BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    jadi kocak karena bukannya presentasi, lost malah jaipongan di dpn kelas, wakakakaka...
    @lost: duh kesiaaan, ditelpon balik dunk lost..

    jaipongan sambil menarik top u ikut serta.....
    (@ top:.... ga baek ganggu org yg mungkin sedang istirahat......xixiixixixiixixi) :D
    dengan malu2 top akhirnya ikut menari juga, jarang2 ada asdos cakep gini nari2 di kelas kan? LOL
    @LOST: kalo kayak gitu elu suka ngambek gak lost? ngrasa dicuekin mkn?
    namun tp bingung gerakannya dan mulai menari dengan canggungnya.....
    (@top: ngambeknya cuma beberapa menit.... lagian org istirahat kok gw larang.....xixixiixiixixixi)
    biasalah, top kan pemalu gt orangnya, beda dg lost yg sekarang sudah membuka kaos semarnya dan memutar2kanya di atas kepala, tak lupa pinggul digoyang sanasini,,, top hanya terpana...
    @lost: bagus itu, jgn ska ngributin hal2 kecil ya
    dan top tak mau kalah dia pun melorotin celananya... dan tebakkkk... ternyata top memakai g string merah yang membuat para penonton terpesona....LOL
    (@top: yaiyalah mw hal kecil atw besar..semua masalah terkikis oleh rasa sayang ku....xixiixixiixix)
    lebih terpesona lagi karena di gstring itu ada bordiran nama lost in confusion, wakakakakaka,,,
    penonton pun tereak2 histeris: buka buka buka,,,, gitu deh,,,
    @lost: waaaaahhh, cinta,,,
    dan ternyata isinyaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tidakkkkkkkkk.........
    (@top: harus gitu.....xixixiixixiixiixix)
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    jadi kocak karena bukannya presentasi, lost malah jaipongan di dpn kelas, wakakakaka...
    @lost: duh kesiaaan, ditelpon balik dunk lost..

    jaipongan sambil menarik top u ikut serta.....
    (@ top:.... ga baek ganggu org yg mungkin sedang istirahat......xixiixixixiixixi) :D
    dengan malu2 top akhirnya ikut menari juga, jarang2 ada asdos cakep gini nari2 di kelas kan? LOL
    @LOST: kalo kayak gitu elu suka ngambek gak lost? ngrasa dicuekin mkn?
    namun tp bingung gerakannya dan mulai menari dengan canggungnya.....
    (@top: ngambeknya cuma beberapa menit.... lagian org istirahat kok gw larang.....xixixiixiixixixi)
    biasalah, top kan pemalu gt orangnya, beda dg lost yg sekarang sudah membuka kaos semarnya dan memutar2kanya di atas kepala, tak lupa pinggul digoyang sanasini,,, top hanya terpana...
    @lost: bagus itu, jgn ska ngributin hal2 kecil ya
    dan top tak mau kalah dia pun melorotin celananya... dan tebakkkk... ternyata top memakai g string merah yang membuat para penonton terpesona....LOL
    (@top: yaiyalah mw hal kecil atw besar..semua masalah terkikis oleh rasa sayang ku....xixiixixiixix)
    lebih terpesona lagi karena di gstring itu ada bordiran nama lost in confusion, wakakakakaka,,,
    penonton pun tereak2 histeris: buka buka buka,,,, gitu deh,,,
    @lost: waaaaahhh, cinta,,,
    dan ternyata isinyaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tidakkkkkkkkk.........
    (@top: harus gitu.....xixixiixixiixiixix)
    seekor belut sawah meyembul keluar...
    (ikutan dong ngerumpinya...)
  • zoku wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    jadi kocak karena bukannya presentasi, lost malah jaipongan di dpn kelas, wakakakaka...
    @lost: duh kesiaaan, ditelpon balik dunk lost..

    jaipongan sambil menarik top u ikut serta.....
    (@ top:.... ga baek ganggu org yg mungkin sedang istirahat......xixiixixixiixixi) :D
    dengan malu2 top akhirnya ikut menari juga, jarang2 ada asdos cakep gini nari2 di kelas kan? LOL
    @LOST: kalo kayak gitu elu suka ngambek gak lost? ngrasa dicuekin mkn?
    namun tp bingung gerakannya dan mulai menari dengan canggungnya.....
    (@top: ngambeknya cuma beberapa menit.... lagian org istirahat kok gw larang.....xixixiixiixixixi)
    biasalah, top kan pemalu gt orangnya, beda dg lost yg sekarang sudah membuka kaos semarnya dan memutar2kanya di atas kepala, tak lupa pinggul digoyang sanasini,,, top hanya terpana...
    @lost: bagus itu, jgn ska ngributin hal2 kecil ya
    dan top tak mau kalah dia pun melorotin celananya... dan tebakkkk... ternyata top memakai g string merah yang membuat para penonton terpesona....LOL
    (@top: yaiyalah mw hal kecil atw besar..semua masalah terkikis oleh rasa sayang ku....xixiixixiixix)
    lebih terpesona lagi karena di gstring itu ada bordiran nama lost in confusion, wakakakakaka,,,
    penonton pun tereak2 histeris: buka buka buka,,,, gitu deh,,,
    @lost: waaaaahhh, cinta,,,
    dan ternyata isinyaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tidakkkkkkkkk.........
    (@top: harus gitu.....xixixiixixiixiixix)
    seekor belut sawah meyembul keluar...
    (ikutan dong ngerumpinya...)
    top telah mengganti miliknya dengan belut sawah????....... semua menjeritttttttt....
    (ga boleh ini urusan yg ga loe tw.....hanya top yg tw....xixiixixiixixiixi)
  • zoku wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    jadi kocak karena bukannya presentasi, lost malah jaipongan di dpn kelas, wakakakaka...
    @lost: duh kesiaaan, ditelpon balik dunk lost..

    jaipongan sambil menarik top u ikut serta.....
    (@ top:.... ga baek ganggu org yg mungkin sedang istirahat......xixiixixixiixixi) :D
    dengan malu2 top akhirnya ikut menari juga, jarang2 ada asdos cakep gini nari2 di kelas kan? LOL
    @LOST: kalo kayak gitu elu suka ngambek gak lost? ngrasa dicuekin mkn?
    namun tp bingung gerakannya dan mulai menari dengan canggungnya.....
    (@top: ngambeknya cuma beberapa menit.... lagian org istirahat kok gw larang.....xixixiixiixixixi)
    biasalah, top kan pemalu gt orangnya, beda dg lost yg sekarang sudah membuka kaos semarnya dan memutar2kanya di atas kepala, tak lupa pinggul digoyang sanasini,,, top hanya terpana...
    @lost: bagus itu, jgn ska ngributin hal2 kecil ya
    dan top tak mau kalah dia pun melorotin celananya... dan tebakkkk... ternyata top memakai g string merah yang membuat para penonton terpesona....LOL
    (@top: yaiyalah mw hal kecil atw besar..semua masalah terkikis oleh rasa sayang ku....xixiixixiixix)
    lebih terpesona lagi karena di gstring itu ada bordiran nama lost in confusion, wakakakakaka,,,
    penonton pun tereak2 histeris: buka buka buka,,,, gitu deh,,,
    @lost: waaaaahhh, cinta,,,
    dan ternyata isinyaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tidakkkkkkkkk.........
    (@top: harus gitu.....xixixiixixiixiixix)
    seekor belut sawah meyembul keluar...
    (ikutan dong ngerumpinya...)
    top telah mengganti miliknya dengan belut sawah????....... semua menjeritttttttt....
    (ga boleh ini urusan yg ga loe tw.....hanya top yg tw....xixiixixiixixiixi)
    tiba2 belut itu bergerak kesana kemari dengan lincahnya...
    (bagi2 duit bukan..?)
  • zoku wrote:
    zoku wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    jadi kocak karena bukannya presentasi, lost malah jaipongan di dpn kelas, wakakakaka...
    @lost: duh kesiaaan, ditelpon balik dunk lost..

    jaipongan sambil menarik top u ikut serta.....
    (@ top:.... ga baek ganggu org yg mungkin sedang istirahat......xixiixixixiixixi) :D
    dengan malu2 top akhirnya ikut menari juga, jarang2 ada asdos cakep gini nari2 di kelas kan? LOL
    @LOST: kalo kayak gitu elu suka ngambek gak lost? ngrasa dicuekin mkn?
    namun tp bingung gerakannya dan mulai menari dengan canggungnya.....
    (@top: ngambeknya cuma beberapa menit.... lagian org istirahat kok gw larang.....xixixiixiixixixi)
    biasalah, top kan pemalu gt orangnya, beda dg lost yg sekarang sudah membuka kaos semarnya dan memutar2kanya di atas kepala, tak lupa pinggul digoyang sanasini,,, top hanya terpana...
    @lost: bagus itu, jgn ska ngributin hal2 kecil ya
    dan top tak mau kalah dia pun melorotin celananya... dan tebakkkk... ternyata top memakai g string merah yang membuat para penonton terpesona....LOL
    (@top: yaiyalah mw hal kecil atw besar..semua masalah terkikis oleh rasa sayang ku....xixiixixiixix)
    lebih terpesona lagi karena di gstring itu ada bordiran nama lost in confusion, wakakakakaka,,,
    penonton pun tereak2 histeris: buka buka buka,,,, gitu deh,,,
    @lost: waaaaahhh, cinta,,,
    dan ternyata isinyaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tidakkkkkkkkk.........
    (@top: harus gitu.....xixixiixixiixiixix)
    seekor belut sawah meyembul keluar...
    (ikutan dong ngerumpinya...)
    top telah mengganti miliknya dengan belut sawah????....... semua menjeritttttttt....
    (ga boleh ini urusan yg ga loe tw.....hanya top yg tw....xixiixixiixixiixi)
    tiba2 belut itu bergerak kesana kemari dengan lincahnya...
    (bagi2 duit bukan..?)
    um eh ummmm gimana ngelanjutin cerita nya neh?
    (@lost: tau lagu Hate that I love U?
    @zoku: hus, anak kecil bo2k sana)
  • top_secret wrote:
    um eh ummmm gimana ngelanjutin cerita nya neh?
    (@lost: tau lagu Hate that I love U?
    @zoku: hus, anak kecil bo2k sana)
    ternyata belutnya bisa bernyanyi kyaaaaaaa...
    belutnya nyanyi.....

    That's much I love you (yeah)
    That's how much I need you (yeah, yeah, yeahah)
    And I can't stand ya
    Most everything you do
    Make me wanna smile
    Can I not like you for awhile (no... oh...)

    'Cuz you won't let me
    You upset me girl
    And then you kiss my lips
    All of a sudden I forget (that I was upset)
    Can't remember what you did

    But I hate it...
    You know exactly what to do
    So that I can't stay mad at you
    For too long that's wrong

    But I hate it...
    You know exactly how to touch
    So that I don't want to fuss... and fight no more
    Said I despise that I adore you

    And I hate how much I love you boy (yeah...)
    I can't stand how much I need you (I need you...)
    And I hate how much I love you boy (oooh whoah...)
    But I just can't let you go
    And I hate that I love you so (oooh...)

    And you completely know the power that you have
    The only one that makes me laugh

    Sad and it's not fair
    How you take advantage of the fact
    That I... love you beyond the reason why (why...)
    And it just ain't right

    And I hate how much I love you girl
    I can't stand how much I need you (yeah...)
    And I hate how much I love you girl
    But I just can't let you go
    But I hate that I love you so

    One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me
    And your kiss won't make me weak
    But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
    So you'll probably always have a spell on me...

    Yeaahhh... Oohh...
    And I hate that I love
    You soooooooo!

    As much I love you (as much as I need you oh...)
    As much as I need you (oooh... as so much I love you)
    As much I love you (oh...)
    As much as I need you

    And I hate that I love you soooo
    And I hate how much I love you boy
    I can't stand how much I need ya (cant stand how much I need you)
    And I hate how much I love you boy
    But I just can't let you go (but I just can't let you go no...)
    And I hate that I love you so
    (@ top: ini ya??)
  • top_secret wrote:
    um eh ummmm gimana ngelanjutin cerita nya neh?
    (@lost: tau lagu Hate that I love U?
    @zoku: hus, anak kecil bo2k sana)
    ternyata belutnya bisa bernyanyi kyaaaaaaa...
    belutnya nyanyi.....

    That's much I love you (yeah)
    That's how much I need you (yeah, yeah, yeahah)
    And I can't stand ya
    Most everything you do
    Make me wanna smile
    Can I not like you for awhile (no... oh...)

    'Cuz you won't let me
    You upset me girl
    And then you kiss my lips
    All of a sudden I forget (that I was upset)
    Can't remember what you did

    But I hate it...
    You know exactly what to do
    So that I can't stay mad at you
    For too long that's wrong

    But I hate it...
    You know exactly how to touch
    So that I don't want to fuss... and fight no more
    Said I despise that I adore you

    And I hate how much I love you boy (yeah...)
    I can't stand how much I need you (I need you...)
    And I hate how much I love you boy (oooh whoah...)
    But I just can't let you go
    And I hate that I love you so (oooh...)

    And you completely know the power that you have
    The only one that makes me laugh

    Sad and it's not fair
    How you take advantage of the fact
    That I... love you beyond the reason why (why...)
    And it just ain't right

    And I hate how much I love you girl
    I can't stand how much I need you (yeah...)
    And I hate how much I love you girl
    But I just can't let you go
    But I hate that I love you so

    One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me
    And your kiss won't make me weak
    But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
    So you'll probably always have a spell on me...

    Yeaahhh... Oohh...
    And I hate that I love
    You soooooooo!

    As much I love you (as much as I need you oh...)
    As much as I need you (oooh... as so much I love you)
    As much I love you (oh...)
    As much as I need you

    And I hate that I love you soooo
    And I hate how much I love you boy
    I can't stand how much I need ya (cant stand how much I need you)
    And I hate how much I love you boy
    But I just can't let you go (but I just can't let you go no...)
    And I hate that I love you so
    (@ top: ini ya??)
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
  • top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
  • top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
    sam nite juga.... bentar lagi ada tlp.... :D
    (semoga ga ketiduran lagi kayak kemaren.....xixiixixiixixixi) :D
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
    sam nite juga.... bentar lagi ada tlp.... :D
    (semoga ga ketiduran lagi kayak kemaren.....xixiixixiixixixi) :D
    lanjut cerita ah,
    duet Top dan Lost di depan kelas mendapat sambutan meriah, tak kurang pak Rektor sendiri, Prof. De Hati Albus Dumbledore menyalami mereka... mulai saat itu nama mereka berdua berkibar2 di kampus, setenar Wright brothers, maupun Warner brothers...
    (@LiC: ditelpon gak Lost? hehe, eh kalo nelpon ngmongin apa seh?)
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
    sam nite juga.... bentar lagi ada tlp.... :D
    (semoga ga ketiduran lagi kayak kemaren.....xixiixixiixixixi) :D
    lanjut cerita ah,
    duet Top dan Lost di depan kelas mendapat sambutan meriah, tak kurang pak Rektor sendiri, Prof. De Hati Albus Dumbledore menyalami mereka... mulai saat itu nama mereka berdua berkibar2 di kampus, setenar Wright brothers, maupun Warner brothers...
    (@LiC: ditelpon gak Lost? hehe, eh kalo nelpon ngmongin apa seh?)
    dan setiap acara campus mereka d undang u menjadi bintang tamunya..
    setiap mereka memeriahkan acara selalu saja ada yg mencoba u mendekati..namun
    (@top:d telpon.....hehehhehe.... ngomongin apa ajah yg bisaa d omongin...xixixiixixi)
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
    sam nite juga.... bentar lagi ada tlp.... :D
    (semoga ga ketiduran lagi kayak kemaren.....xixiixixiixixixi) :D
    lanjut cerita ah,
    duet Top dan Lost di depan kelas mendapat sambutan meriah, tak kurang pak Rektor sendiri, Prof. De Hati Albus Dumbledore menyalami mereka... mulai saat itu nama mereka berdua berkibar2 di kampus, setenar Wright brothers, maupun Warner brothers...
    (@LiC: ditelpon gak Lost? hehe, eh kalo nelpon ngmongin apa seh?)
    dan setiap acara campus mereka d undang u menjadi bintang tamunya..
    setiap mereka memeriahkan acara selalu saja ada yg mencoba u mendekati..namun
    (@top:d telpon.....hehehhehe.... ngomongin apa ajah yg bisaa d omongin...xixixiixixi)
    namun sayang beribu/berbapak sayang, Top yg jauh lebih ganteng (wakaka) drpd Lost selalu menolak cowok maupun cewek yg mendekatinya, ah Top memang cowok setia.. beda ama Lost yg hayuk aja, apalagi hari ini waktu pak satpam nyamperin dia...
    (@lost: hehe, suka heran, kenapa adaaaa aja topik pembicaraan yak?)
  • top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    top_secret wrote:
    ho oh lost,,, bagian yang ini:
    you upset me (girl?:p)
    and then you kiss my lips
    all of a sudden I forgive
    cant remember what you did...
    I hate... you know exactly how to touch, so that i dont want to fuss and fight no more
    said I despise that I adore you..
    maka lost pun berkata
    makes love that u can enjoy..
    even in a big fuss u still can think positive
    and if u want to be understanded by him then understand him
    (@top: mungkin kayak gitu.....xixiixixiixi)
    ho oh daaahhh...:)
    lanjut ceritanya.. tapi ngantuk.. bsok aja ya, skrng mao telpon pacar dulu... hehehe.. nite Lost..
    sam nite juga.... bentar lagi ada tlp.... :D
    (semoga ga ketiduran lagi kayak kemaren.....xixiixixiixixixi) :D
    lanjut cerita ah,
    duet Top dan Lost di depan kelas mendapat sambutan meriah, tak kurang pak Rektor sendiri, Prof. De Hati Albus Dumbledore menyalami mereka... mulai saat itu nama mereka berdua berkibar2 di kampus, setenar Wright brothers, maupun Warner brothers...
    (@LiC: ditelpon gak Lost? hehe, eh kalo nelpon ngmongin apa seh?)
    dan setiap acara campus mereka d undang u menjadi bintang tamunya..
    setiap mereka memeriahkan acara selalu saja ada yg mencoba u mendekati..namun
    (@top:d telpon.....hehehhehe.... ngomongin apa ajah yg bisaa d omongin...xixixiixixi)
    namun sayang beribu/berbapak sayang, Top yg jauh lebih ganteng (wakaka) drpd Lost selalu menolak cowok maupun cewek yg mendekatinya, ah Top memang cowok setia.. beda ama Lost yg hayuk aja, apalagi hari ini waktu pak satpam nyamperin dia...
    (@lost: hehe, suka heran, kenapa adaaaa aja topik pembicaraan yak?)
    dia ga ngapa2in karena dia slalu terngiang2 dengan cintanya :P (wekkssss)... lain dgn top yang...
    (@top: mungkin karena ada sinkronasi perasaan???....xixixiixiixixi)
  • Top yang apa dunk? kok dibalik lg seh, susah lanjutinya, haha..
    (@lost: atau mabuk kepayang?lol)
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