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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Singing a Song



  • A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
    When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
    Wake up every morning with you in my bed
    That's precisely what I plan to do

    And you know one of these days when I get my money right
    Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
    We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
    But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
    I swear that I will mean it
    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Oh, yeah

    How many boys in the world can make me feel like this?
    Baby I don't ever plan to find out
    The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
    You're the love of my life

    You know one of these days when I get my money right
    Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
    We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
    But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
    I swear that I will mean it
    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

    And if I lost everything
    In my heart it means nothing
    'Cause I have you,
    Girl, I have you
    To get right down on bended knee
    Nothing else would ever be better, better
    That day when...

    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
    I swear that I will mean it
    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
    (I'll get down on one knee)
    I swear that I will mean it
    I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

    Got me singing
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Got me singing
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Would you marry me, baby?
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Ooh whoa ooh oh
    Ooh whoa ooh oh

    A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
    When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
    Wake up every morning with you in my bed
    That's precisely what I plan to do, yeah.


    nyanyi2 di ruangan sendirian, mumpung bos ga ada :))
  • Longing for you day and in dream
    I'm hoping you are here and leading my way

    You steers my road anytime I need
    If you walk away, I will follow you

    Trying my love
    With your secret gifts you gave to me
    I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul

    Holding your hand
    And I'm walking through the all of the world
    Carrying your wish like the Venus in the deep in sky
  • Ahh....
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I

    In you and I,
    There's a new land,
    Angels in flight
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    My Sanctuary,
    My Sanctuary, yeah
    Where fears and lies melt away...
    Music inside
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    What's left of me,
    What's left of me now...
    I watch you
    Fast asleep,
    All I fear
    Means nothing...

    In you and I,
    There's a new land,
    Angels in flight
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    My Sanctuary,
    My Sanctuary, yeah
    Where fears and lies melt away...
    Music inside
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    What's left of me,
    What's left of me
    Snwod dna spu ynam os
    My heart's a battleground
    Snoitome eurt deen I
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    Snoitome eurt deen I
    You show me how to see,
    That nothing is whole
    And nothing is broken...

    In you and I,
    There's a new land,
    Angels in flight
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    My Sanctuary,
    My Sanctuary, yeah
    Where fears and lies melt away...
    Music inside
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
    What's left of me,
    What's left of me now...
    My fears...
    My lies...
    Melt away...
    Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
  • It's hard to deal with the pain
    Of losing you everywhere I go
    But I'm doin' It
    It's hard to force that smile
    When I see our old friends and I'm alone
    Still Harder
    Getting up, getting dressed,
    Livin' with this regret
    But I know if I could do it over
    I would trade give away all the words
    That I saved in my heart
    That I left unspoken

    What hurts the most
    Is being so close
    And having so much to say
    And watching you walk away
    And never knowing
    What could have been
    And not seeing that loving you
    Is what I was trying to do

  • dunia dalam berita
    berita dalam dunia

    by nasida ria
  • Suatu kali ku temukan
    Bunga ditepi jalan
    Siapa yang menanamnya
    Tak seorangpun mengira

    Bunga ditepi jalan
    Alangkah indahnya
    Kan kupetik
    S'belum layu

    Disekitar belukar
    Dan rumput gersang
    Seorangpun tak kan mau

    Biarlah kan kuambil
    Penghias rumahku
    Kan kupetik
    S'belum layu

    :-\" :-\" :-\" :-\"
  • Hari berganti hari
    Seolah waktu akan berlari
    Kejar sesal di hati
    Seandainya ku dapat mawas diri
    Kini ku takkan menyesali
    Tak kuanggap janjimu
    Kusangka semua itu palsu
    Hanya 'tuk merayuku
    Ternyata kau buktikan kepadaku
    Kau penuhi janjimu itu
    Ku tersanjung… (Ku jatuh cinta)
    Ooooh... Ku tersanjung ('Tuk selamanya)
    Ooh... Ku tersanjung... oh...
    Janganlah sia-siakan
    Campakkan aku
    Ku tersanjung…
  • Komentar ke 1000 <:-P
  • dituruki..hihi hi hi oey

    kumatek emaaak..

    tak dituruki.,hihi hihi

    kumatek abah
  • dituruki..hihi hi hi oey

    kumatek emaaak..

    tak dituruki.,hihi hihi

    kumatek abah

  • Tuhan marahkah Kau padaku
    Inikah akhir duniaku
    Kau hempaskan jariMu di ujung Banda
    Tercenganglah seluruh dunia

    Tuhan mungkin Kau ku abaikan
    Tak ku dengarkan peringatan
    Kusakiti Engkau sampai perut bumi
    Maafkan kami Ya Robbi

    Engkau yang perkasa pemilik semesta
    Biarkanlah kami songsong matahari

    Engkau yang pengasih ampunilah dosa
    Memang semua ini kesalahan kami

    Oh... Tuhan ampuni kami
    Oh... Tuhan tolonglah kami

    Tuhan ampuni kami
    Tuhan tolonglah kami
  • @hananta jarang chat nih.... :)
  • @AvoCadoBoy‌ emang uas dan sebagainya udah selesai? Nanti ganggu takutnya..
  • edited March 2014
    Maudy Ayunda - Aku Atau Temanmu

    Aku mulai tak suka
    Ketika kau mulai acuhkan diriku
    Apakah kau masih menganggap diriku
    Sebagai kekasihmu

    Seringkali kau lupakanku
    Saat bersama teman-temanmu
    Pilih aku atau teman-temanmu
    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkanmu

    Sungguh aku tak suka
    Bila kamu tak perhatian padaku
    Apakah kau masih menganggap diriku
    Sebagai kekasihmu (kekasihmu)

    Seringkali kau lupakanku (lupakan)
    Saat bersama teman-temanmu
    Pilih aku atau teman-temanmu

    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkanmu
    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkanmu

    Seringkali kau lupakanku
    Saat bersama teman-temanmu
    Pilih aku atau teman-temanmu
    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkanmu

    Seringkali (kau lupakanku) kau lupakanku
    (Saat bersama teman-temanmu)
    Pilih aku atau teman-temanmu
    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkanmu
    Dan ku kan pergi tinggalkan, tinggalkanmu


    Selalu suka kalo si cantik ini mulai memainkan piano dan nyanyi.. 8->
  • @hananta Hahaiii
    ini tinggal menghitung hari buat UN.... Ujian praktik bsok dah kelar.... Hehe
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