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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Informasi Buku gay Dari USA

edited August 2008 in BoyzRoom
Teman - teman di manapun, ada tidak yang pernah baca buku dari USA yang bicara soal Homoseksual? Baik soal konteks Islam, budaya, sosial, Novel, sejarah yang dalam bentuk bahasa Inggris.
Kalau misal teman - teman ada yang punya referensi yang bagus dan sangat baik bisa dibaca banyak orang. boleh saya kasih tahu judul dan jika boleh saya bisa minta Buku nya.
Tapi bukunya tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok homoseksual, maksudnya yang isinya sangat berpihak pada kelompok homoseksual.

Saya baru - baru ini ketemu seorang US Embasy, dia kebetulan kerja untuk penerjemahan buku - buku USA. Jadi waktu saya katakan bahwa saya adalah Ativis gay di Indonesia. Ibu itu sampaikan jika ada buku - buku USA yang bertema Homoseksual mungkin bisa kasih tahu saya, biar di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dan akan menjadi bahan yang baik untuk perjuangan hak - hak kelompok gay.

Mungkin teman - teman di mana pun ya kalau ada yang tahu buku dari USA, bisa kasih info kepada saya. Biar ini bisa menjadi koleksi buku di Indonesia,dan pihak US Embasy bisa terjemahkan buku tersebut. Tapi kalau bisa ada sekitar 5 atau beberapa buku begitu. Biar ada pilihan.

Mungkin bagi teman - teman yang ada di Luar Negeri bisa bantu untuk ini.




  • m114.gif
    SoRry...BaBy...I Don`t KnoW aBout ThaT
    MaYbe anyOne can heLp...

    (Abxis...u KnoW SomeThin`??)
  • m114.gif
    SoRry...BaBy...I Don`t KnoW aBout ThaT
    MaYbe anyOne can heLp...

    (Abxis...u KnoW SomeThin`??)

    kenapa harus abxis??? :? :? :?
  • sip banget. gua mendukung .

    kalo bukunya dah keluar gua mau beli.
  • stallion wrote:
    sip banget. gua mendukung .

    kalo bukunya dah keluar gua mau beli.
    we waiting
  • vinn wrote:
    SoRry...BaBy...I Don`t KnoW aBout ThaT
    MaYbe anyOne can heLp...

    (Abxis...u KnoW SomeThin`??)

    kenapa harus abxis??? :? :? :?
    AXIS, GSM yang baek soal nya... :?:
  • wee2x wrote:
    vinn wrote:
    SoRry...BaBy...I Don`t KnoW aBout ThaT
    MaYbe anyOne can heLp...

    (Abxis...u KnoW SomeThin`??)

    kenapa harus abxis??? :? :? :?
    AXIS, GSM yang baek soal nya... :?:

    apaan sih loe??? :? :? :?
  • Hummm... Dulu sey pernah dapet (eh... liat) buku judulnya "Homosexual and Civil Society"

    Tapi ada satu kendala....


    Makanya dulu mending baca resensinya aja dah cukup puas...
  • kamu ada rekomendasi buku yang bagus?



    pilatme wrote:
  • mungkin Strangers At The Gate nya Mel White :wink:
  • Bagaimana bisa dapat buku itu, buku itu cerita soal apa?


    AVATAR wrote:
    Hummm... Dulu sey pernah dapet (eh... liat) buku judulnya "Homosexual and Civil Society"

    Tapi ada satu kendala....


    Makanya dulu mending baca resensinya aja dah cukup puas...
  • toyo wrote:
    Bagaimana bisa dapat buku itu, buku itu cerita soal apa?


    AVATAR wrote:
    Hummm... Dulu sey pernah dapet (eh... liat) buku judulnya "Homosexual and Civil Society"

    Tapi ada satu kendala....


    Makanya dulu mending baca resensinya aja dah cukup puas...
    gw jugaz
  • Bukan USA tapi Inggris
    Bukan menyangkut homoseksual saja tapi segala mitos tentang HIV/AIDS khususnya di Indonesia

    The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS oleh Elizabeth Pisani, Granta Books, London, 2008

    Masih baru saja baca sih, tapi menarik juga

    ... One of the first people we spoke to was Fuad, a twenty-one-year-old lad who occasionally worked as a truck driver's assistant and who bought sex from waria. Fuad's girlfriend lived in Bandung, a university town in the cool hills west [sic.] of Jakarta. Because his truck work was intermittent, he occasionally supplemented his income by giving blow-jobs or selling anal sex to men who cruised in one of Jakarta's few parks, outside the Finance Ministry beneath the bulging thighs of the monumental, bare-chested Papuan who was symbolically breaking free of the shackles of Dutch colonization. Sex with men was just a cash thing; Fuad was straight. To remind himself of that, he migh occasionally want someone to give him a blow-job. But that's not something you can ask of a 'nice girl'; Fuad shared a common perception that oral sex is insulting to women, including female sex workers. So he went to a waria, also known less politely as banci (prononced banchee).

    "If I go to a banci, well, it's that I'm thinking of my girlfriend," Fuad told our research team. "I'm 100 per cent into women. Don't think that because I go to a banci I'm a fag. I'm not into that at all."

    Fuad's girlfriend was doubtless a nice girl. She also worked the streets of Bandung at night. So here we have a self-proclaimed heterosexual guy who has unpaid sex with a woman who sells sex to other men, while himself also selling sex to other men and buying it from transgendered sex workers. He pushed a lot of the "high risk" button for HIV infection, yet he wasn't a female sex worker, a client, a drug injector, a gay man, or a student. He didn't fit into a single one of our questionnaire boxes.

    The truth is, real people don't have sex in boxes. ..."

    katanya sih mau diterbitkan di Indonesia
  • how about this?


    Boellstorff, Tom, 2005, The Gay Archipelago: Sexuality and Nation in Indonesia, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford

    Baru nemu di perpustakaan tapi belom dibaca, jadi belom bisa komen
  • babylon wrote:
    Bukan USA tapi Inggris
    Bukan menyangkut homoseksual saja tapi segala mitos tentang HIV/AIDS khususnya di Indonesia

    The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS oleh Elizabeth Pisani, Granta Books, London, 2008

    Masih baru saja baca sih, tapi menarik juga

    ... One of the first people we spoke to was Fuad, a twenty-one-year-old lad who occasionally worked as a truck driver's assistant and who bought sex from waria. Fuad's girlfriend lived in Bandung, a university town in the cool hills west [sic.] of Jakarta. Because his truck work was intermittent, he occasionally supplemented his income by giving blow-jobs or selling anal sex to men who cruised in one of Jakarta's few parks, outside the Finance Ministry beneath the bulging thighs of the monumental, bare-chested Papuan who was symbolically breaking free of the shackles of Dutch colonization. Sex with men was just a cash thing; Fuad was straight. To remind himself of that, he migh occasionally want someone to give him a blow-job. But that's not something you can ask of a 'nice girl'; Fuad shared a common perception that oral sex is insulting to women, including female sex workers. So he went to a waria, also known less politely as banci (prononced banchee).

    "If I go to a banci, well, it's that I'm thinking of my girlfriend," Fuad told our research team. "I'm 100 per cent into women. Don't think that because I go to a banci I'm a fag. I'm not into that at all."

    Fuad's girlfriend was doubtless a nice girl. She also worked the streets of Bandung at night. So here we have a self-proclaimed heterosexual guy who has unpaid sex with a woman who sells sex to other men, while himself also selling sex to other men and buying it from transgendered sex workers. He pushed a lot of the "high risk" button for HIV infection, yet he wasn't a female sex worker, a client, a drug injector, a gay man, or a student. He didn't fit into a single one of our questionnaire boxes.

    The truth is, real people don't have sex in boxes. ..."

    katanya sih mau diterbitkan di Indonesia

    Gw udh baca buku ini, memang menarik, Sejauh yg gw tangkap (krn belum selesai baca) menurut buku ini HIV /AIDS dbiarkan berkembang karena HIV / AIDS ini adalah lahan bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan, ( how cruel!!)
    Menurut info temen gw buku ini udah dijual bebas di jakarta, dan kemarn dia beli di Periplus Plaza Senayan Rp.200 ribuan,
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