BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • cloe wrote:
    sex... lagian kan ngesex pake selangkangan bukan pake mulut... selama ngesex bisa ngemil dong ;)

    ngemil apaan?????
  • cloe wrote:
    sex... lagian kan ngesex pake selangkangan bukan pake mulut... selama ngesex bisa ngemil dong ;)

    ngemil apaan?????

    terong ;)
  • makanan aja yah :)
  • Vote to food
  • SEX with my dream-guy??? *Glenn Alinskie* :P :P :P
    Mana bisa nolak???24 hours bukan berarti non-stop sex kan?Yang penting he's mine.. :wink:

    Kalo FOOD...masih bisa dibeli pake uang.. 8)
  • cloe wrote:
    sex... lagian kan ngesex pake selangkangan bukan pake mulut... selama ngesex bisa ngemil dong ;)

    tapi gue masih milih food tuh
  • kaleb wrote:
    cloe wrote:
    sex... lagian kan ngesex pake selangkangan bukan pake mulut... selama ngesex bisa ngemil dong ;)

    tapi gue masih milih food tuh cuma bisa bikin gendut.....mending sex...itung2 kita olahraga...tapi nikmat....hi...hi...hi......
  • terbukti anak2 Bf pada gendut2 terbukti pada milih Food semua he..he..
  • 2 2 nya penting
  • Mao ngesex ke..
    Mao makan ke..
    Tetep..minumnya teh botol sosro..
    Huehe.. 8)
    (norak mode: ON)
    Gw plih.. Brent Corrigan..
    Uh.. :twisted:
  • Has anybody ever thought that some people sell their body (sex) so they'll be able to buy food, and some sell food (work) to be able to buy sex.. Or is it the other way around? Hehe anyway both food and sex are primary needs, which when fulfilled, leave us feeling full and content, to the point that we want nothing more of it for a few moment. Biasanya setelah makan kenyang, perlu beberapa jam lagi untuk menimbulkan nafsu makan (baca: lapar). Dan setelah an episode of a hot sweaty wild sex, perlu beberapa jam untuk bisa horny lagi. Which leaves us the one million dollar question -tergantung masing2- dlm 24 jam bisa berapa kali makan dan berapa kali ml? I personally opt for sexual fulfillment with the-oh-so-many man of my desire which would undoubtedly be the ultimate experience, than to satisfy my culinary curiousity. Adieu
  • Has anybody ever thought that some people sell their body (sex) so they'll be able to buy food, and some sell food (work) to be able to buy sex.. Or is it the other way around? Hehe anyway both food and sex are primary needs, which when fulfilled, leave us feeling full and content, to the point that we want nothing more of it for a few moment. Biasanya setelah makan kenyang, perlu beberapa jam lagi untuk menimbulkan nafsu makan (baca: lapar). Dan setelah an episode of a hot sweaty wild sex, perlu beberapa jam untuk bisa horny lagi. Which leaves us the one million dollar question -tergantung masing2- dlm 24 jam bisa berapa kali makan dan berapa kali ml? I personally opt for sexual fulfillment with the-oh-so-many man of my desire which would undoubtedly be the ultimate experience, than to satisfy my culinary curiousity. Adieu
  • Sorry guys.. Double post.. Blame it to state- of-the-art opera mini and the not-so-thrilling im3 connection. Maap.. Maap..
  • 2 2 nya penting

    gak ada yg bilang 2 2 nya ga penting. just pick one my fren..
  • romire wrote:
    Pertanyaan ini ingetin gw sama serial friends, yang sempet juga punya pertanyaan yg sama... kalo gak salah rachel (jennifer aniston) yang nyelutuk...

    dan Joey gak bisa jawab antara food dan sex....

    (gw penggemar serial FRIENDS soalnya hehehehe)

    Btw, gw milih FOOD...! of course...

    rachel : mon what will u choose?? food or sex??
    monica : food
    rachel : ross whad about u??
    ross : sex
    rachel : joey??
    joey : food ... sex ... food ... sex ...
    i cant choose ... i want woman on bread!! :lol:

    ugh .. too much watching friends ... ampe hapal
    but for me i want breakfast on bed with my bf and we make love after dat
    or do kinky stuffs like licking jam off his body :oops:
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