*Kiss on the stomach
"lets have sex"
*Kiss on the Forehead ----"Forever you will be mine"
*Kiss on the Ear ---"I'm horny"
*Kiss on the Cheek ---"We're friends"
*Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you"
*Kiss on the Neck ---"We belong together"
*Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you"
*Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you" OR "I want you"
*Holding Hands ---"We can learn to love each other"
*Slap on the Butt ---"That's mine"
*Playing with the Ear ---"I can't live without you"
*Holding on tight ---"Don't let go"
*Looking into each other's Eyes ---"Don't leave me"
*Playing with Hair on Head ---"Tell me you love me"
*Arms around the Waist ---"I love you too much to let go"
*Laughing while Kissing ---"I am completely Comfortable with you"
'sreeeeeeeet HOP
gw tau loe ngebayangin siapa.... LOL
gw tau siapa yang lo maksud... geulueh ah !!!!
I received these kinds of kisses completely ini my past :oops:
jadi terharu
tinggal teriak yolaaaaa, beres !!
ngaku aja ratu .....
masa' jaim terus .....
Ratu ada affair dg Dukun?
kalau kepepet palingan secelup dua celup
(bisa2 dikutuk jadi keong racun....hihihiihihhhh.....)