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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Coba cari forum si kangataz (bukan blog dia) di sini, kayaknya dulu dia lumayan sering ngebahas ttg itu.
kok banyak bahasa planet??????????@_@
aq bahasa indo aja gak lurus ne....
non, je ne comprend pas.
ga, gw kagak ngerti sama skali, hahaha... *pengen belajar makanya*
mignon~~~ :P :oops:
btw, jd malu di bilang ganteng.... :oops: :oops: :oops:
Well, at last I saw that Mr. RECTORY finally know how to use 'quote' BBCode. Way to go, mister!
With your new skill, I hope those who stand against you will never come to this thread again to "slap" you.
Remember one thing:
Those who like to stand against the others were actually a bunch of shameless people. They even couldn't strive to do better.
If my grammar was incorrect, forgive me. I only human who must never stop to learn to become a better man for the world.
Ps: I did all this code using my own Nokia N70 with Opera Mini 4...
ikut nambahin yaahh !!!
Comment vous appelez-vous?
What is your name?
Je m'appelle Florence.
My name is Florence.
Voici Florence.
This is Florence.
Je ne comprends pas.
I don't understand.
Parlez-vous anglais?
Do you speak English?
Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle anglais?
Does anyone here speak English?
Excusez mon français.
Excuse my poor French.
Je ne parle qu'un petit peu de français.
I only speak a little French.
Qu'avez-vous dit?
What did you say?
Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement?
Could you speak more slowly?
Je comprends parfaitement bien.
I understand perfectly.
Comment allez-vous? ato bisa juga bilang ca va?
How are you?
Est-ce que tout va bien?
How have you been?
Je vais bien, merci.
I'm fine, thank you.
Je suis très heureux de vous rencontrer.
I am very glad to meet you.
J'ai été très heureux de faire votre connaissance.
It was nice meeting you.
Skarang masalahnya paling tinggal satu: cara ngucapin tuh kata... Je ne comprends pas....
eh BD sejak kapn kau jadi GURU BHSA PRANCIS?
gila loe? loe UMUR brapa dah mahair bhasa PRANCIS?????
gw aj SEGINI gak isa OPO-OPO
Danke Fur ihre hilfe shilo ,E molto Gentile Da Parte Tua.... 8)