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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Brothers n Sisters. What'd u think of it??

edited October 2008 in BoyzStyle
Guys.. Ada yg ngikutin serial brothers n sisters ga? Bagi yg belom n hobi nonton drama series, gw rekomendasiin deh ni serial!! It's a must seen series!!!
The story is mainly about The Walker Family with 'the walker things'. William walker nikah ma Nora Walker pny pny perusahaan keluarga 'Ojai Foods' n 5 anak:
1. Sarah Walker 'the super mom'. Married, 2 children,working @ ojai tp suaminya dirumah aja ngurus anak2.
2. Tommy Walker 'william warker wannabe'. Married but one day after lots of sexes trying to conceive his wife, he manage to meet doctor and find out that he is steril a.k.a mandul.
3. Kitty Walker. Talented not so young again lady whose formerly working on a radio show, mainly about her political point of view. Then she got an offer to make a debute on a tv show for the same subject.
4. KEVIN WALKER 'THE GAY BROTHER'. Also working at Ojai as a law consultant. One day he manage to meet Scotty Wandell as his client and found out that Scotty is also GAY. They then have an on and off relationship.
5. Justin Walker 'the baby'. Bontot dr 5 basodara yg memutuskan jd tentara ke afganistan stlh kejadian 9/11. Stlh blik dr afghan dy trauma n lari k drugs n sex dr 1 cwe k cwe lain.
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