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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
amin :-)
sekalinya aku bsa tp pcrku mlh sma yg laen jdnya skg hub aku sma dy retak so gays sex (dlm arti luas) itu penting yah *edisi curcol
What's the point of having a relationship without sex? So each one of you / one of you can do it with others outside the relationship? Ewwww !!!!
udah ga kuat bcanya tp syukurlah nemu thread ini byk sx nilai2 ttg the real love yg tidak sebatas pda sex semata
pkknya trs berjuang bbm my special one buang rsa gengsi berharap yg terbaik
thanks a lot buat TS @amavie, @chinesse28 aka Tim and Jim
skg kembali percaya dgn cinta sejati hmm ^:)^
sorry OOT dan curcol
sorry jga comment aku yg d atas asal comment aja sblm bca thread ini hmm sorry sx lagi
juga g bs langsung modal ngecap mstahil/ impotent krn g prktik sex.
selalu bnyk stok alesan buat yg kmitmenny lemah.
sex itu ok, dn gw hormt pula sm yg mencoba untk g pake sex.
ini cm masalh komitmn.
@BinyoIgnatius, postngan gw barengan sm postngan terakhr lo kyakny.
krn gw telat baca komen lo di atas,
pndapat gw soal "musthil" bkan serangn pribadi k elo. thx :-)
Indeed. And why deny ourselves the pleasures of having sex with the one that we really love? I think it's weird and REALLY pathetic.
IF "the one that you REALLY love" say NO to sex,
apa elo akn ninggalin dia?
kalo iya, its not LOVE. Its LUST.
And yes itu weird and REALLY patetic.
IMO, Mybe lo musti upgrade pengrtian "LOVE" versi lo
Coz its not LOVE if it has CONDITIONS.
Well, kalau standard lu bisa terima either one, then so be it. Thank goodness my standard ain't that low. I have to have it both.
As I said, for me, LOVE and LUST must always go hand in hand. I am not going to settle only for one.
gw ngehormati pilihan lo krn lo ngaku klo itu "buat elo".
krn setau gw setiap penglaman org g bs disamaratain.
termasuk kata "dumb", "pathetic", 'weird", "tolol"
ga semua kata itu lyak disematin bwt org yg g praktik sex di hubungn mereka.
g bsa ngejugde mrk jg tanpa tau jln apa yg mrk lalui.
Gw pro-sex. i like sex. tapi gw bs ngehormti org lain yg sebrangn sm gw.
In real life, people DO judge one another, so get used to it and get over it.
Gw bukan manas2in lo ya, tapi lo sadar kan sekarang, ada orang yang udah kalah debatnya tapi tetep ngeles.