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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Manly VS Sissy



  • Yg langka itu lebih yummy,,
  • Pejorative

    Because of its origins in a feminine nickname, sissy is also a pejorative for a boy or man to indicate or imply that he is like a sister, that is, effeminate and fails to behave according to the traditional male gender role. Generally, it implies a lack of the courage and stoicism which are thought important to the male role. It might also imply interests seen as strikingly un-masculine. This pejorative may be given to anyone as an insult. Several variations, such as "sissy boy" or "sissy baby", exist and any term can become pejorative or insulting if preceded by "sissy" and applied to a boy or a man. Sissy is the male converse of tomboy, but has none of the latter's positive connotations. Even amongst gay men, behavior thought of as sissy or camp produces mixed reactions. Some men reclaim the term for themselves. Other similar terms include "wimp", "wuss" and "femboy".

    For some, sissy takes on more specific meanings in the transgender, infantilist, and BDSM communities (especially through forced feminization or petticoating practices.)
  • afkaristan wrote:

    Because of its origins in a feminine nickname, sissy is also a pejorative for a boy or man to indicate or imply that he is like a sister, that is, effeminate and fails to behave according to the traditional male gender role. Generally, it implies a lack of the courage and stoicism which are thought important to the male role. It might also imply interests seen as strikingly un-masculine. This pejorative may be given to anyone as an insult. Several variations, such as "sissy boy" or "sissy baby", exist and any term can become pejorative or insulting if preceded by "sissy" and applied to a boy or a man. Sissy is the male converse of tomboy, but has none of the latter's positive connotations. Even amongst gay men, behavior thought of as sissy or camp produces mixed reactions. Some men reclaim the term for themselves. Other similar terms include "wimp", "wuss" and "femboy".

    For some, sissy takes on more specific meanings in the transgender, infantilist, and BDSM communities (especially through forced feminization or petticoating practices.)

  • poinnya sissy itu lebih ke ejekan buat cowok yang kayak cewe, walo pada dasarnya sissy itu adalah nama buat anak perempuan
  • sissy itu lifestyle
    org straight jg bs sissy walo jarang

    Gay itu cm orientasi sexual, so jadi gay ga perlu utk jadi sissy kan..?
  • afkaristan wrote:

    Because of its origins in a feminine nickname, sissy is also a pejorative for a boy or man to indicate or imply that he is like a sister, that is, effeminate and fails to behave according to the traditional male gender role. Generally, it implies a lack of the courage and stoicism which are thought important to the male role. It might also imply interests seen as strikingly un-masculine. This pejorative may be given to anyone as an insult. Several variations, such as "sissy boy" or "sissy baby", exist and any term can become pejorative or insulting if preceded by "sissy" and applied to a boy or a man. Sissy is the male converse of tomboy, but has none of the latter's positive connotations. Even amongst gay men, behavior thought of as sissy or camp produces mixed reactions. Some men reclaim the term for themselves. Other similar terms include "wimp", "wuss" and "femboy".

    For some, sissy takes on more specific meanings in the transgender, infantilist, and BDSM communities (especially through forced feminization or petticoating practices.)

    ya ampun ampe di copy paste dr wikipedia, gila.... you're hoT!!!!
    ilmiah.... hehehe... pertama g kira u yg bikin.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • ya ampun ampe di copy paste dr wikipedia, gila.... you're hoT!!!!

    iya .. serius banget ya .... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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