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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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im going crazy...

edited August 2008 in BoyzStyle
I remember the fun we have
The laughter we shared under the sun;
Walking together after school
Eating ice cream on the way home.
I remember the day they said
We should end things and focus in our studies
I remember the tears that rolls down to my cheeks
and I remember you saying "everythings gonna be ok"
I remember you hug me so tight
As if there will be no tomorrow.
I remember you kissed me in my eyes
telling me that everythings gonna be all right.
I remember you kissed my moisture lips
and i start crying 'cause i'm gonna miss you so bad.
They say we're too young to fall in love
But why is that we're no too young to hate
and curse someone we don't like.
I remember i run away from home
And went to your house
I was wet and messy because the rain pours down heavily
I remember I borrowed you shirt
So I could change.
When they all find out we spent together alone in your room
They got really mad not knowing that we cried all night.
I remember the day you said goodbye
And you said you`re going to miss me.
I remember the look in your eyes
When your car was about to vanish in the highway.
I tried not to look back but i did it anyway
My biggest mistake...
And I cried for seven days
24 hours, 60 minutes and 60 seconds
of everyday...
I remember talking to your family
to let them know i'm ok
I remember you calling me
And I started crying but I can't remember why.
I remember you said you had to go
And my tears start to fell....
And I remember these too well...


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