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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Gay, homosexual ato yg sjnisnya bsa jd pekerjaan hati maupun prbuatan fisik, bergantung dr kontrol si (maaf) "penderita". Bsa jd mreka menuruti perasaan mreka, bsa jd jg mreka hanya merasakannya tp tdk smpai berbuat yg diinginkan mreka.
Homosexual lbh pd SSA (Same-Sex Attraction) atau ketertarikan sesama jenis, yg berarti lbh general (umum) karena bsa dibagi lg mnjdi gay atau lesbian. Bahkan ada irisan dr keduanya yaitu biseksual. Well, that's just my opinion, based on what I've read or heard.
It doesn't matter about the definition or the meaning. I mean,,,, it's hard to be explained. Based on what I've decided to do for now and for the future. Whatever u feel (the attraction), same-sex or heterosexual, can't be a reason to judge u. While whatever u do can be an argument for people to judge u.
It's like when u have a dream to kill someone, I can't say to call u a murder cuz it's only a dream. But when u start to really kill someone, when u do your dream, so I can say that u r a killer or a murder.
Mine ? No......