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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • in my recovery i'm a soldier at war .......
  • Pertama bertemu ku suka padamu..
    Begitu juga dengamu
    Sayangnya cinta kita tak mungkin bersatu..
    Namun pernah berjanji sehidup semati...

    Engkau punya dia
    Sementara aku sendiri
    Tak mungkin orang 'kan tau
    Kita mencinta

    Inikah namanya cinta diam-diam
    Hanya Tuhan, engkau dan aku yang tau
    Biarkanlah ragamu ini jadi miliknya..
    Namun jiwa dan cintamu pasti untukku..

    Sampai saat ini kau slalu di hati..
    Karena ku tak mungkin mengganti..
    Ku tau hatimu selalu untukku..
    Karena cinta kita ini cinta sejati..

    Engkau punya dia
    Sementara aku sendiri
    Tak mungkin orang 'kan tau
    Kita mencinta

    Inikah namanya cinta diam-diam
    Hanya Tuhan, engkau dan aku yang tau
    Biarkanlah ragamu ini jadi miliknya..
    Namun jiwa dan cintamu pasti untukku..

    Inikah namanya cinta diam-diam
    Hanya Tuhan, engkau dan aku yang tau
    Biarkanlah ragamu ini jadi miliknya..
    Namun jiwa dan cintamu pasti untukku..

    Inilah namanya cinta diam-diam
  • Pejamkanlah
    rebahkanlah dirimu
    lepaskanlah segala
    yang t'lah kau lewati

    mimpi tentang diriku
    jadikanlah sebagai
    bunga tidurmu
    yang indah

    Dan tidurlah, sayang
    biarkan dirimu
    merentang melayang
    Dan aku disana
    menunggu dirimu
    ‘tuk terbang bersama
    sampai esok ‘kan, menjelang

    mimpi tentang diriku
    jadikanlah sebagai
    bunga tidurmu
    yang indah

    Dan tidurlah, sayang
    biarkan dirimu
    merentang melayang
    Dan aku disana
    menunggu dirimu
    ‘tuk terbang bersama
    sampai esok ‘kan, menjelang

    Dan tidurlah, sayang
    biarkan dirimu
    merentang melayang

    Dan aku disana
    menunggu dirimu
    ‘tuk terbang bersama
    sampai esok ‘kan, menjelang

    Nighty night my prince
    Semoga kamu selalu dilindungi olehNya
    Dan doa2ku untukmu Ia kabulkan semuany
    Go get them and be the best my tiger :x
  • We'll do it all
    On our own

    We don't need
    Or anyone

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    I don't quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They're not enough

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?
  • edited April 2014
    eldurion wrote: »
    We'll do it all
    On our own

    We don't need
    Or anyone

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    I don't quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They're not enough

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    Hahaha, baru mau ngepost lagu ini.. Btw, tiati galau bang. XD :P
  • Travelling north, travelling north to find you
    Train wheels beating, the wind in my eyes
    Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
    Call out your name love, don't be surprised

    Nothing at all, in my head, to say to you
    Only the beat of the train I'm on
    Nothing I've learned all my life on the way to you
    One day our love was over and gone

    What will I do if there's someone there with you
    Maybe someone you've always known
    How do I know I can come and give to you
    Love with no warning and find you alone

    It's so many miles and so long since I've left you
    Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you
    But suddenly now, I know where I belong
    It's many hundred miles and it won't be long
  • Wise men say
    It looks like rain today
    It crackled on the speakers
    And trickled down the sleepy subway trains
    For heavy eyes could hardly hold us
    Aching legs that often told us
    It's all worth it
    We all fall in love sometimes

    The full moon's bright
    And starlight filled the evening
    We wrote it and I played it
    Something happened it's so strange this feeling
    Naive notions that were childish
    Simple tunes that tried to hide it
    But when it comes
    We all fall in love sometimes

    Did we, didn't we, should we couldn't we
    I'm not sure `cause sometimes we're so blind
    Struggling through the day
    When even your best friend says
    Don't you find
    We all fall in love sometimes

    And only passing time
    Could kill the boredom we acquired
    Running with the losers for a while
    But our Empty Sky was filled with laughter
    Just before the flood
    Painting worried faces with a smile
  • 9gags wrote: »
    eldurion wrote: »
    We'll do it all
    On our own

    We don't need
    Or anyone

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    I don't quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They're not enough

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    Hahaha, baru mau ngepost lagu ini.. Btw, tiati galau bang. XD :P

    Preett.. Kaga wooooo #akurapopo
  • Ibu kita Kartini
    Putri sejati
    Putri Indonesia
    Harum namanya
    Ibu kita Kartini
    Pendekar bangsa
    Pendekar kaumnya
    Untuk merdeka
    Wahai ibu kita Kartini
    Putri yang mulia
    Sungguh besar cita-citanya
    Bagi Indonesia
    Ibu kita Kartini
    Putri jauhari
    Putri yang berjasa
    Se Indonesia
    Ibu kita Kartini
    Putri yang suci
    Putri yang merdeka
    Wahai ibu kita Kartini
    Putri yang mulia
    Sungguh besar cita-citanya
    Bagi Indonesia
    Ibu kita Kartini
    Pendekar bangsa
    Pendeka kaum ibu
    Ibu kita Kartini
    Penyuluh budi
    Penyuluh bangsanya
    Karena cintanya
    Wahai ibu kita Kartini
    Putri yang mulia
    Sungguh besar cita-citanya
    Bagi Indonesia
  • eldurion wrote: »
    9gags wrote: »
    eldurion wrote: »
    We'll do it all
    On our own

    We don't need
    Or anyone

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    I don't quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They're not enough

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me
    And just forget the world?

    Hahaha, baru mau ngepost lagu ini.. Btw, tiati galau bang. XD :P

    Preett.. Kaga wooooo #akurapopo

    Kasian.. *puk puk* :))
  • I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
    There was something so pleasant about that place.
    Even your emotions had an echo
    In so much space

    And when you're out there
    Without care,
    Yeah, I was out of touch
    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
    I just knew too much

    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?
    Does that make me crazy?

    And I hope that you are having the time of your life
    But think twice, that's my only advice

    Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
    Ha ha ha bless your soul
    You really think you're in control

    Well, I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    I think you're crazy
    Just like me

    My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
    And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
    Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
    And it's no coincidence I've come
    And I can die when I'm done

    Maybe I'm crazy
    Maybe you're crazy
    Maybe we're crazy
  • I know you think that I shouldn't still love you,
    Or tell you that.
    But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it
    where's the sense in that?

    I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
    Or return to where we were

    I know I left too much mess and
    destruction to come back again
    And I caused nothing but trouble
    I understand if you can't talk to me again
    And if you live by the rules of "it's over"
    then I'm sure that that makes sense

    I will go down with this ship
    And I won't put my hands up and surrender
    There will be no white flag above my door
    I'm in love and always will be

    And when we meet
    Which I'm sure we will
    All that was there
    Will be there still
    I'll let it pass
    And hold my tongue
    And you will think
    That I've moved on
  • "Here You Come Again"

    Here you come again
    Just when I've begun to get myself together
    You waltz right in the door
    Just like you've done before
    And wrap my heart 'round your little finger

    Here you come again
    Just when I'm about to make it work without you
    You look into my eyes
    And lie those pretty lies
    And pretty soon I'm wonderin' how I came to doubt you

    All you got to do is smile that smile
    And there go all my defenses
    Just leave it up to you and in a little while
    You're messin' up my mind and fillin' up my senses

    Here you come again
    Lookin' better than a body has a right to
    And shakin' me up so that all I really know
    Is here you come again
    And here I go

    [Instrumental Interlude]

    All you have to do is smile that smile
    And there go all my defenses
    Just leave it up to you and in a little while
    You're messin' up my mind and fillin' up my senses

    Here you come again
    Lookin' better than a body has a right to
    And shakin' me up so
    That all I really know
    Is here you come again
    And here I go
    Here I go
    And here I go
    And here I go
    Here you come again
    Here I go
    Here I go
    And here I go
    Here I go
  • I'm lying on the moon
    My dear, I'll be there soon
    It's a quiet and starry place
    Time's we're swallowed up
    In space we're here a million miles away

    There's things I wish I knew
    There's no thing I'd keep from you
    It's a dark and shiny place
    But with you my dear
    I'm safe and we're a million miles away

    We're lying on the moon
    It's a perfect afternoon
    Your shadow follows me all day
    Making sure that I'm okay and
    We're a million miles away
  • edited April 2014
    Hidupku selalu sepi
    Menjerit dalam hatiku
    Ku hibur s’lalu diriku
    Bernyanyi sedih dan pilu

    Matahari kan bersinar sayang
    Mendung kan tertiup angin
    Burung-burung kan bernyanyi sayang
    Menghibur yang hati yang sedih
    Hujan pun akan berhenti sayang
    Alam pun akan berseri

    Bila senja telah tiba
    Hatiku tambah sengsara
    Tapi tetap ku bernyanyi
    Walah malam telah sepi

    Matahari kan bersinar sayang
    Mendung kan tertiup angin
    Burung-burung kan bernyanyi sayang
    Menghibur yang hati yang sedih
    Hujan pun akan berhenti sayang
    Alam pun akan berseri

    Bila senja telah tiba
    Hatiku tambah sengsara
    Tapi tetap ku bernyanyi
    Walah malam telah sepi

    Ratih Purwasih - Hidup Yang Sepi
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