BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • Wew, mas why ngasih komen
  • Sesungguhnya

    dari tadi

    kaki aing gatal
  • My secrets?? Of course it's a secret and no one will ever know 'bout it bcoz it's a secret, that's why it is named as secret. If I tell the secrets then it would be not a secret anymore. *mbulet*
  • Mentally ill.
  • WHAT?? Grinsan punya kecenderungan eksibisionis? Colek @sinjai ma ng... @arif_jogja juga deh
  • My secrets are

    1. Gay
    2. Tired of being gay some time
    3. Wish i could fly and live somewhere else. sick of this city
    4. I love James Franco more than I love Reza Rahardian
    5. I dont like people, some time i hate human and wish we never exist
  • My secrets are

    1. Gay
    2. Tired of being gay some time
    3. Wish i could fly and live somewhere else. sick of this city
    4. I love James Franco more than I love Reza Rahardian
    5. I dont like people, some time i hate human and wish we never exist
  • 6. I dont really have any crush with star (THAT star). I fake it
    7. I have a crush on you triumvirate
    8. Number six is true
    9. Number seven is not so true, well quite true, but not really, just a bit, but there it is, :-*
  • @hakenun is it a good news, right? :D

    @greensun2 emAng kayak apa exhibitionist mu?! (((minta foto topless))) XD
    Suka outdoor, aku tak jadi bella aja deh. Km edward nya! :3
  • Sekk.. kalu tak tulis disini nanti sudah tidak menjadi rahasia lagi dong den..
  • @sinjai you don't have any idea..fufufufu.. *pervert face*
  • @greensun2
    aaaak..!! aku mau aku mau aku mau!
    japri foto topless cuuuuuss!
  • arif_jogja wrote: »
    aaaak..!! aku mau aku mau aku mau!
    japri foto topless cuuuuuss!

    ikutan dongs~ 8->
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