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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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"Emotion" by Destiny's Child

edited September 2008 in BoyzStyle
Guys,tolong bantuin gw terjemahin beberapa lirik di lagu ini yang gw nggak ngerti,hehe..thanks! :wink: [yang di-miringin yang gw gak ngerti,,tapi kalo mau translate semuanya juga gpp kok,hehe]

Oh ya,,trus ada yang tau gak lirik yang bagian Beyonce nyanyi sendiri pas chorus [tapi temen2nya tetep nyanyi gitu].Contohnya yang gw garis-bawahin,,masih ada 2 lagi di chorus sebelumnya.

By Destiny's Child

It's over and done
But the heartache lives on inside
And who's the one you're clinging to
Instead of me tonight

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go,go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
It’s just emotions
Taking me over
I'm Caught up in sorrow
Lost in the song

But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

I'm there at your side,
I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else
You've got to find your shining star

And where are you now, now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
It’s just emotions taking me over
I'm Caught up in sorrow
Lost in the song
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

And where are you now,
now that I need you?
Tears on my pillow wherever you go
I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart
It’s just emotions taking me over
I'm Caught up in sorrow
Lost in the song [Beyonce : Don't you know my life without,baby..yy...]
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight


  • Bang_Jo wrote:
    Guys,tolong bantuin gw terjemahin beberapa lirik di lagu ini yang gw nggak ngerti,hehe..thanks! :wink: [yang di-miringin yang gw gak ngerti,,tapi kalo mau translate semuanya juga gpp kok,hehe]

    Oh ya,,trus ada yang tau gak lirik yang bagian Beyonce nyanyi sendiri pas chorus [tapi temen2nya tetep nyanyi gitu].Contohnya yang gw garis-bawahin,,masih ada 2 lagi di chorus sebelumnya.

    dapet duit ga???
    kalo dapet duit gw terjemahin deh semuanya !

    By Destiny's Child

    It's over and done
    But the heartache lives on inside
    And who's the one you're clinging to
    dan siapakah dia yang kau lekat bersamanya
    Instead of me tonight
    bukannya aku, malam ini

    And where are you now, now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go,go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    ku akan menangis (seperti sungai) yang kan bermuara ke samudramu
    You'll never see me fall apart
    kau tak kan melihatku jatuh

    In the words of a broken heart
    dalam kata2 sebuah hati yang patah
    It’s just emotions
    hanya perasaan lah
    Taking me over
    (yang) mengambil alih ku
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    ku tertangkap dalam dukacita
    Lost in the song
    tersesat dalam lagu
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    I'm there at your side,
    I'm part of all the things you are
    But you've got a part of someone else
    tapi jika kau tlah dapat belahan seeorang
    You've got to find your shining star
    kau tlah dapat kan bintang pelitamu

    And where are you now, now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    You'll never see me fall apart

    In the words of a broken heart
    It’s just emotions taking me over
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    Lost in the song
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    And where are you now,
    now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    You'll never see me fall apart

    In the words of a broken heart
    It’s just emotions taking me over
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    Lost in the song [Beyonce : Don't you know my life without,baby..yy...]
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    benre ga sih? gw nulisnya sambil ma em sop soalnya.,,
    jadi agak belepotan dikit
  • Guys,tolong bantuin gw terjemahin beberapa lirik di lagu ini yang gw nggak ngerti,hehe..thanks! :wink: [yang di-miringin yang gw gak ngerti,,tapi kalo mau translate semuanya juga gpp kok,hehe]

    Beli kamus aja atuuh.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  • sylvesters wrote:
    Bang_Jo wrote:
    Guys,tolong bantuin gw terjemahin beberapa lirik di lagu ini yang gw nggak ngerti,hehe..thanks! :wink: [yang di-miringin yang gw gak ngerti,,tapi kalo mau translate semuanya juga gpp kok,hehe]

    Oh ya,,trus ada yang tau gak lirik yang bagian Beyonce nyanyi sendiri pas chorus [tapi temen2nya tetep nyanyi gitu].Contohnya yang gw garis-bawahin,,masih ada 2 lagi di chorus sebelumnya.

    dapet duit ga???
    kalo dapet duit gw terjemahin deh semuanya !

    By Destiny's Child

    It's over and done
    But the heartache lives on inside
    And who's the one you're clinging to
    dan siapakah dia yang kau lekat bersamanya
    Instead of me tonight
    bukannya aku, malam ini

    And where are you now, now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go,go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    ku akan menangis (seperti sungai) yang kan bermuara ke samudramu
    You'll never see me fall apart
    kau tak kan melihatku jatuh

    In the words of a broken heart
    dalam kata2 sebuah hati yang patah
    It’s just emotions
    hanya perasaan lah
    Taking me over
    (yang) mengambil alih ku
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    ku tertangkap dalam dukacita
    Lost in the song
    tersesat dalam lagu
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    I'm there at your side,
    I'm part of all the things you are
    But you've got a part of someone else
    tapi jika kau tlah dapat belahan seeorang
    You've got to find your shining star
    kau tlah dapat kan bintang pelitamu

    And where are you now, now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    You'll never see me fall apart

    In the words of a broken heart
    It’s just emotions taking me over
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    Lost in the song
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    And where are you now,
    now that I need you?
    Tears on my pillow wherever you go
    I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean
    You'll never see me fall apart

    In the words of a broken heart
    It’s just emotions taking me over
    I'm Caught up in sorrow
    Lost in the song [Beyonce : Don't you know my life without,baby..yy...]
    But if you don't come back
    Come home to me, darling
    Don’t you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight?
    And don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
    Goodnight, goodnight

    benre ga sih? gw nulisnya sambil ma em sop soalnya.,,
    jadi agak belepotan dikit

  • @ CHAUDE : Duh..kalo kamus juga gw punya dan udah gw cari arti kata2nya.Tapi kan Inggris gak bisa di-artiin begitu aja.Makanya gw minta bantuan buat yang pada ngerti Inggris lebih bagus dari gw..
  • emotion keren..keren,...keren.......artinya jga keren..keren...
  • EMOTIONS adalah lagu terfavorit saya... kerennnn....
  • liberated wrote:
    EMOTIONS adalah lagu terfavorit saya... kerennnn....

    My Fave too, dengerinnya mulai dari di radio, tape recorder, vcd, komputer, sekarang di MP3 player this song selalu ada, hehehe
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