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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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I'm in Love with MARIO MAURER (Love Of Siam) :)



  • Buat yang cari link rapidshare THE LOVE OF SIAM g dah masukin di:
  • kalo gw cewek
    pasti udah gw tempelin photo2 dia
    di kamar
    hasil nge print dari flashdisk hehehe
  • Nih comment mario soal gay kiss dia di The love of Siam

    News reports that Love of Siam contains a gay relationship at its heart are slowly dribbling out. INN News, in one story, asks Mario Maurer, who plays Tong, how he felt about acting the kissing scene with 'Pitch' Wichawisit Hiranwongkul.

    Mario says it didn't take long to get used to the idea that they would have to share an intimate scene.

    'Before we started, I spoke to the director, who said it was an important scene - a turning point in the whole film. We had to have this scene. I am confident in Mat-Deaw. If he thinks it's a good thing, then so do I.'

    The gay kissing scene was strong, as mainstream Thai films go. But Mario says he was just acting. To be good at their craft, actors have to be prepared to take on challenges.

    Mario also asked his parents about the kissing scene, but they had no complaints, as they knew he was just doing his job as an actor. He was delighted to have become a darling of the gay set (all fans are welcome), and says he is not worried about the reaction from straight men who may dislike the fact that he acted in a gay role.

    'I think you have to look at this another way. This kind of thing happens everywhere...we should try to open our hearts and accept it.'

    While maintaining he is all man (straight), Mario says gays have a charm of their own. They were members of society just like anyone else, and the more fans for him, the better.

    Told that gay webboards were festooned with adoring comments about him, Mario professed surprise, but said it was probably just the result of audiences getting 'in' with his character.

    What a cool guy he is :lol:

  • Gw kok ga rela ya kalau mereka straight. Gw pengen mario maurer dan witwisit pacaran beneran. Dunia pasti akan semakin indah.
    Tp gw baca di forum cina, mereka straight, gimana donk??
    Yg gw harap sih karena mereka dah pernah ciuman, jadi ketagihan gituh (kayak lagunya decha stardut) hehehehe.

    Tp menurut kalian mereka gay gak ya?? Kok dari mukanya kata gw gay beneran ya. Abis menghayati banget tatapan matanya berdua, dapet banget.
  • gawat, cowok cowok keren ini bermusuhan dalam kehidupan nyata.
    Padahal gw ngarep mereka berdua pacaran beneran neh.

    Siam Rath online newspaper says it has detected signs of a strained relationship between the lead actors of the Thai coming-of-age drama, Love of Siam.

    A journalist went along to watch a concert held by the boyband August which featured in the film. The 'Love of Siam special greeting' concert was presented by Nokia Music.

    The band was created for the film, and has performed in public to promote the movie.

    However, its young members show signs of wanting to stay together as a band, and according to the newspaper, performed on this occasion to promote a new album.

    Lead signer for the band is 'Pitch' Wichawisit Hiranwongkul who played Music in the film. He falls in love with Mario's character, Tong.

    Mario was not a member of the band in the movie, though has sung with the band off screen to promote the film. So it was on the day when Siam Rath went along to watch.

    Mario was invited as a 'special guest' , but Pitch, also host of the show, treated him as if he was a mere outsider, the newspaper says.

    'After introducing everyone else and inviting them on stage, Pitch said there was only one person left, referring to Mario, and invited him on stage without even mentioning his name,' it says.

    ''How are you, Mario?'' asked Pitch.

    ''Okay,'' said Mario, who then sang with Pitch as the band performed.'

    Mario did not do much. He performed rap-like interjections - 'Yo, yo - Say what?' while the others sang. But that was enough to get his fans screaming

    Siam Rath says the pair appeared remote and distant, which is at odds with the close relationship they enjoyed in the film. Pitch looked as if he was not happy to have Mario there, even though he was one of the highlights which drew fans to the concert.

    'If you regarded this as the first concert to promote August as a band in its own right, then you would not have been disappointed, and fans were screaming throughout,' said the newspaper.

    'However, if you regarded this as a Love of Siam concert then you might feel let down.

    'I was not expecting the pair to embrace one another or play with each other's tongues [share a gay kiss - see picture above] as they did in the film. However, both found fame in the movie, and they should come across as closer than they do.

    'It looked as if the pair did not want to talk to each other, stand close together, or be photographed together.'

    The journalist said he noticed a similar distance between Pitch and Mario when they performed with August in an earlier concert, in Siam Square.

    He wonders if Pitch is afraid of being tagged as gay, as a result of acting the role of Tong's lover in the film.

    'Maybe he is trying to put distance between himself and the boy with whom he fell in love in the movie.'
  • i still more like brent corrigant...
    kalo aja si mario tambah kekar dikit gk banyak2 dia pasti lebih keren lagi..

    kalo si brent ini akan muncul di sequel film another gay movie yg dibuat sekuelnya. Dia tampil sbg cameo.. Wow pasti keren bgt. Kira2 muncul summer thn ini berbarengan dgn indiana jones,incredible hulk... Yg pasti promosinya gk terlalu gencar..

  • i still more like brent corrigant...
    kalo aja si mario tambah kekar dikit gk banyak2 dia pasti lebih keren lagi..

    kalo si brent ini akan muncul di sequel film another gay movie yg dibuat sekuelnya. Dia tampil sbg cameo.. Wow pasti keren bgt. Kira2 muncul summer thn ini berbarengan dgn indiana jones,incredible hulk... Yg pasti promosinya gk terlalu gencar..


    Aiih.. siaal... :shock:
    putingnya itu lho...
    lg horny yah, dy? :P

    gw suka gaya rambutnya... (^-^)
  • Yah ngak bisa compare lah western ama asian :P

    Kalo yg ini lebih baek compare ama Zack Efron abis mirip2 :P[/url]
  • Mario... Diriku Padamu....

    Brent... Diriku juga Padamu....

    hehe.... :P
  • bdg_boy19 wrote:
    Mario... Diriku Padamu....

    Brent... Diriku juga Padamu....

    hehe.... :P

    Gw kok ga suka sama Brent Corrigan ya, soalnya rada2 ngondek seh, hehehhehee.
    Bagi gw, Mario is the best lah.
  • Cute....... dia itu chinese atau philipines sih???
  • R1CR1C
    edited September 2008
  • so what do u think about pich (witwisit), guys?? is he manly or narak (cutie)
    neh, pendapat orang-orang tentang pich di forum sebelah :
    1. n'Pitch is manly??
    it reminds of a talk show in Thailand where a host interviewed Mario (the boy who played Tong). He asked how would Mario think of Pitch, narak (cute) or man? Mario replied ' ... man' and audiences were laughing behind.
    2. But what most people believe to be true, including me, is that Pichy is not straight.
    3. mm, was that kiss on the cheek shown in the director's cut; if not, i'd say it was a spontaneous act on mario's part after the "cut" kissing scene and after mario patted pichy's head. hey, it was like mario actually showing his affection!
    4. Actually Pchy seems to be the more talkative compared to Mario, who seems to be the more shy one in real life. ya ... perhaps it is inborn, he seems to like to flaunt a lot. Gay trait i guess. Although i prefer the Asian look of Mew, i find charm in Oh.
    5. So who here thinks that dear Witwisit "Pich" Hirunwongkul is not getting enough attention in this thread? Off screen, he looks way yummier than Mario don't you think?
    6. seen a few Mew's off scene videos from youtube. He is definitely the soft soft type. Which was why the audience laughed when n'Oh describe him as 'manly' .... as if there is an intention to cover up something.
    7. oh don't we all wish Pchy's gay...
  • forum apa ni :D ada ya forumnya bahasa inggris yg ngebahas pchy ?? :D kalo bahsa thailand ga ngerti hehehehe..
  • ramirez wrote:
    forum apa ni :D ada ya forumnya bahasa inggris yg ngebahas pchy ?? :D kalo bahsa thailand ga ngerti hehehehe..

    forum ( singapore) dan forum tieban (Cina). Kalo bahasa thai gw ora ngerti deh.
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