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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Lagu yg SOO GAY...-,-'



  • @arcoiluz

    btw vocalisnya hedley juga udah coming out lagi..??? hmm....hahaha

    keren lagunya...mantep yg judulnya perfect... hehe
  • @arcoiluz

    kentel bgt kali aura gay vocalisnya...hihihi

    ohh songmeaning...bisa di coba tuh...hehe

    n lagunya bisa jadi soo gay jg nih...hehe


    Falling a thousand feet per second, you still take me by surprise
    I just know we can't be over, I can see it in your eyes
    Making every kind of silence, takes a lot to realize
    It's worse to finish than to start all over and never let it lie
    And as long as I can feel you holding on
    I won't fall, even if you said I was wrong

    I'm not perfect, but I keep trying
    'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start
    I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave
    Was it something I said or just my personality?

    Making every kind of silence, it takes a lot to realize
    It's worse to finish than to start all over and never let it lie
    And as long as I can feel you holding on
    I won't fall, even if you said I wrong

    I know that I'm not perfect, but I keep trying
    'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start
    I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave
    Was it something I said or just my personality?

    When you're caught in a lie and you've got nothing to hide
    When you've got nowhere to run and you've got nothing inside
    It tears right through me, you thought that you knew me
    You thought that you knew

    I'm not perfect, but I keep trying
    'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start
    I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave
    Was it something I said or just my personality?

    I'm not perfect, but I keep trying
    'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start
    I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave
    Was it something I said or just my, just myself
    Just myself, myself, just myself

    I'm not perfect, but I keep trying

  • A Thousand Years | Christina Perri

    Heart beats fast
    Jantungku berdebar kencang
    Colors and prom-misses
    Warna-warni dan janji-janji
    How to be brave
    Bagaimana agar berani
    How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
    Bagaimana bisa aku cinta saat aku takut jatuh?

    But watching you stand alone
    Namun melihatmu sendirian
    All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
    Segala bimbangku mendadak hilang
    One step closer
    Selangkah lebih dekat

    I have died every day waiting for you
    Tiap hari aku tlah mati karena menantimu
    Darling don't be afraid
    Kasih jangan takut
    I have loved you for a thousand years
    Aku tlah mencintaimu ribuan tahun
    I'll love you for a thousand more
    Aku kan mencintaimu ribuan tahun lagi

    Time stands still
    Waktu berhenti berputar
    Beauty in all she is
    Segala tentangnya begitu indah
    I will be brave
    Aku akan berani
    I will not let anything take away
    Takkan kubiarkan segalanya berlalu begitu saja

    What's standing in front of me
    Apa yang menghalangi di depanku
    Every breath
    Tiap tarikan nafas
    Every hour has come to this
    Tiap jam telah sampai di sini
    One step closer
    Selangkah lebih dekat


    And all along I believed I would find you
    Dan selama itu aku yakin aku kan temukan dirimu
    Time has brought your heart to me
    Waktu tlah membawa hatimu padaku
    I have loved you for a thousand years
    Aku tlah mencintaimu ribuan tahun
    I'll love you for a thousand more
    Aku kan mencintaimu ribuan tahun lagi

    One step closer
    Selangkah lebih dekat
    One step closer
    Selangkah lebih dekat


    And all along I believed I would find you
    Dan selama itu aku yakin aku kan temukan dirimu
    Time has brought your heart to me
    Waktu tlah membawa hatimu padaku
    I have loved you for a thousand years
    Aku tlah mencintaimu ribuan tahun
    I'll love you for a thousand more
    Aku kan mencintaimu ribuan tahun lagi
  • @shank

    wuihhh ada translatenya....membantu sekali buat para pembaca.... :D
  • ada yg suka jay brannan, chriss garneau or chris salvatore. mereka talent nya super banget tapi lagu2nya gay frontal... sekali2 dengerin deh

    ada yg begini lagunya

    "i wanna be a housewife... what so wrong about"~
  • edited May 2012
    Ambigu wrote: »

    wuihhh ada translatenya....membantu sekali buat para pembaca.... :D

    hahaha.... sorry itu bukan lagu gay. tapi lesbi

    "Time stands still
    Waktu berhenti berputar
    Beauty in all she is
    Segala tentangnya begitu indah
    I will be brave
    Aku akan berani
    I will not let anything take away
    Takkan kubiarkan segalanya berlalu begitu saja

  • m
    Ambigu wrote: »

    gpp.... :D

    menurutmu gimana tuh lagu lesbi apa ag?
  • @shank


    berhubung yg nyanyi cewek....dan dia malah nyebut "she" sepakat...hehehe

    btw gw ampe dengerin tuh lagu biar dapet feelnya...hahaha
  • Dek @Ambigu......kaya'nya a thousand years deh gak ketemu kangeeeeen tauuuk.......sama dek @shinshin juga!!!!!

    Dapat salam sayang dari @ghaniprijatna......
  • @ben_salvador

    bijimana stock xxx (sensor) nya???
    katanya kalo ama om @ghaniprijatna ga suka pake bijituan.....

    udah pernah denger lagu maafkan dari putih band????
  • Hah??? Iiiiih.....dek @shinshin nakal deh......nakal nakal nakal.....
  • @ben_salvador


    hallo om... :D

    gimana liburannya...??? :) salam jg buat papi...n ditunggu kehadirannya...hehe

  • Pernah denger lagu Casanova yang judulnya "jika saja bisa"

    its soo... nice... pokoknya gay banget.. hahaha
  • @shinshin taunya..

    sampai mati kisah ini kan kujaga...hingga berakhir nafasku...putih cintaku untukmu...hahahaha


    coba dong post liriknya..sapa tau gw tau....heheh
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