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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • "Where Do We Go"

    We're counting circles
    Around and around until we're down on the floor
    What were we put here for?
    We keep on burning
    A hole in the ground
    We're reaching out for more
    Can't see the fight in the war

    If the light leaves our heart
    Do we know where to start?

    Whenever the sun goes down
    Where do we go?
    When all of the leaves turn brown
    Where do we go?
    With every step that we're taking to the brink
    We're cutting ties like a puppet from a string
    So whether we're lost or found
    Where do we go?

    Before the sky falls
    From Heaven to ground
    We've got to run for our lives
    Inside of innocent eyes
    But when the night calls
    We're tearing it down
    Until the smoke can rise
    We are the warning signs

    When the light leaves our heart
    Will we know where to start?

    Whenever the sun goes down
    Where do we go?
    When all of the leaves turn brown
    Where do we go?
    With every step that we're taking to the brink
    We're cutting ties like a puppet from a string
    So whether we're lost or found
    Where do we go?

    By the time the music starts we'll fade away
    We'll be in the trenches making our escape
    Chasing fireflies like bullets to the brain

    When the light leaves our heart
    Will we know where to start?

    Whenever the sun goes down
    Where do we go?
    When all of the leaves turn brown
    Where do we go?
    With every step that we're taking to the brink
    We're cutting ties like a puppet from a string
    So whether we're lost or found
    Where do we go?

    Wherever you go
    Oooh, oooh
  • Everytime the rain comes down
    I close my eyes and listenI can hear the lonesome sound
    Of the sky as it cries
    Listen to the rain
    Here it comes again
    Hear it in the rain
    Feel the touch of tears that fall
    They won't fall foreverIn the way the day will flow
    All things come, all things go
    Listen to the rain... the rain
    Here it comes again... again
    Hear it in the rain... the rain
    Late at night I drift away
    I can hear you calling
    And my name is in the rain
    Leaves on trees whispering
    Deep blue seas, mysteries
    Even when this moment ends
    Can't let go this feeling
    Everything will come againIn the sound falling down
    Of the sky as it cries
    Hear my name in the rain
  • I know I should've fought it
    At least I'm being honest (yeah)
    But stay with me a minute
    I swear I'll make it worth it, babe
    'Cause I don't wanna be without you
  • siapakah kamu?
    tersenyum manis di hadapanku
    tatapan tajammu menusuk jantungku
    seakan kau mampu mengecohku

    di mana dirimu?
    kini pasti menertawakanku
    kau pikir kau mampu mengelabuiku
    sayangnya kau memang lakukan itu
    salah kamu (salah kamu)
  • Malam ini ku curah kan semua
  • I look out the window
    The day had already went by
    Time sure flies
    I can't seem to get anything done today
    I tried to do nothing today

    It seems like nobody in the current state i am in
    I'm afraid of the time passing with me here absent minded
    But my heart wants to go somewhere far

    I repeat to myself that this is okay
    But my heart doesn't know how to stop
    I think i need to learn how to stay still first
  • I look out the window
    The day had already went by
    Time sure flies
    I can't seem to get anything done today
    I tried to do nothing today

    It seems like nobody in the current state i am in
    I'm afraid of the time passing with me here absent minded
    But my heart wants to go somewhere far

    I repeat to myself that this is okay
    But my heart doesn't know how to stop
    I think i need to learn how to stay still first
  • Pagiku mula dengan cinta
    Cintaku dengan gitar lama
    Hari-hariku hanya denganmu
    Nyanyi sama o-o-o-o-oh...

    Terus bergerak jumpa teman
    Singgah sebentar supermarket
    Terlihat gadis muka yang manis
    Nyanyi sama o-o-o-o-oh...

    Denganku, denganmu
    Ku berdiri di sini
    Dan kau kau kau berdiri di sana
    Tak perlu kau katakan apa lagi
    Jika kau teru-u-us

    Senyum, senyum selalu
    Senyum, senyum denganku
    Tiada seindah senyumanmu, wo-o-oh

    Senyum, tak perlu ragu
    Senyum, usah dibimbang
    Tiada seindah senyumanmu

    Bukan maksud tuk memikat
    Tapi kalau kau terpikat
    Ku tak kisah, apa salahnya

    Kalau dah pandang jangan malu
    Tidak salah tuk mengenali
    Siapa kata kamu tak cantik kalau senyum? (tiada masalah)
    Siapa kata aku mengata kalau senyum? (tiada masalah)
    Ok, tiada masalah
    Tiada masalah

    Ku berdiri di sini
    Dan kau kau kau berdiri di sana
    Tak perlu kau katakan apa lagi
    Jika kau teru-u-us

    Senyum, senyum selalu
    Senyum, senyum denganku
    Tiada seindah senyumanmu, wo-o-oh
    Senyum, tak perlu ragu
    Senyum, usah dibimbang
    Tiada seindah senyumanmu

    Bukan maksud tuk memikat
    Tapi kalau kau terpikat
    Ku tak kisah, apa salahnya

    Bukan maksud tuk memikat
    Tapi kalau kau terpikat
    Ku tak kisah, apa salahnya

    Aku senyum, kau senyum
    Dunia turut senyum
    Senyumlah bersama

    Senyumlah semua
    Dunia turut senyum

    Senyum bersama semua...
  • Selalu ada yang bernyanyi
    Dan berelegi di balik awan hitam
    Semoga ada yang menerangi
    Sisi gelap ini menanti seperti pelangi
    Setia menunggu hujan reda

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan
    Di bulan Desember, di bulan Desember

    Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi
    Meneteskan duka meretas luka
    Sampai hujan memulihkan luka

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan
    Di bulan Desember, di bulan Desember
    Karena aku selalu suka sehabis hujan
    Di bulan Desember, di bulan Desember

    Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda

  • kakuteru kakuteru
    party party
    shuffle shuffle
    et cetera...

    okigae okigae
    kunnai kunnai
    soredewa oyasumi..

    mata ashita~
  • masmasmas ojo diplerok i
    masmasmas ojo dipoyok i
  • we drifted apart
    but i want you to know
    wherever you are, i belong
    love sang our song
    but we failed to sing along
    wherever you go, i will follow...
    I'll meet you on the other side
    I'll meet you in the light...
  • We’re just drifting apart
    Two beats in two different hearts
    Before I say goodnight, I want you to know
  • We never spoke a word
    But every thought he had
    I heard from across the room

    If we were standing face to face
    I couldn't find the words to say
    Give me one more move

    I don't even know his name
    I guess foolish pride's to blame

    Now I'm falling in love as he's walking away
    And my heart won't tell my mind to tell my mouth what it should say
    May have lost this battle, live to fight another day
    Now I'm falling in love
    As he's walking away

  • selamat tinggal kisah tak berujung
    kini ku kan berhenti berharap
    perpisahan kali ini untukku
    akan menjadi kisah sedih yang tak berujung
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