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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Gay men, straight women share brain detail: report

edited June 2008 in BoyzRoom
Gay men, straight women share brain detail: report

LONDON (Reuters) - Gay men and straight women share some characteristics in the area of the brain responsible for emotion, mood and anxiety, researchers said on Monday in a study highlighting the potential biological underpinning of sexuality.

Brain scans also showed the same symmetry among lesbians and straight men, the researchers wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“The observations cannot be easily attributed to perception or behavior,” the researchers from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute wrote. “Whether they may relate to processes laid down during the fetal or postnatal development is an open question.”

A number of studies have looked at the roles genetic, biological and environmental factors play in sexual orientation but little evidence exists that any plays an all-important role. Many scientists believe both nature and nurture play a part.

Brain scans of 90 volunteers showed that the brains of heterosexual men and homosexual women were slightly asymmetric with the right hemisphere slightly larger than the left, Ivanka Savic and Pers Lindstrom wrote. The brains of gay men and heterosexual women were not.

Then they measured blood flow to the amygdala — the area key for the “fight-or-flight” response — and found it was wired in a similar fashion in gay men and heterosexual women as well as lesbians and heterosexual men.

The researchers added that the study cannot say whether the differences in brain shape are inherited or due to exposure to hormones such as testosterone in the womb and if they are responsible for sexual orientation.

But this is something they plan to look at in a further study of newborn babies to see if it can help predict future sexual orientation.

“These observations motivate more extensive investigations of larger study groups and prompt for a better understanding of the neurobiology of homosexuality,” they wrote.


heh, ternyata...

tambah alasan lagi kalo gay itu normal :D


  • sapa yg pernah bilang gay itu gak normal???
    yg aneh tuh str8 tauk!
    kok bisa2nya suka ama makhluk kayak cewe??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
    (utk cewe2,gue cuma becandong lho)
  • vinn wrote:
    sapa yg pernah bilang gay itu gak normal???
    yg aneh tuh str8 tauk!
    kok bisa2nya suka ama makhluk kayak cewe??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
    (utk cewe2,gue cuma becandong lho)

  • Penelitian seperti ini sudah dilakukan pula oleh bbrp peneliti di luar negeri, memang sih hasilnya bisa dijadikan dasar pemikiran,
    tapi terlepas dari adanya hasil penelitian tersebut atau tidak, homosexualitas akan mendapatkan tempatnya sendiri di tengah masyarakat, walaupun dengan cara yang lebih rumit.
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