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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • Don't get me wrong I love you
    But does that mean I have to meet your father?


    Coba ini lagu apa, tanpa googling cah @9gags
  • I love you
    But does that mean I have to meet your father?


    Coba ini lagu apa, tanpa googling cah @9gags

    I love you too..
    Yes, you have to :\">
  • Gagal fokus lu
  • edited July 2014
  • Wish I could prove I love you
    But does that mean I have to walk on water?

  • ruki wrote: »
    gatel -_-

    Waaahh ada yg cemburu :\">
  • Wish I could prove I love you
    But does that mean I have to walk on water?


    Kingdom Hearts!!
  • edited July 2014
  • @ruki ahhh bisa aja deh mas ruki ini.. Kiw hahahaha *towel dagunya*
  • edited July 2014
  • No I can't take one more step
    towards you
    Cause all that's waiting is regret
    Don't you know I'm not your
    ghost anymore
    You lost the love I loved the most
    I learned to live half alive
    And now you want me one more
    And who do you think you are
    Running around leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart,
    You're gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    So don't come back for me.
    Who do you think you are?
    I hear you're asking all around
    If I am anywhere to be found
    But I have grown too strong
    To ever fall back in your arms
    And I've learned to live half alive
    And now you want me one more
    And who do you think you are
    Running around leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts,
    And tearing love apart
    You're gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    Don't come back for me
    Who do you think you are?
    And it took so long just to feel
    Remember how to put back the
    light in my eyes
    I wish I had missed the first time
    that we kissed
    Cause you broke all your
    And now you're back
    You don't get to get me back
    And who do you think you are
    Running around leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of heart
    And tearing love apart
    You're gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    So don't come back for me
    Don't come back at all!
    And who do you think you are
    Running around leaving scars
    Collecting your jar of hearts
    And tearing love apart
    You're gonna catch a cold
    From the ice inside your soul
    Don't come back for me
    Don't come back at all
    Who do you think you are?
    Who do you think you are?
    Who do you think you are?

    Hello gays.... :) :D long time not see u all....
  • Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut
    Terbawa sungai ke ujung mata
    Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
    Menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada

    Jalanku hampa dan kusentuh dia
    Terasa hangat oh didalam hati
    Kupegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu
    Tak urung jua kulihatnya pergi

    Tak pernah kuragu dan slalu kuingat
    Kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat
    Ku saat itu takut mencari makna
    Tumbuhkan rasa yang sesakkan dada

    Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
    Semua kutrima apa adanya
    Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam
    Di ruang rindu kita bertemu

  • @vian_oei haha di ruang rindu kita bertemu..... Miss u too.... :)
  • Huaaaahhhh Letto
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