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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Rahasia ..... psst jgn bilang2



  • Only tell me that you still want me here
    When you wander off out there
    To those hills of dust and hard winds that blow
    In that dry white ocean alone Lost out in the desert
    you are lost out in the desert
    But to stand with you in a ring of fire
    I'll forget the days gone by
    I'll protect your body and guard your soul
    From mirages in your sight Lost out in the desert

    If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
    I'll be the moon that shines on your path
    The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
    for snow to fall on the Sahara
    If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
    I'll hold you up and be your way out
    And if we burn away,
    I'll pray the skies above for snow to fall on the Sahara

    Just a wish and I will cover your shoulders
    With veils of silk and gold
    When the shadows come and darken your heart
    Leaving you with regrets so cold Lost out in the desert

    If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
    I'll be the moon that shines on your path
    The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
    for snow to fall on the Sahara
    If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
    I'll hold you up and be your way out
    And if we burn away,
    I'll pray the skies above for snow to fall on the Sahara

    I will guard you.... no matter what......
    HOWL!!! ZABIMARU!!!!!!!!!!!
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    What a song,

    every letters and words Representative all of my feeling every single day and night...

    lol, bayar lho kalo mo denger tabi nyanyi :P
    ga punya duit.... Gajian masi lama...

    ya udah, ditagih ntar kalo dah gajian, ok?
    dah di anggarkan u ongkos k jkt minggu dpn :P

    hoooo ke jkt ya? ntar mampir ke bdg gak?
    maybe.... Klo ad kesempatan... :wink:

    ama sapa aja? ama anak2 jkt? dmn gathnya? tgl 1 yah? mungkin tabi mo ke dufan bareng aka kalo aka sempet huehuehuehuhe
    wah biasanya gw yang nanya2 eh ini di tanya, berjibun pula pertanyaanya bingung jadinya .... :P
    Have a nice time with aka, :wink:

    tabi kan emang dr jkt, kalo gath sering diundang tapi gak pernah dateng. Tabi paling bikin gath kecil2an aja di sekitar Djakarta Theater hehehehehe.... gak enak aja ketemuan rame2 trus pada gak kenal. Makanya orang2 yg tabi kenal dari bf tuh emang bener2 tabi kenal, meskipun jumlahnya sedikit.
    ya di manfaatin lah waktu yg ada u kenalan sebanyak2nya.... :)
    (di jatah per orang kenalan 10 detik.......xiixixiixixixiix)

    huhuhuh quality over quantity huheuheuhuehuehe makanya isi fs tabi aja orang yg tabi kenal beneran doang huehuehuehuhuee
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    huhuhuh quality over quantity huheuheuhuehuehe makanya isi fs tabi aja orang yg tabi kenal beneran doang huehuehuehuhuee

    yes i know..... tapi kan semakin banyak kenal ntar kita bisa memperdalam quality setiap mereka... semakin banyak semakin kita tau berbagai macam karakter :wink: :wink:
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    huhuhuh quality over quantity huheuheuhuehuehe makanya isi fs tabi aja orang yg tabi kenal beneran doang huehuehuehuhuee

    yes i know..... tapi kan semakin banyak kenal ntar kita bisa memperdalam quality setiap mereka... semakin banyak semakin kita tau berbagai macam karakter :wink: :wink:

    hehehehehe waktunya euyyy blom ada huehuehuehuehe
  • Love of my life, you hurt me,
    You broken my heart, now you leave me.

    Love of my life cant you see,
    Bring it back bring it back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.

    Love of my life dont leave me,
    Youve stolen my love now desert me,

    Love of my life cant you see,
    Bring it back bring it back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.

    You will remember when this is blown over,
    And everythings all by the way,
    When I grow older,
    I will be there by your side,
    To remind how I still love you
    I still love you.

    Hurry back hurry back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    huhuhuh quality over quantity huheuheuhuehuehe makanya isi fs tabi aja orang yg tabi kenal beneran doang huehuehuehuhuee

    yes i know..... tapi kan semakin banyak kenal ntar kita bisa memperdalam quality setiap mereka... semakin banyak semakin kita tau berbagai macam karakter :wink: :wink:

    hehehehehe waktunya euyyy blom ada huehuehuehuehe
    sediakan waktu, waktu pasti ada... Mungkin tabi sibuk ma aka sih... :P
  • hehehehehe finally it's over.....

    all the best for you
  • duh tabi emang pilihan lagunya mantep2 banget euy.. ini juga mantep.. ingetin saya sama film seri mandarin.. bintangnya tuh F4.. haahahhaa geli ah kalo inget jaman dulu..
    taurus_bi wrote:
    Love of my life, you hurt me,
    You broken my heart, now you leave me.

    Love of my life cant you see,
    Bring it back bring it back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.

    Love of my life dont leave me,
    Youve stolen my love now desert me,

    Love of my life cant you see,
    Bring it back bring it back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.

    You will remember when this is blown over,
    And everythings all by the way,
    When I grow older,
    I will be there by your side,
    To remind how I still love you
    I still love you.

    Hurry back hurry back,
    Dont take it away from me,
    Because you dont know what it means to me.
  • over gimana bi? putus? eh om, kapan ke singapore?
    taurus_bi wrote:
    hehehehehe finally it's over.....

    all the best for you
  • Wah, pimpy ngarep gtabi ya
    Kemarin gak jadi ma de batax
    Lord Pimpy wrote:
    over gimana bi? putus? eh om, kapan ke singapore?
    taurus_bi wrote:
    hehehehehe finally it's over.....

    all the best for you
  • kagak lah om.. tabi ini hanya gadun saya.. *loh??? so, kapan ke sini tabi? laki lo diajak juga?
    giripeni wrote:
    Wah, pimpy ngarep gtabi ya
    Kemarin gak jadi ma de batax
  • Dan...
    Bila esok datang kembali
    Seperti sedia kala dimana kau bisa bercanda

    Perlahan kaupun, lupakan aku
    Mimpi burukmu
    Dimana t'lah kutancapkan duri tajam
    Kaupun menangis, menangis sedih
    Maafkan aku...

    Bukan maksudku, bukan inginku
    Melukaimu sadarkah kau di sini 'kupun terluka
    Melupakanmu, menepikanmu
    Maafkan aku
    Lupakanlah saja diriku
    Bila itu bisa membuatmu kembali bersinar
    Dan berpijar seperti dulu kala

    caci maki saja diriku
    Bila itu bisa membuatmu kembali bersinar
    Dan berpijar seperti dulu kala


    maaf, kalo aku nyakitin kamu......
    tapi aku gak pernah berniat begitu......
    aku memang salah......
    aku pantas kamu benci
    aku cuman punya satu hati, hanya itu yang aku punya
    benci aku, hukum aku, caci maki aku, pukul aku, tapi aku ingin kamu tersenyum lagi dan bahagia....

    karena kamu dan hanya kamu.... yang bikin aku merasa hidup kembali...

    aku tetap sayang kamu....
  • Lord Pimpy wrote:
    kagak lah om.. tabi ini hanya gadun saya.. *loh??? so, kapan ke sini tabi? laki lo diajak juga?
    giripeni wrote:
    Wah, pimpy ngarep gtabi ya
    Kemarin gak jadi ma de batax

    lol no comment
  • wakakakakak.. eh gadunnya gw, kapan ke singapore? lakinya diajak ke sini juga? wuih mesranya.. i hope i could..
    taurus_bi wrote:
    lol no comment
  • Pimpy kok ngarepnya bertiga

    Mau apa hayo
    (Jadi atut dan ngeyi)
    Lord Pimpy wrote:
    wakakakakak.. eh gadunnya gw, kapan ke singapore? lakinya diajak ke sini juga? wuih mesranya.. i hope i could..
    taurus_bi wrote:
    lol no comment
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