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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Nenek Moyang Pasangan Gay



  • Terry Sie wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    Dear Forget,

    Sebagai tambahan informasi...
    Kebanyakan terjadi di lingkungan kekaisaran China.
    Pelayan (kasim) tersebut juga melayani Ibu Suri, Kaisar, Permaisuri, Selir Kaisar dan semua pejabat yang tinggal di lingkungan kekaisaran.
    Salah satu sumber yang bisa dibaca adalah sebuah buku yang berjudul Maharani.
    Bahkan untuk jabatan Kepala Kasim adalah jabatan yang prestisius, jabatan tersebut bahkan memiliki akses kemana mana sebagai sumbernya informasi di lingkungan kekaisaran China.


    Terry Sie
    tery mao jadi kasim :roll: :roll:
  • de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
  • Jadi inget,,,
    N.M.K ini mah,yak? :D
  • kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
  • de Hati wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
    harus d cek ke tempatnya langsung.... :wink: :lol:
    (udahhhh langsunggg ajahhhhh......................xiixixixixiix)
  • de Hati wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
    harus d cek ke tempatnya langsung.... :wink: :lol:
    (udahhhh langsunggg ajahhhhh......................xiixixixixiix)
    malu aku malu
    pada semut merah
    yang berbaris di dinding
    memandangku curiga
    sedang apa gerangan
    ku berdiri di plangi?

    menanti 'pacar' kataku

    (mesti cepet-cepet ... rabu ini roommatenya dah dateng LOL)
  • de Hati wrote:

    menanti 'pacar' kataku
    (mesti cepet-cepet ... rabu ini roommatenya dah dateng LOL)
    lengkap juga infonya yah om...., selamat..
  • de Hati wrote:
    de Hati wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
    harus d cek ke tempatnya langsung.... :wink: :lol:
    (udahhhh langsunggg ajahhhhh......................xiixixixixiix)
    malu aku malu
    pada semut merah
    yang berbaris di dinding
    memandangku curiga
    sedang apa gerangan
    ku berdiri di plangi?

    menanti 'pacar' kataku

    (mesti cepet-cepet ... rabu ini roommatenya dah dateng LOL)

    bila perlu pake jurus sambaran bango.... biar ga lepas2..... :lol:
    (dia menanti dengan gaun tipis dan udah d siapin breakfast.........xixiixixixiixixix)
  • de Hati wrote:
    de Hati wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
    harus d cek ke tempatnya langsung.... :wink: :lol:
    (udahhhh langsunggg ajahhhhh......................xiixixixixiix)
    malu aku malu
    pada semut merah
    yang berbaris di dinding
    memandangku curiga
    sedang apa gerangan
    ku berdiri di plangi?

    menanti 'pacar' kataku

    (mesti cepet-cepet ... rabu ini roommatenya dah dateng LOL)

    bila perlu pake jurus sambaran bango.... biar ga lepas2..... :lol:
    (dia menanti dengan gaun tipis dan udah d siapin breakfast.........xixiixixixiixixix)

    jgn lupa masak pake kecap bango juga...LOL
  • iam_REBEL wrote:
    de Hati wrote:
    de Hati wrote:
    kalo enggak salah....jaman dulu kan emang banyak yang namanya Kasim.. yaitu para lelaki yang emang sissy atau udah dikebiri.. kerjanya untuk melayani para putri putri istana atau kepala rumah tangga istana.... jadi tuh putri putri kagak bakal selingkuh... ( kebayakan baca novel jaman dulu nih.. he..he..he.he )

    pasti baca novel judulnya 'wanita', ceritanya si Theodora di jaman Romawi kuno LOL

    inget dia mengantil yah bo'... enggak sia sia akhirnya di jemput juga... LOL
    yang kost deket plangi lagi mengantil gak ya? LOL
    harus d cek ke tempatnya langsung.... :wink: :lol:
    (udahhhh langsunggg ajahhhhh......................xiixixixixiix)
    malu aku malu
    pada semut merah
    yang berbaris di dinding
    memandangku curiga
    sedang apa gerangan
    ku berdiri di plangi?

    menanti 'pacar' kataku

    (mesti cepet-cepet ... rabu ini roommatenya dah dateng LOL)

    bila perlu pake jurus sambaran bango.... biar ga lepas2..... :lol:
    (dia menanti dengan gaun tipis dan udah d siapin breakfast.........xixiixixixiixixix)

    jgn lupa masak pake kecap bango juga...LOL
    berdasarkan laporan udah d kasi kecap bangonya hihihih.... trus paginya langsung kerja dehhh.... :lol:
    (yg ngaduk teh ngangur donkk..nyamperin ahhhh.....xiixixixiixixiixixiixixix)
  • de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
    tetek loe sedap juga nggakz ? lol
  • OmiyO wrote:
    de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
    tetek loe sedap juga nggakz ? lol

    waduh.. klo dah kayak gini gw kabur aja ah... j.gif
  • Arth4 wrote:
    OmiyO wrote:
    de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
    tetek loe sedap juga nggakz ? lol

    waduh.. klo dah kayak gini gw kabur aja ah... j.gif

    kabur karena kamu lebih pilih pisang daripada kue pepek yeh??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • vinn wrote:
    Arth4 wrote:
    OmiyO wrote:
    de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
    tetek loe sedap juga nggakz ? lol

    waduh.. klo dah kayak gini gw kabur aja ah... j.gif

    kabur karena kamu lebih pilih pisang daripada kue pepek yeh??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    jij tukang buah apa tukang kue nek?
  • ade juwita wrote:
    vinn wrote:
    Arth4 wrote:
    OmiyO wrote:
    de Hati wrote:

    Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were ancient Egyptian royal servants. They shared the title of Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserre during the Fifth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, circa 2400 B.C., and are listed as "royal confidants" in their joint tomb. They are speculated to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

    The tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum was discovered by Egyptologist Ahmed Moussa in the necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt in 1964, during the excavation of the causeway for the pyramid of King Unas. It is the only tomb in the necropolis where men are displayed embracing and holding hands. In addition, the men's chosen names form a linguistic reference to their closeness:

    Niankhkhnum means "joined to life" and Khnumhotep means "joined to 'the blessed state of the dead'" and together the names can be translated as "joined in life and joined in death"

    In a banquet scene, Niankhkhnum and Khnuhotep are entertained by dancers, clappers, musicians and singers; in another, they oversee their funeral preparations. In the most striking portrayal, the two embrace, noses touching, in the most intimate pose allowed by canonical Egyptian art, surrounded by what would appear to be their heirs.

    Source: Wikipedia -


    sumber lain: A Mystery, Locked in Timeless Embrace

    ngeri2 sedap juga tau ini.
    tetek loe sedap juga nggakz ? lol

    waduh.. klo dah kayak gini gw kabur aja ah... j.gif

    kabur karena kamu lebih pilih pisang daripada kue pepek yeh??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    jij tukang buah apa tukang kue nek?
    mungkin pasar buah.....LOL
    (ada segala macam buah????..............xixixixixiixixi)
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