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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Manado (again) ^__^

edited December 2008 in Nusantara
Dear all, i know there are topics about Menado have been posted before.
I hope its okay for you guys if i post new topic about Menado again.

Any Menadonese college students?
Atw bukan org Menado tapi kuliah/kerja di Menado?

Would like to know all of you (if its possible ^__^)


Kurosaki_kun :wink:


  • Me:
    1. Manadonese
    2. Not a college student (anymore)
    3. (Currently) not in manado
    4. But i will be, pretty soon!
    5. Nice to know u!
  • aduh....ekke tidak sesuai dengan yang diminta LOL
  • pilatme wrote:
    aduh....ekke tidak sesuai dengan yang diminta LOL

    Yg bukan anak kuliahan juga mboten, pokoke Menado :D
    Mas jangan sedih yo :(


  • Rexford, thanks for replying :D
    Hope we can meet here in Menado.
    Hopefully so...


    Kurosaki_kun :wink:
  • U're welcome. But please, a suggestion. If u're going to live in 'manado' and find a nice good looking lad in 'manado', at least u can do is try to spell 'manado' correctly.
    Read my lips ok? Together.. Now, 1.. 2.. 3..! M - A - N - A -D - O. Simple, right? It's not 'menado' and it never was. Ok c u there..
  • Hehehe..sip Bro, its Manado, right?
    Hahaha :lol:
    Well, what i am gunna do if i find one "a nice good-looking lad"?
    I guess its not really important.
    To me, friend is more important.
  • Rexford wrote:
    U're welcome. But please, a suggestion. If u're going to live in 'manado' and find a nice good looking lad in 'manado', at least u can do is try to spell 'manado' correctly.
    Read my lips ok? Together.. Now, 1.. 2.. 3..! M - A - N - A -D - O. Simple, right? It's not 'menado' and it never was. Ok c u there..

    Thanks for replying (again) Bro :)
  • _kurosaki_ wrote:
    Rexford wrote:
    U're welcome. But please, a suggestion. If u're going to live in 'manado' and find a nice good looking lad in 'manado', at least u can do is try to spell 'manado' correctly.
    Read my lips ok? Together.. Now, 1.. 2.. 3..! M - A - N - A -D - O. Simple, right? It's not 'menado' and it never was. Ok c u there..

    Thanks for replying (again) Bro :)
    wah banyak yang ke manado ya..bakal rame dong..
    welcome aja to manado
    im manado
  • Ok, ok.. I'm manadonese.
    Part time student at UNKLAB, Economic student, will be graduate at 2010..
    Sw, whatz yr question 4 me?
  • Kalo anak unklab tinggalnya di airmadidi yah, met kenal yah. Banyak teman yg lulusan unklab
  • Thanks Bro.
    Hope we can meet someday.
  • m3n wrote:
    Ok, ok.. I'm manadonese.
    Part time student at UNKLAB, Economic student, will be graduate at 2010..
    Sw, whatz yr question 4 me?

    How can i reach you?
  • gampang aje,,,
    ne q diskon nomer telpon q
    kosong delapyan limya tuju lima tuju tigya dua pyulu syembilan lapan syembilan
    gitu aje... skarang lagi di tomohon

    maw gathering di tomohon ngak??
  • m3n wrote:
    gampang aje,,,
    ne q diskon nomer telpon q
    kosong delapyan limya tuju lima tuju tigya dua pyulu syembilan lapan syembilan
    gitu aje... skarang lagi di tomohon

    maw gathering di tomohon ngak??

    Wah..arigatou Bro.
    Call you later.
    Di Tomohon? Emang banyak?
    Kalo cuman b2 bukan gathering mah namanya :D
  • _kurosaki_ wrote:
    m3n wrote:
    gampang aje,,,
    ne q diskon nomer telpon q
    kosong delapyan limya tuju lima tuju tigya dua pyulu syembilan lapan syembilan
    gitu aje... skarang lagi di tomohon

    maw gathering di tomohon ngak??

    Wah..arigatou Bro.
    Call you later.
    Di Tomohon? Emang banyak?
    Kalo cuman b2 bukan gathering mah namanya :D

    wah ditomohon banyak so??
    no fleksi nol pat tiga satu 3 pat satu 9 pat nul pat
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