Dear member friends,
Gue mau berbagi perasaan gue nih. Gue bahagia banget hari ini, benar2 gue nggak pernah sebahagia ini sebelumnya dalam hidup gue. Akhirnya penantian gue, kesabaran gue terjawab juga. Kalo kata Bryan Adams, I finally found someone
My boyfriend, he's such a perfect man for me. He’s 30 years old, he has blonde hairs, blue eyes with glasses, and of course slim body. He was in the military service before, tapi setelah selesai kuliah, sekarang dia bekerja sebagai hakim masih di negara dia di Jerman.
I'm soo happy guys. The way he kiss me, the way he look at me, the way he do my whole body, they’re such beautiful moments. Gue dan dia adalah gay yang tidak "terbuka" terutama kepada keluarga dan teman2, apalagi dengan pekerjaan dia yg sekarang, jadi kita mengerti satu sama lain. Dan kita TIDAK percaya bahwa di masa muda kita yang sekarang ini, seharusnya kita isi dengan ber-senang2, having sex with all the guys that we want to, drunk in gay pubs, or anything else like that, dan gue sangat bersyukur bisa bertemu dg dia.
Anyway, yang ingin gue tekan-kan disini adalah percaya bahwa kesabaran pasti akan terjawab, even it will cost you time, empty or lonely feeling, and tired. But, if you believe what you do is right, love will find its own way, in UNEXPECTED way. Well... He’s waiting in bed now
I should go for him. Bye guys!
Neptune. Selamat yah.
good luck with your relationship !
semoga gua juga bisa nemuin apa yang lo rasakan!
selamat, dan pertahankan kebahagiaan lu.........
it's too sweet............
common guys, bikin hidup lebih hidup (kek iklan)
but it's true, dengan kerja keras kita pasti akan dapatkan kebahagiaan itu
contohnya teman kita yang diatas tersebut.......
hampir setiap orang membicarakannya..
tetapi hanya sedikit orang yg pernah menemukannya...
wwooowww, thanx for the tips!!!!
I will find my love! I will !!!
dah menemukan pasangan hidupmu
Hope you almays happy and live together forever
Dear member friends,
Thank you soo much for your support teman2, you’re such wonderful friends! Yesterday, we walked in a lake in north of Germany. The weather was so nice, so just me and him, without my study or his cases in our head (biasanya dia suka bawa pulang kerjaan dia kerumah). We cook our dinner together, drink wine, and of course beers. Like the other Germany man, he loves his beer very much, gue sendiri nggak bisa minum beer banyak2, gampang mabuk soalnya, hehe... kalo wine masih ok. Then we watch movie, go to bed, cuddling and naked (hehe...) It was such a very very beautiful moment in my life and I still don’t believe its happen to me. I wish I can show you our picture guyz... So U can see how cute he is : ) I’ll try my best to keep our relationship goes well. He’s still sleeping at the moment : ) See you!!!
Moga² dia yang terakhir buat kamu!
anyway, slmet juga deh buat yg punya warung, ga sabar pngen liat pic xan
aku punya loh ramuan lengket ?
nama ramuannya "Power Glue"...