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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Agnes Monica : AGNEZMO album



  • buka mata, hati dan pikiran anda, seberapa terkenalnya seh agnez monica hingga mampu menarik perhatian tweeps dari seluruh dunia
    agnez belum sampai ke tahap itu
  • seberapa terkenal?
    belum di dunia itu?

    km itu ngefans nya sm artis indonesia - Perancuis doang sih

    location nya agnez sdh WORLD
    TTWW selalu mengitari nya
    jd pgn ngakak lihat ke Ogebanmu
  • ak ngefansnya sama spice girls kok yg udah kebukti terkenal di seluruh dunia

    agnez sih baru mulai dg terengah2 utk terkenal di sluruh dunia
  • This is how twitter works. When a number of people tweet about something in a country, it'll be trending topic in that country. But when the number exceeds with a lot of tweets about that 'something' it is not just going to be trending topic in that country but also worldwide. Simply, it depends on how much tweets tweeted by the twitter users in a country. You do know the fact that indonesia has the most twitter users right? That's why sometimes Agnes is trending worldwide because the amount of tweets coming from her own country, or to say her followers are mostly from indonesia. Also, when one person tweets more than one tweet, his or her tweets will also count. That's why it's easy for agnes to be trending topic worldwide due to her followers. You could ask urself this : have you ever found a tweet about : #BrazilwantsOneDirection or any other trending topic that is specific from one country only. This is totally the same case. If this is not enough for you, i cannot say anything. It's now up to you. And a little advice, you should better check out everything you said before you posted. Simply, think before you talk.
  • jonatjco jawabanya ngaco kyk anak tk
  • Pencerahan tetewewe....jd gt to...
  • ada link



  • @kinjeyo i love u so much
  • firkhafie wrote: »
    @kinjeyo i love u so much

    Hahaha. Love u too.
  • JonatJco wrote: »
    ada link



    I love you too jonat. I spread love. Not hatred. *wink
  • krn penasaran pengen tau cara kerja ttww, googling dan nemu ini
    dari situ keliatan klo ga harus ditweet oleh tweeps dari seluruh dunia utk jadi trending topic worldwide
    (produk itu khan cuma dijual di indo)
  • terus apa untungnya kalo jd tetewewe....?
  • @briansaja_89 utk marketing, ttww besar bgt pengaruhnya
    khan jadi alat promosi juga
    utk penyanyi yg baru rilis single ato album, ttww seharusnya bisa bantu dongkrak penjualan single/album

  • Alat promosi?...ya to.thanks @firkhafie
  • promosi yg gagal..wkwkwk
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