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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.


Terinspirasi dari film the secrets.

I'll lend my ears to hear your deepest secrets. Maybe started with mine.

1. I'm gay
2. My bank account is negative. Because I bought all stupid and worthless stuffs just so i can find myself. Spent most of my money Trying all new experience.
4. I had never been in a relationship, since im a bitter person.
5. Had a two night fling with a person way younger than me.
6. Mindlessly confess my gayness to an acquaintance.

Thats it for now.


  • edited August 2014
  • edited August 2013
    unless you're a well-known byaaatch. Those secrets stay safe right? Until that someone special kinda knows you in person. And you don't have to explained it stuttering.

    What should i called it? reverse secret?

    @whysoasian :)
  • i don't like someone point at my scar over and over again.
    I know i'm broken, but in a good way broken. :)
  • I secretly wish everybody love someone for they are, along with their secrets.
  • Rrrr *dri td bolak balik mikir, tapi blum nemu. rahasia hidupku apa y?*
  • although it's not anonymous account, at least these are my secrets that ppl out of this forum didn't know yet;

    1. I'm gay
    2. I hate of being gay
    3. I'm not satisfied of my current education, and forced to say otherwise
    4. I prepared myself to go to art school abroad but yeah I know they can't afford it... At least my mind did.
    5. I'm afraid of growth, I'm afraid of the future
    6. Because of being gay and everyone barely know it, I used to lie until I myself often do not realize that I was lying

    *maap kalo salah-salah grammar ._.v
  • semoga ga da grammar nazi disini yah spongebob.

    untuk nomer 6. Gw ga pernah ngalamin hal kayak gitu. Tapi lucu juga sih kalao ngalamin.
  • edited August 2013
    amin.. grammar nazis shooooo shoo

    nomer 6 pernah baca penjelasannya di artikel gitu, semacam penyakit, tapi ga separah itu yang bener2 ga sadar. Boongnya itu kalo udah ditanya2in masalah cewe, atau hal-hal menjurus ke plu... dan lama-kelamaan ga sadar sendiri kalo barusan itu ngeboong

    makanya sering2 ngobrol sama orang di forum biar ga fake mulu lah hahaha
  • maksudnya ga fake ?
  • ketika temen-temen sepermainan (?) udah mulai ngomongin cewe-cewe, pasti semua ada gilirannya buat ngomong, ya pas momen itulah kadang kebohongan2 biasa muncul...

    kalo di forum, ngobrol saling sharing sama user lain ya kan ga perlu malu-malu buat ngomong 'guaa suka sama cowoo itu woooi'

    ya analoginya gitu walaupun pembicaraannya ga selalu ke arah suka-sukaan
  • paling pusing kalo obrolan nya cewe cewe dari gadis gadis sampe tante tante. Gw sih diem aja dah. Respons paling diplomatis yang gw tau
  • @triumvirate apalagi kalo keluarga yang nanyain, rasanya sedih musti boong gitu .__.
  • @gladiousta kebohongan kalo diulang2 emang kayak ngeyakinin diri sendiri kalo apa yg kita omongin itu nyata..
    @triumvirate ok, i think i will tell you something..
    1. gue punya kecenderungan yang sangat besar buat jadi exhibitionist and my big fetish is outdoor sex..
    2. i LOVE my family so much but i wish my father have another job.
    3. i am so easy to be angry about something but in the same way i can't express it. so i think i will be crazy because of my mind is full of this explosive things.
  • whysoasian wrote: »
    Udah bukan rahasia lagi dong kalo diumbar begini.

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