone, she's gone
  • Aku tidak takut pada luka dan sakit
    Apa yang terjadi ku tak kan gentar
    Pergi untuk mencari impian milikku
    Meskipun ada yang menghalangi untuk
    sampai ke tujuan
    Setiap terluka jadi makin dewasa
    Air mata mengalir dada terasa sakit
    Meski begitu ku tetap tak kan menyerah
    Ayo jadi kelinci yang pertama
  • But you didn't have to cut me off
    Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
    And I don't even need your love
    But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
    No you didn't have to stoop so low
    Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
    I guess that I don't need that though
    Now you're just somebodythat I used to know ..

    sambadi ....
    sambadi ....
  • I was in the winter of my life, and the men I met
    along the road were my only summer.
    At night I fell asleep with visions of myself,
    dancing and laughing and crying with them.
    Three years down the line of being on an endless
    world tour, and my memories of them were the
    only things that sustained me, and my only real
    happy times.
    I was a singer - not a very popular one,
    I once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet,
    but upon an unfortunate series of events saw
    those dreams dashed and divided like a million
    stars in the night sky that I wished on over and
    over again, sparkling and broken.
    But I didn't really mind because I knew that it
    takes getting everything you ever wanted, and
    then losing it to know what true freedom is.
    When the people I used to know found out what I
    had been doing, how I'd been living, they asked
    me why - but there's no use in talking to people
    who have home.
    They have no idea what it's like to seek safety in
    other people - for home to be wherever you lay
    your head.
    I was always an unusual girl.
    My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no
    moral compass pointing due north, no fixed
    personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was
    as wide and as wavering as the ocean...
    And if I said I didn't plan for it to turn out this
    way I'd be lying...
    Because I was born to be the other woman.
    Who belonged to no one, who belonged to
    Who had nothing, who wanted everything, with a
    fire for every experience and an obsession for
    freedom that terrified me to the point that I
    couldn't even talk about it, and pushed me to a
    nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and
    dizzied me.
    I've been out on that open road
    You can be my full time daddy,
    White and gold
    Singing blues has been getting old
    You can be my full time baby,
    Hot or cold
    Don't break me down
    I've been travelin' too long
    I've been trying too hard
    With one pretty song
    I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
    I drive fast, I am alone in the night
    Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
    but I, I've got a war in my mind
    So, I just ride, just ride,
    I just ride, just ride
    Dying young and I'm playing hard
    That's the way my father made his life an art
    Drink all day and we talk 'til dark
    That's the way the road dogs do it – ride 'til
    Don't leave me now
    Don't say good bye
    Don't turn around
    Leave me high and dry
    I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
    I drive fast, I am alone in the night
    Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
    but I, I've got a war in my mind
    I just ride, just ride,
    I just ride, just ride
    I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy
    I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes
    It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby
    So I just ride, I just ride
    I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
    I drive fast, I am alone in the night
    Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
    but I, I've got a war in my mind
    I just ride, just ride,
    I just ride, I just ride
    [Music video spoken ending:]
    Every night I used to pray that I’d find my people,
    and finally I did on the open road.
    We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing
    we desired anymore, except to make our lives into
    a work of art.
    Live fast. Die young. Be wild. And have fun.
    I believe in the country America used to be.
    I believe in the person I want to become.
    I believe in the freedom of the open road.
    And my motto is the same as ever:
    "I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when
    I’m at war with myself I ride, I just ride."
    Who are you?
    Are you in touch with all of your darkest
    Have you created a life for yourself where you can
    experience them?
    I have. I am fucking crazy.
    But I am free.
  • Bila mungkin kau lihat aku menanti dirimu
    Bila mungkin dirimu ada di samping diriku
    Bilakah jadi milikku?
    Mungkinkah jadi milikku?
    Hoo.. semakin ku kejar, semakin kau jauh
    Tak pernah letih tuk dapatkanmu
    Terus berlari namun ku takut terjatuh lagi
    Tak ingin lagi.. membuat ku perih..
    Sadarkan aku.. dari mimpiku..
    Oh, mungkinkah dirinya ada di depan
    Bila mungkin terjadi pasti itu hanya mimpi
    Mungkinkah jadi milikku? Hooo
    Semakin ku kejar, semakin kau jauh
    Tak pernah letih tuk dapatkanmu
    Terus berlari namun ku takut terjatuh lagi
    Tak ingin lagi.. membuat ku perih..
    Sadarkan aku.. dari mimpiku..
    Bilakah jadi milikku?
    Mungkinkah jadi milikku?
    Hoo.. semakin ku kejar, semakin kau jauh
    Tak pernah letih tuk dapatkanmu
    Terus berlari namun ku takut terjatuh lagi
    Tak ingin lagi.. membuat ku perih..
    Sadarkan aku.. dari mimpiku..
    Hoo.. hoo..
  • vian_oei wrote: »
    My best friend gave me the best advice
    He said each day's a gift and not a given right
    Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
    And try to take the path less traveled by
    That first step you take is the longest stride

    If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
    Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
    Would you live each moment like your last
    Leave old pictures in the past?
    Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
    What if, what if, if today was your last day?

    Against the grain should be a way of life
    What's worth the price is always worth the fight
    Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
    So live like you're never living twice
    Don't take the free ride in your own life

    What if, what if, if today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
    Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
    Would you live each moment like your last?
    Leave old pictures in the past?
    Donate every dime you had?

    And would you call those friends you never see?
    Reminisce old memories?
    Would you forgive your enemies?
    And would you find that one you're dreaming of?
    Swear up and down to God above
    That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

    If today was your last day
    Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
    You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
    Regardless of who you are

    So do whatever it takes
    'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
    Let nothing stand in your way
    'Cause the hands of time are never on your side

    If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
    Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
    Would you live each moment like your last?
    Leave old pictures in the past?
    Donate every dime you had?

    And would you call those friends you never see?
    Reminisce old memories?
    Would you forgive your enemies?
    And would you find that one you're dreaming of
    Swear up and down to God above
    That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?


    Wew @vian_oei ...bagus nih bro liriknya, judulnya apa yak? klo bertemakan friendship menarik nih...
  • @yohan_pratama judulnya if today was your last day gan :)
  • Banyak yang bilangHidup sendiri bagai belalang
    Menclok sana-sini
    Tapi gak pernah ada yang pastichorus
    Biarkan caci maki hinaan itu
    Biarkan biarkan biarkan aku jomblo tp bahagia


    Gak punya pacar katanya free
    Asik sendiri gak peduli
    Gak punya pacar bikin sedih
    Saat sendiri ku merintih
    Gak ada yang care
    Aku ke kanan atau ke kiri
    Hobiku nongkrong
    Kalo gak bengong ngecengin bencong

    back to chorus

    back to reff
  • edited September 2014
  • 9gags wrote: »
    BabyCurse wrote: »
    Don't Stop。。。


    ...hold on to that feelin ... streetlight ...


    .. hooo u hoo .. don't stop
  • Feels like my life's been passing by
    With happiness just bein' a lie
    How did I get here, where am I going?
    One more day without knowing
    Struggling for one more breath
    As I'm drowning in a painful death
    Can someone reach out for me?
    In this dark and dreary sea

    'Cause it seems like no one can
    Hear the voice that's calling
    Try to take the most I can stand
    But I keep falling

    I try to chase the memories away
    But they haunt me everyday
    I hope I get over this phase
    'Cause I'm stuck inside this haze
    All I need is a simple lift
    Such a sweet and precious gift
    So I don't lose it all before
    What I have left is nothing more

    In my isolated misery
    I feel like the epitome
    Of darkness and despair
    Just leading into nowhere
    Will I be able to win this race?
    I'm runnin' at a slow pace
    Trying hard to press on
    But the motivation's gone

    'Cause it seems like no one can
    Hear the voice that's calling
    Try to take the most I can stand
    But I keep falling


    I try to chase the memories away
    But they haunt me everyday
    I hope I get over this phase
    'Cause I'm stuck inside this haze
    All I need is a simple lift
    Such a sweet and precious gift
    So I don't lose it all before
    What I have left is nothing more

    It may not have to be this way
    Waiting for me, there could be a new day
    Maybe I can revise
    And escape from the lies

    I try to chase the memories away
    But they haunt me everyday
    I hope I get over this phase
    'Cause I'm stuck inside this haze
    All I need is a simple lift
    Such a sweet and precious gift
    So I don't lose it all before
    What I have left is nothing more

    There could be something more
    To what my life may have in store
    I'll move from where I began
    Keep on pressing through to the end
  • edited June 2014
    Excuse me for a while
    While I’m wide-eyed
    And I’m so down caught in the middle
    I’ve excused you for a while
    While I’m wide-eyed
    And I’m so down caught in the middle

    And a lion, a lion roars would you not listen?
    If a child, a child cries would you not forgive them?

    Yeah, I might seem so strong
    Yeah, I might speak so long
    I've never been so wrong

    Excuse me for a while,
    Turn a blind eye
    With a stare caught right in the middle
    Have you wondered for a while
    I have a feeling deep down
    You’re caught in the middle?
  • Ku teringat dalam lamunan
    Rasa sentuhan jemari tanganmu
    Ku teringat walau telah pudar
    Suara tawamu, sungguh ku rindu
    Tanpamu langit tak berbintang
    Tanpamu hampa yang ku rasa
    Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
    Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
    Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
    Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
    Kau akan kembali bersamaku
    Ku teringat walau telah pudar
    Suara tawamu, sungguh ku rindu
    Tanpamu langit tak berbintang
    Tanpamu hampa yang ku rasa
    Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
    Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
    Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
    Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
    Kau akan kembali bersamaku
    Terbit dan tenggelamnya matahari
    Membawamu lebih dekat
    Denganmu langitku berbintang
    Denganmu sempurna ku rasa
    Seandainya jarak tiada berarti
    Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
    Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
    Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
    Kau akan kembali bersamaku
    (seandainya jarak tiada berarti)
    Akan ku arungi ruang dan waktu dalam sekejap saja
    Seandainya sang waktu dapat mengerti
    Takkan ada rindu yang terus mengganggu
    Kau akan kembali bersamaku
  • Bertuturlah cinta mengucap satu nama
    Seindah goresan sabda-Mu dalam kitabku
    Cinta yang bertasbih mengutus hati ini
    Ku sandarkan hidup dan matiku pada-Mu

    Bisikkan doaku dalam butiran tasbih
    Ku panjatkan pintaku padaMu Maha Cinta
    Sudah diubun-ubun cinta mengusik rasa
    Tak bisa ku paksa walau hatiku menjerit

    Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu
    Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
    Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
    Sujud syukur pada-Mu atas segala cinta


    Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
    Sujud syukur pada-Mu atas segala cinta
    Ketika cinta bertasbih
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