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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Lagu yg SOO GAY...-,-'



  • @ambigu oc
    kalau om alex banget bisa dijitak ama yang dirumahnya....
  • edited March 2012


    :> tuh kan...hihihihi

    masa gw yg sering dijadiin sebagai tempat konsultasi temen2 gwa kagak ngerti yg gitu doang.... >:) hihihihi


    yoyoi......bisa g dapet jatah setaun malahan...??? :p hihihihhihi

    gantiinnya paling pelihara kucing......?tapi kucing beneran....... :> hihihihi
  • Lady Gaga - No Way

    I saw a shadow
    And I knew that it wasn't mine
    You and her I know that you were intertwined
    Even though her clothes were on and everything
    Your eyes were somewhere else and you were both to blame
    Don't say a word, I'm sure that it won't be enough
    To erase what I know
    Just happens not what dreams are made of
    This is my house and I won't allow the disrespect
    Baby don't look at me like that, I don't belong to you
    'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
    We went so wrong, that what you did
    But I still feel this way
    I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
    And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
    The answer is no way
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay

    And then I saw something I know did not belong to me
    But then I thought there was no way you would do that to me
    And then last week when you went outside to use your phone
    I felt a chill but told myself that it was from the cold
    And I just woke up but I wish that it was a nightmare
    'Cause when I have those it isn't real like this one is
    This is my heart and I won't allow the disrespect
    Baby don't look at me like that, I don't belong to you
    'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
    We went so wrong, that what you did
    But I still feel this wayI can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
    And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
    The answer is no way
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay

    There are more things I know
    You can take the dinner leftover from last night
    I made you your favorite goodbye
    'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to sa
    yWe went so wrong, that what you did
    But I still feel this way
    I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
    And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
    The answer is no way
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay
    No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
    Ehh-ehh-ohh-noo way

    No way

    Lagu lainnya dari lady gaga...
    Yang melow: Second Time Around, Let Love Down, Again Again,
    Yang cheerish: Monster, Teeth

    Menurut aku cocok ama gay life. Hahaha
  • edited March 2012

    itu di album yg mana yaa..???-,-a kok gw nggak tau ... :( hehe
  • Itu lagu2 unreleasednya....
    Kalo monster ama teeth itu dari the fame :D
  • @lordyrozard


    udah lama apa baru ...???
  • Udah lama....
  • @Ambigu klo lgunu alicia keys yg jdulny no one pling sring gw dngerin cew lesbian nyanyi.. klo cowny pling ska nynyi lgu M2M PRETTy boy.. gw prnh krja t4 karoke trnama soalny.. jdi tw! hehehe
  • @lordyrozard

    hooo kan masih baru jadi little monster...wkwkwkwkwk


    eh yg pretty boy tu...yg liriknya gini bukan... ?"oh my pretty pretty boy...I need u...." yg reffnya gitu2...hehe

    oiya udah gw dengerin tadi lagu gay....itu kayaknya pas banget yak sama sikon di indo....kan orang2 pada sering ngejudge...dikit2 negative...dia dibilang gay...dikit2 nyeleneh gay....
    kayaknya kungpow chicken empati tuh ma kaum gay...tapi pas di albumnya smell like fish agak2 nyindir gay tapi dia tuh kayak nggak masalah ma kaum gay...hemmm...dunno....
  • @ambigu

    kalo setaun kelamaan, ntar om alex kembali ke habitat asalnya lebih nyesel......
  • @shinshin

    wkwkwkwkwkwk oiya ya.....hooo...hihihihi
  • @alex1982

    hihihihhi maaf om......hehe :D
  • @alex1982 @ambigu
    om ini keponakannya nakal nih om...
    suruh hafalin lagu lagu kangen band aja hukumannya
  • @alex1982 @ambigu
    tapi truly indonesia lho......
  • edited March 2012

    masa hukumannya gitu.... :> g terima...!!!

    mo nya ngapalin lagu2 kangen band yg dulu...yg karyanya masih bagus2...yg gini lho om...."selayakkah engkau tahu betapa ku mencintaimu....kau nananana dari mimpi burukku...???"
    kau tuliskan....cerita....tentang aku dan dia.....terus apalagi ya..???-,-a lupaa...ehehe"
    gitu kan...????hihihihihi
    alex1982 wrote:
    hah?? kangen band??

    -*langsung shock ngebayangin wajah khas Andika*-


    @shinshin @Ambigu

    kok gw langsung keinget ma si "baru" lg si om...???hhihihihihi

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